there is no question that the gun is NOT overpowered, so the question is, well how much is enough gun to be "satisfactory" to the nay sayers???
don't get me wrong, i think this is a bit of a stunt, however so is shooting a stalked lion with a bow. if you hunted 5 lions with a bow, i don't believe a hunter would survive. the lion is going to get pissed and turn on the hunter. without a backup, well, that would be that. this is a similar deal.
however, all lion hunters have backup even with relatively powerful rifles as well. if something goes wrong, or the hunter does not shoot well, the PH steps in and solves said problem. what is the difference other than the rifle hunter with a proper caliber has a gun that is more capable of delivering more energy/destruction to said lion?? either way, both hunters, air rifle, bow or double rifle have a backup in the PH.
it seemed the lion died relatively quickly, so what is the gripe?? not enough gun? not traditional?
I have seen pcp air rifles with arrows in them that are way more powerful than bows and kill cape buffalo very effectively. although i would not want to hunt a lion with a pcp, i have seen them dispatch eland pretty effectively.
btw, i have pcp air rifles, and more than 10 years ago possibly killed the first black bear with one since lewis and clark. this video just goes to show that a properly placed bullet will kill effectively.