Please suggest some better options..I’m sure it would be fine. Just make sure they shoot well in your rifle. I’ve always had mixed results with grey box Winchester in terms of accuracy.
Not the toughest or most aerodynamic bullet out there these days. But 286gr is plenty of lead for antelopes. It will kill them dead.
If your gun likes them why not. But for sure Better options that can give your 9.3 some legs.
Thanks, I have not shot any of these. I have used PPU, Winchester Super X, Anad LApua Mega all i 286 grains. Surprisingly PPU groups the best followed by Winchester and LApuaMidway USA has
286 swift a frames available. Very similar but a tough quality bullet.
They also have a 250 copper E tip bullet from nosler. Those could be good.
I would personally order a box of 250gr ttsx and a box of accubond 250gr from
and see what shoots best.