Passed the House in the senate for consideration if it passes the senate it goes to the presidents desk for signing. Check out link above to read actual bill
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Passed the House in the senate for consideration if it passes the senate it goes to the presidents desk for signing. Check out link above to read actual bill
This was passed a week ago and was dead on arrival in the senate because it goes well beyond the framework agreed to by the senate bipartisan working group. Only five republican congressmen supported it in the house and two democrats voted with the republicans (223 - 204).I don't think you could get 60 votes in the Senate on this bill. It is a gun banner's wishlist.
The so-called compromise in the Senate on "gun reform" (new name for gun control) might get passed given it had 10 Dems and 10 Republicans negotiating it. However, as one friend has said, compromise supposes that both sides get a little something. What is proposed gives the gun control lobby what they wanted in part but nothing was given to the pro-gun side.
I'd love to see the effective budget for #1 and not window dressing.That bipartisan agreement focuses on 1) Investments in mental health services, 2) Expanding FFL requirements, 3) Enhanced background checks for purchasers under 21, 4) Model red flag laws.
And the whole red flag thing brings up all sorts of due process issues.I'd love to see the effective budget for #1 and not window dressing.
It will never be mentioned by them and they will hold their collective breaths that no one else says anything.Needs an amendment to link the minimum age for firearm ownership to the minimum age for voting. If a person under 21 is too immature to own a semi-auto, then doesn't it follow that they are too immature to select the person in charge of the nuclear arsenal? Lets see the Democrats tear themselves apart on that eqivalence.
The whole thing at the Senate is a Kabuki theatre so both sides can say they did something. I am fine with the Red flag laws as it leaves it up to the States and 19 States already passed those laws and most red States will not. It also requires a judges order not just cops making a decision on hearsay.
Problem with RF laws is that in some cases perhaps most, the persons property is confiscated BEFORE any kind of adjudication by a judge. Thats how it works here in WA state.The whole thing at the Senate is a Kabuki theatre so both sides can say they did something. I am fine with the Red flag laws as it leaves it up to the States and 19 States already passed those laws and most red States will not. It also requires a judges order not just cops making a decision on hearsay.
Let them run on gun control. I dare them. They'll lose biglyWell, the Senate agreement in regards to RF laws does nothing more than what is already happening in individual States except for some grant money. It is not a National RF law mandate. So, blue States will pass (and most already have) RF laws with or without the Federal encouragement.
It is really meaningless and not something to get mad about in regards to the GOP senators that have agreed to it. It does not create a Federal RF law. From a political standpoint GOP has to pass something so it does not become an election issue. The Democrats want to run on guns and Jan. 6 and not the economy for sure.
Once enacted, red flag laws will be expanded to cover any situation they want and used as warrantless searches. Several hundred agencies already have forfeiture policy to enable them to take away property without cause or crimeThe whole thing at the Senate is a Kabuki theatre so both sides can say they did something. I am fine with the Red flag laws as it leaves it up to the States and 19 States already passed those laws and most red States will not. It also requires a judges order not just cops making a decision on hearsay.
And therefore we shouldn't accept any more of this trashWell, all of those abuses are already here in a worse manner on the guise of anti-drug, anti-terrorist or eminent domain laws. Heck, a few years ago the SCOTUS agreed that it was fine to take someone's property and give it to another entity that would generate more tax revenue (Kelo vs City of London).