AH legend
While searching for old but still usable English shotguns, I ran across this beauty for sale at the WR shop in Birmingham. When I first saw the price, I thought it must be a misprint. 1795 pounds is currently about $2550. The description states it has replacement barrels, but no further description on the type barrels. I can only assume the replacements are to handle modern powders. 2.5 inch chambers would not be an issue with RST ammo easily available for order. I am totally lost on the "model C dolls head and snap lever work" though. Even though I won't have the opportunity to go to London (or Birmingham) until probably August, when this gun will long be sold, I would like your thoughts on this old beauty to admire but still use on dove and quail.
@Velo Dog, @Red Leg, @cal pappas.
@Velo Dog, @Red Leg, @cal pappas.
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