Anyone here pushed Woodleigh bullets over the max recommended velocity ?
Yes, I have tested the 410 gr Woodleigh RN SN bullets on Aussie buffalo out of a .416 Weatherby mag at 2710fps.
I shot 4 bulls that trip with the Woodleigh's at distances between 65 yards and 110 yards.
The Woodleigh's certainly held together and we did not see any core separation, petal loss or fragmentation.
But they peeled back past half way down the bullet and flattened the front of the bullet like a coin with expansion to nearly an inch in diameter. The bullets we found (its a messy job to find them in a big animal) did not penetrate very far and just made it to half way through the buffalo in the front side lung.
I suspect the large frontal area that was created from the extra 300+ fps of velocity (over what they were designed to run at) made them pull up a lot quicker.
That trip was the first time we also took some 400 gr Swift A-Frames in the same gun at the same velocity.
The Swift's seemed more reliable and killed quicker at the time.
Some of the A-Frames passed completely through on side on shoulder shots.
Some shots were text book shots with the bullets being recovered between the skin and shoulder muscle on the far side. They were easy to find and looked just like any other A-Frame ready for a magazine photo.
The next trip I loaded the big Weatherby down to .416 Rigby velocities and the Woodleigh's performed as advertised. None passed through but killed similar to the A-Frames on the previous trip.
This exercise taught me to run the Woodleigh's at the recommended velocities.