Hi Velo Dog,
Since you are from Alaska I was wondering have you ever heard about Miles Martin? He wrote 4 books about his days living in the wilds of Alaska as a mountain man (no electricity, running water, many miles from the nearest human etc...) which he did for like 20 years after getting dropped off as a 20 something year old city boy from the lower 48.
Here is a link for anyone interested
http://www.milesofalaska.net/book/ quite the read
I have regrettably not heard of Miles Martin.
Very interesting web site though, and thanks for posting it.
My favorite one on this subject is the story of Richard Proenneke who, built a cabin near Lake Clark (very remote and wild part of Alaska) and lived in it for many years (almost 40 years).
A DVD of how he built it is found for sale on the Internet under the words "Alone In The wilderness" or "Dick Proenneke's Cabin" or something like that.
It is a very interesting documentary of a super intelligent man who, decided to build a cabin very far from civilization and live in it for many years.
Somewhere on the Internet is a virtual tour of his cabin and The Park Service lets people visit it as a historic place.
You have to fly there in a float plane and then hike a little to get to it.
When I was single, I lived for several years in a cabin, about four miles outside the town of Eagle River Alaska but, it was on a well maintained gravel road and had electricity (but no running water).
Besides, Eagle River, although up in the hills, is still technically within the city limits of Anchorage anyway.
Now I live in another part of Anchorage but still out in a wooded area, not very far from the edge of town and really have nothing to complain about.
Velo Dog.