AH elite
The 7x61 Sharpe&Hart
Once upon the time there was a young arms and technical officer named Phillip B sharpe that happened under a French arsenal tour in 1944 to happen across a intriguing rifle. Alone
In the corner of so many other forgotten and obscure patterns of now moldy remains of history there . A all black rifle looking bit like a Chauchat and probably some Rsc mixed in .
Up he took the rifle and saw its name and little of it that was stamped on it . “ model 1907 ,7mm “ or similar stamped . That’s all and nothing more .
Sharpe asked the crew around there and they knew
Nothing about it . He was allowed to take it with him back home, but
Not before he had done a chamber cast . And then he saw the radical chamber which for sure had nothing to do with primer quality and no powder burning slow enough for it then.
Anyway as Sharpe had much experience and equipment at home . He built a laboratory and technical area to develop it further .
His buddy Richard Hart and him began to experiment with the case and from there find out its reality .
The case was non belted and that was something to take into consideration. As it took many trials and a lot of ruptured.300 HH cases before they got enough to work with.
So SH said enough and kept the belt on the case . And started to work with the various bullets of all weights . I think from 60 grain to Barnes O 195 or 200 grain on top .
A video I found of one of the prototype rifles .
And an excellent article on it , sadly in Danish not seen in English translation. But
Google translate it .
Den ikoniske riffel 7x61 fra Schultz & Larsen - November 2018
Then when Norma had a factory meet up and Sharpe came with his idea and showed cases . Both Amund Enger and Nils Kvale got interested and involved . Mix in Schultz&Larsen little bit later and a legend was born .
Although shortly but it was a Legend .
Later Nils Kvale write In his books that under the work with various ammo . He write about the work with standardizing the wild cat 7-300 Wby that no matter how much powder they fired off there , it didn’t surpass the 7x61 much .
Only thing they gained was a few feet , much pressure and chambers burning .
This made Sharpe saying truthfully that he was on the right track of finding something that was about optimal for a cartridge design and that appeared to behave very
Over here it was a few of them and a now late
Red deer Hunter from the western fjord and mountain areas he took more than 600-700 red deer with his 7mm though many years of the hard mountain hunts done . A light. And handy rifle that have excellent range and performance is some of the things needed there .
Especially when Norma again loaded this one with a factory soft point that was good under some ranges and game , and pointless under others .
But then Nosler came with his Partion and some of the weights were the excellent 160 grain , and up to 175 grain .
These were the cold extruded and cold drilled / filled and crimped NP of different quality and performance. Not so brittle as the later warm ones , and something different.
A little bullet that went many places and did a lot of good work worldwide .
That it was a copy of the excellent RWS HMantel is little spoken about . HMantel is similar , two separate cores , one expanding and the other goes deep and penetrating.
It took quite some effort and machining setup as well as cc for the bullets to hold up, but it also say much about the overall factory being able to do so .
The 7mm was built on many custom actions like a M70, 1903s , and lot more .
In his excellent book Nils Kvale writes about his work regarding other cartridges , they were standardized the data for Weatherby and many others . That one above a certain volume of case capacity were just burning powder and chamber walls .
Sharpe was very interested in that saying that hmm he was in on something when it came to his design . And someone’s else’s that was by long forgotten in a misty cloud of Pernod and Gauloises
As part of the article linked say 160 NP and 175 Rws Fmj were used . I don’t know if the Vmantel was factory loaded or reloaded . But it was used on big game hunting and there it performed well .
In the woods of Norway 5 guys would be building their rifles in the common cartridge . The 7mm I don’t know which action they all built on , but I think since one of them were a gun shop owner , it’s likely 5 like these were chosen to be transferred into the cartridge and then they work on it from there . It was interesting to see how it turned out .
It was like it was something out of Olivanders shop where the wand find its wizard , as one of my favorite authors would write .
Stortrappe - verdens tungeste flyver - Netnatur
This was the first wild game Sand got with his 7mm . 300 meter shot In Hungsry , bird is very shy and have good senses and sight . Can be up to 30 kg in weight.
Here is some pictures of the rifle and gear .
Scope is a newer 3-9x40 Leupold vx2 same as Sand used much of his time and many others also did .
Bullets loaded are Amax 162 and Barnes X , weight unknown.
Brass is
Both SH and Super
Kvale did something few others have done as noted in article also . Due to case quality was so good he took out some material and thinned out case . This made it be similar to 7mm REM and today they are similar . But one is most known and sadly Super is enthusiastic used .
But it’s plenty of data for it , and lot of good bullets . No idea how future for it is , but it would be a fine jungle gun .
Rhino and Woodleigh would be good , especially Woodleigh Hydro . But
I have come across some interesting Finnish copper bullets also that is imported here and in standard cartridges factory loaded is around . So one bullet to try when I finally get the loading gear up .
( first game taken by Sand with his rifle )

Once upon the time there was a young arms and technical officer named Phillip B sharpe that happened under a French arsenal tour in 1944 to happen across a intriguing rifle. Alone
In the corner of so many other forgotten and obscure patterns of now moldy remains of history there . A all black rifle looking bit like a Chauchat and probably some Rsc mixed in .
Up he took the rifle and saw its name and little of it that was stamped on it . “ model 1907 ,7mm “ or similar stamped . That’s all and nothing more .
Sharpe asked the crew around there and they knew
Nothing about it . He was allowed to take it with him back home, but
Not before he had done a chamber cast . And then he saw the radical chamber which for sure had nothing to do with primer quality and no powder burning slow enough for it then.
Anyway as Sharpe had much experience and equipment at home . He built a laboratory and technical area to develop it further .
His buddy Richard Hart and him began to experiment with the case and from there find out its reality .
The case was non belted and that was something to take into consideration. As it took many trials and a lot of ruptured.300 HH cases before they got enough to work with.
So SH said enough and kept the belt on the case . And started to work with the various bullets of all weights . I think from 60 grain to Barnes O 195 or 200 grain on top .
A video I found of one of the prototype rifles .
And an excellent article on it , sadly in Danish not seen in English translation. But
Google translate it .
Den ikoniske riffel 7x61 fra Schultz & Larsen - November 2018
Then when Norma had a factory meet up and Sharpe came with his idea and showed cases . Both Amund Enger and Nils Kvale got interested and involved . Mix in Schultz&Larsen little bit later and a legend was born .
Although shortly but it was a Legend .
Later Nils Kvale write In his books that under the work with various ammo . He write about the work with standardizing the wild cat 7-300 Wby that no matter how much powder they fired off there , it didn’t surpass the 7x61 much .
Only thing they gained was a few feet , much pressure and chambers burning .
This made Sharpe saying truthfully that he was on the right track of finding something that was about optimal for a cartridge design and that appeared to behave very
Over here it was a few of them and a now late
Red deer Hunter from the western fjord and mountain areas he took more than 600-700 red deer with his 7mm though many years of the hard mountain hunts done . A light. And handy rifle that have excellent range and performance is some of the things needed there .
Especially when Norma again loaded this one with a factory soft point that was good under some ranges and game , and pointless under others .
But then Nosler came with his Partion and some of the weights were the excellent 160 grain , and up to 175 grain .
These were the cold extruded and cold drilled / filled and crimped NP of different quality and performance. Not so brittle as the later warm ones , and something different.
A little bullet that went many places and did a lot of good work worldwide .
That it was a copy of the excellent RWS HMantel is little spoken about . HMantel is similar , two separate cores , one expanding and the other goes deep and penetrating.
It took quite some effort and machining setup as well as cc for the bullets to hold up, but it also say much about the overall factory being able to do so .
The 7mm was built on many custom actions like a M70, 1903s , and lot more .
In his excellent book Nils Kvale writes about his work regarding other cartridges , they were standardized the data for Weatherby and many others . That one above a certain volume of case capacity were just burning powder and chamber walls .
Sharpe was very interested in that saying that hmm he was in on something when it came to his design . And someone’s else’s that was by long forgotten in a misty cloud of Pernod and Gauloises
As part of the article linked say 160 NP and 175 Rws Fmj were used . I don’t know if the Vmantel was factory loaded or reloaded . But it was used on big game hunting and there it performed well .
In the woods of Norway 5 guys would be building their rifles in the common cartridge . The 7mm I don’t know which action they all built on , but I think since one of them were a gun shop owner , it’s likely 5 like these were chosen to be transferred into the cartridge and then they work on it from there . It was interesting to see how it turned out .
It was like it was something out of Olivanders shop where the wand find its wizard , as one of my favorite authors would write .
Stortrappe - verdens tungeste flyver - Netnatur
This was the first wild game Sand got with his 7mm . 300 meter shot In Hungsry , bird is very shy and have good senses and sight . Can be up to 30 kg in weight.
Here is some pictures of the rifle and gear .
Scope is a newer 3-9x40 Leupold vx2 same as Sand used much of his time and many others also did .
Bullets loaded are Amax 162 and Barnes X , weight unknown.
Brass is
Both SH and Super
Kvale did something few others have done as noted in article also . Due to case quality was so good he took out some material and thinned out case . This made it be similar to 7mm REM and today they are similar . But one is most known and sadly Super is enthusiastic used .
But it’s plenty of data for it , and lot of good bullets . No idea how future for it is , but it would be a fine jungle gun .
Rhino and Woodleigh would be good , especially Woodleigh Hydro . But
I have come across some interesting Finnish copper bullets also that is imported here and in standard cartridges factory loaded is around . So one bullet to try when I finally get the loading gear up .

Stortrappe - verdens tungeste flyver - Netnatur
Portræt af Stortrappe – den tungeste flyver, - som måske står overfor ny æra som jagtfugl i EU-land ...

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