Army Grunt,
Binoculars and Spotting scopes are definitely one place where you get what you pay for! I went a lot of years and spent a lot of money buying cheap binos. I didn't believe that there was that big of a difference between a $400 pair and a $1200 pair. I got enlightened when I moved to New Mexico and started hunting with guys from AZ and NM, they all seemed to have high end glass and I soon realized what a huge difference there was between my Pentax and their Swarovski, Leica, Docter and Zeiss glass. They could glass all day, I was constantly taking breaks to rest my eyes. They were picking animals up that I couldn't at distances that blew my mind. The next season I had a pair of 10x42 SLC Swarovskis set up with a tripod. I started seeing what they were seeing! They taught me a hell of a lot about glassing, using grids and proper search patterns. I had a set of 15x56 SLC's the next season and a Swaro Spotter. I finally understood what they said was true about an hour behind good glass will save you a day of walking.
My 10x42's finally got moisture in them on a float hunt in AK in 2015(bought in 1998). I sent them in for repair and they came back completely refurbished in new condition at no charge. Customer service at its best.
There is some very good glass on the market at a lot lower price point. Leupold, Nikon, Vortex to name a few. I think you need to do as Charlie says and try them out. Optics stores like The Outdoorsmans in Phoenix, AZ will let you really compare between brands. You must get out of the store to really tell what's good and what's better. The earlier and the later the better. Look into brush, under trees, this is where the nut cutting happens, many brands will fade away when low light conditions arise. The good ones will surprise the most optimistic person on the hill. Another thing that plays in a decision is use. Are you going to use them on a whitetail hunt in a blind or a couple times a year? Are you going to spend days on end glassing a single mountain side for a Coues Deer? If you use them a lot it is easier to justify the large expense. If they will only be used occasionally maybe a good pair of mid priced binos will serve your purpose and spend the difference on other kit.
Sorry for the long winded response.