AH ambassador
Man it seems like forever. My Namibian trophies have finally landed in Chicago airport. Now waiting to clear USFW. Then onto Pennsylvania to Wes Goode for "expedited" mounting! Been a long wait since September.
Yes sir....Now I ll have my taxidermist do his 90 service!Exciting times when the crate lands back in the US!
I can see that you have zero patience. September to March, that is pretty darned quick.
Look forward to seeing the pictures of the results.
.............. it was 8 months for mine and that is considered really quick, a year isn't uncommon for some people posting here
Yes sir your right. Have a low patience level after my trophies are taken. That's why I pay for expited taxidermy service. Lol
I hear you. The longer I wait the less exited I am about the shipment. That is years vs months.
The delays are not helping the industry.
They must clue in: It's a like a drug addiction - you have to keep the cycle going or the habit dies out.