That is an awesome piece of kit!
I must compliment you on your well thought out cleaning kit and your outstanding leather work. Hopefully some overeager TSA agent will not confiscate due to the fact that it has oil and some other unknown, but possibly dangerous chemical (like Hoppes #9).
Seriously I have seen several empty & loaded cartridges stuck in the chamber that could only be dislodged with some form of rod.
Y'all are overthinking it guys. There is only a liquid limit for carry on not checked.You are correct about the TSA, and I did think of that. Both of those bottles are exactly 1 ounce and clearly marked on the bottom, so they fall within TSA regulations. The bottles shouldn’t even be looked at beyond the markings at the bottom.
But; who knows. They would likely confiscate the rod too, it too closely resembles a weapon of some sort I’m sure.