My post is going to sound like a downer, and I don't mean for it to. However, I have a very, very expensive education in restoring old doubles - guns and rifles.
It is not a hand detachable model. The Gold Name is a classic Anson and Deeley action - nearly all of such actions, regardless of maker, have a screw holding on the bottom of the action plate. This is potentially a great find, but it also clearly has issues. You either have a broken firing pin or broken action spring - I am guessing the later and there are only about three people in the US I would trust to build me a new one.
It has seen hard use. At some point it was reblued (including areas it should not have been) - hopefully a rust or cold blue job rather than a bluing tank. The later can affect the rib solder. You can suspend the barrels by the forend latch using one finger and tap them with the wooden handle of a hammer or something similar. If they ring like a church bell, say a prayer of thanks. If they make a "clunk" sound then you likely have significant barrel issues. Next, put the barrels on without the forend in place. If there is any movement, or if you can hold it up to a strong light and see any gap between the action face and the barrels, they will need rejointing - common in heavily used doubles (rifles and shotguns). Lastly the screws have been buggered by someone using too small a screwdriver. That means someone who should not have been, was inside the action - maybe several somebodies. Were it me, I would send it to JJ Perodeau immediately and have him go over it. Cosmetic things - stock, bluing, case color, etc can be done if and when you feel like restoring it. Barrel issues, springs, etc need to be fixed before attempting to fire it.
These older, well used guns can be a bargain or a nightmare. They don't get any better by not knowing. The firing pin tells us we have at least one potentially significant issue, the bluing could indicate a second, and the screws would scare me a lot.
If we are lucky, it is just a spring or pin issue. If we are not - well, see what JJ says about it.