WORST hunting experience ever?

Mr. 16 gauge

AH fanatic
Aug 1, 2011
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Hunting reports
O.K., we've seen the photos of great hunts & safaris from the past, and we're starting to see photos & reports from this seasons safaris starting to come in, and they are all great and wonderful and we all love to read them and live vicariously through fellow members.

Now......what was the worst hunting experience you've ever had? It can be a case of bad luck, a piss poor outfitter, nature not cooperating..........but it just about made you swear off hunting..FOREVER!!!

Mine was a hunt 2 years ago in North Carolina. My friend and I paid for a guided whitetail hunt and he was looking forward to it, as it was his first "guided" hunt had he had been deer hunting for almost 20 years and had yet to take a buck (and has only taken one doe) in that time. I'm proud to say that I introduced him to both firearms and hunting.
I had hunted with a different outfitter in N.C. before, but they didn't appear to still be in business. We decided to go with this outfitter because they had a nice website, good reviews, etc. Prices were about average as to what everyone else was asking. We headed off with great anticipation and excitement.
To make a long story short, the place was grossly misrepresented. They advertised that they only took 12 hunters at a time; we had 22 by the end of the week. Top that off with only one bathroom!!! In a week of hunting, nobody took a deer, and the only deer seen were either so far away that a shot was unethical, or it was a small buck that was not shootable. Trail cam pictures (that the 'guides' got overly excited about) were over 3 weeks old, and the feeders looked as if they had been filled just the day before. After the fourth day, I got out of my stand and walked around......couldn't find a single deer track in the soft earth! There idea of 'guiding' was to move you from one plywood box to another (which your bunk mate hunted in the day before.....and saw nothing). They advertised "3 meals", but their idea of a meal was little Debbie snack cakes for breakfast and frozen hamburgers for lunch. Top that off with only a 4 cup coffee maker for 22 people and lets just say I'm surprised that a riot didn't break out. No safety devices (first aid kit or fire extinguisher), and we later found out that the refridgerator was jury rigged into an overloaded circuit!! Our "guide" greeted us on the first day with profanity, saying "If I catch any of you m******* F******** of your stand, I'll throw your M******* F********* ass of this property; I don't give a damn how much you paid!!" (great way to start a client relationship, eh?). He would then drop us off at our plywood box and go home and work on his house.

My friend has decided that he no longer wants to go on any out of state hunts due to this wonderful experience, and I didn't receive ANY satisfaction from the local chamber of commerce, better business bureau, fire marshal, N.C. dept of fish and game (there was a state license number in the lodge).

I had a near drowning experience that fall when my canoe capsized while duck hunting, and this hunt was worse than that.........imagine a hunt being worse than almost dying!!!

O.K., so that's my story...........what's yours?
I hope you named and shamed this "outfitter" from NC as much as possible! I've got nothing close to such an experience. The only time I truly came home less happy than when I went out hunting was a day of quail hunting. Went with a friend and a friend of his. The other guy nearly shot me, very poor exhibition of gun safety and......he was a cop!

The only other day that comes close was just an overall poor day of elk hunting that swore me off rifle hunting for elk and back to hunting elk with a bow. Overall actually a good thing.
My worst was when I went back to hunting for the first time in almost twenty years. I took my son who was ten years old at the time squirrel hunting. The hunt itself wasn't all that terrible except for only seeing the glimpse of just one squirrel the entire day. The big problem was that I came home and realized I was covered in ticks. But things got worse when one of the tick bites developed a strange rash. I went to the doctor and he suspected Lime's disease which meant I went on a regime of antibiotics. Luckily it was caught early enough that I was cured so had no ill affects besides the rash.
Phoenix Phil;
I can relate.....I've been shot twice: both times with shotguns. Once while pheasant hunting....bird went up and over a tree line, and some individual shot through the tree line (unable to see target OR myself) and peppered my upper left chest and face with birdshot. Thank goodness for distance and the fact that the leaves slowed down the shot (and safety glasses!). All I got was some stinging and red welts. The second time we were duck hunting.....got hit with a stray pellet in the ear, stung like a mutha!!! Never could determine who actually fired either shot, or I think I might have done some ass-whoopin!
As for the outfitter in question: I did post like a madman about our experience when we got back on the various websites that I visited. I also posted on google and other non traditional hunting sites. The reaction was that 1.) most of the owners/operators of the sites were afraid of slander/libel lawsuits and either modified or deleted my posts and 2.) the owner had his friends/family post glowing reviews of his business so as to bury our negative reviews. I will give the name of the outfitter via p.m. to anyone interested. I feel I was vindicated when I got back and saw that not only my friend and I had posted negative reviews, but just about everybody who was in camp that week did so.

Lymes is certainly nothing to mess around with!!! Glad you caught it early enough to treat it.......it is always something that nags at the back of my mind, so much so that I usually have a titer drawn on my yearly physical. It's not the tick I see that I worry so much about; it's the one that you don't see.
I try to think about this to come up with an answer. Plenty of stupidity, irritations and frustrations :

Tick bite fever last trip was just a trip to the doctor after feeling a bit like crap for a night. On with the dance.

Gun's going off by my ear. Yup, done that. The first time at age 14. Never hunted with that guy again.
Last trip to Africa had my bell rung by an AD from a friend. Not happy. Carried on.

I've had a guy shoot at a Pheasant between me and my dog. (i.e. Less than 10 yards separation.) and watched the shot pattern blast the dirt in front of me behind my dog.
Never hunted that public land ever again.

Peppered with shot; Yup.

Watched dogs get hit with ricochet pellets. Keep your eye protection on.

Having ESCOM workers go tearing across the concession screaming out the window of the truck, honking their horn while I was on a stalk. I seriously asked what the trophy fee was for an ESCOM worker.

Had a "Guide" take another hunter on a drive by past my stand and shoot a Nyala 150 yards in front of me. Simple stupidity.
Makes you realize some properties and outfitters are better than others.

Had my first AD with my grandfathers model 12 shotgun when I was 14. The shot went off over my brothers head. (he was 25 yards away and in no real danger with my muzzle control) Still scared the hell out of me.
It went off in my hands again twenty years later (perhaps the fourth time I picked it up in my life) and I have not and will not ever take it in the field again. I quit that gun, not hunting.

But, the only thing that nearly had me turn in the guns was a scenario where someone was actually shot (not peppered) and my bride was in the field at the time.
My stomach almost fell out when I heard someone had been shot. No idea of how serious the injuries were.

I ran toward the incident scene around the cover, it took a moment to determine that she was neither the victim nor the perpetrator.
It was so flooded with relief that I nearly lost my lunch.
That relief was tempered with having to rush the fellow to the hospital. All for what ended up being minor injuries, thankfully. (minor in relation to what could have resulted)
When I think about it now, my bride actually did hang up her gun that day and I was very very close to following her.
I have only had one bad experience in 1997. I booked a wilderness Elk hunt in the Weminuche, of the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The outfit was owned by 2 brothers who had an excellent reputation as elk guides and outfitters. The year before I hunted, they both died in a plane crash while scouting territory in the San Juans.

I went on the hunt anyway with the new Owner. On the 11 mile horseback ride to camp, my horse through a shoe(happens), and me and a guide walked the horse the remaining 5 miles to camp while the others went on ahead. After the first day, I came to the conclusion that these guides didn't know the area, any better than I did. On the second day they asked if I wanted to smoke some dope with them. By this time I was getting a little pissed, but I didn't say anything, because there were 4 hunters in camp and I didn't want to ruin anyone's hunt.

By the third day, we came back to camp after the morning hunt. I wasn't in the mood for sitting around camp until we went back out in the afternoon. I got my gear together, and took off to hunt by myself. The guides got a little upset with me, but tough titty, I was a better hunter than both these guys put together. I think the outfitter must have put up a help wanted poster down at the local bar.

The camp cook was not the cleanest, and was pulling water out of the river for camp use, food included. By the last day of the hunt, I had contracted, GIARDIA, and was sick as a dog. I actually considered gathering my gear and hiking out of there, back to the trailhead.

I only saw one herd of elk the entire trip, and that was riding down the trail on horses and we surprised them, and nobody got a shot as they ran off. I was too sick too care anyway.

On the way out of camp my horse threw another shoe.

I talked with the outfitter when I got back to their place, and he had a "give a shit" attitude about it. I really should have filed a complaint with the Colorado board of outfitters.

That trip cost me almost $5000. Worst money I have ever spent.

It took weeks of Medication to kill the parasite that infected my insides.

The next year I booked a drop camp type of trespass hunt up by the Grand Mesa in Colorado, and took a 5 x 5 Bull by myself.
Simple: Having paid $2000 for a deposit on a Trophy Axis Buck Hunt in Texas. Getting the run around from the PH for two years filled with excuses and then having to take him to court in Kerrville, Texas to win a judgement. Put a bad taste in my mouth and now I hunt with outfitters based on their references and word of mouth. I will never hunt with an outfitter without doing my due diligence and homework - another reason why I love this forum. Lost a lot of respect for this person - I was brought up that you are only as good as your word and a handshake sealed a deal. I will continue to hold myself accountable to that standard.

I have only had one bad experience in 1997. I booked a wilderness Elk hunt in the Weminuche, of the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The outfit was owned by 2 brothers who had an excellent reputation as elk guides and outfitters. The year before I hunted, they both died in a plane crash while scouting territory in the San Juans.

I went on the hunt anyway with the new Owner. On the 11 mile horseback ride to camp, my horse through a shoe(happens), and me and a guide walked the horse the remaining 5 miles to camp while the others went on ahead. After the first day, I came to the conclusion that these guides didn't know the area, any better than I did. On the second day they asked if I wanted to smoke some dope with them. By this time I was getting a little pissed, but I didn't say anything, because there were 4 hunters in camp and I didn't want to ruin anyone's hunt.

By the third day, we came back to camp after the morning hunt. I wasn't in the mood for sitting around camp until we went back out in the afternoon. I got my gear together, and took off to hunt by myself. The guides got a little upset with me, but tough titty, I was a better hunter than both these guys put together. I think the outfitter must have put up a help wanted poster down at the local bar.

The camp cook was not the cleanest, and was pulling water out of the river for camp use, food included. By the last day of the hunt, I had contracted, GIARDIA, and was sick as a dog. I actually considered gathering my gear and hiking out of there, back to the trailhead.

I only saw one herd of elk the entire trip, and that was riding down the trail on horses and we surprised them, and nobody got a shot as they ran off. I was too sick too care anyway.

On the way out of camp my horse threw another shoe.

I talked with the outfitter when I got back to their place, and he had a "give a shit" attitude about it. I really should have filed a complaint with the Colorado board of outfitters.

That trip cost me almost $5000. Worst money I have ever spent.

It took weeks of Medication to kill the parasite that infected my insides.

The next year I booked a drop camp type of trespass hunt up by the Grand Mesa in Colorado, and took a 5 x 5 Bull by myself.

@Mr. 16 gauge, yours is a bad story for sure, but I do believe Brent has a bigger gripe.
My worse experience was on the 1st deer hunt I killed a buck here is Calif when I was just out of high school. Shot it at about 7AM and started down the mountain5-6 miles from the car. At 9AM my brother came to help me. At 9:30AM we dropped my deer and he shot a buck, we both started down the hill. About noon my dad and his friend showed up and helped us get the deer back to the car. This is after they took a goofy "pack horse" 100 miles back to home the day before. My brother and I made 4 trips packing all of the stuff 4 miles back into the hills. Yes we were young, strong and stupid. Got the deer back to the car and my dads truck about 11PM. Started for home. Had no sleep for 2 days.

That is when the bad part came. My brother fell asleep at the wheel and we ran into a concrete ditch abutment backed up by a mountain at 55MPH. They do not move. But the engine(64 Falcon Sprint 260Cubic inch V-8 engine) ended up in the front seat. The car was three feet shorter. He cracked his pelvis and was temp paralyzed. I cracked my skull, broke 4 ribs, tore the ligaments from my left shoulder, busted up both legs from the knees down(took 5+ years for them to heal mostly) , Got a laceration from the upper part of my forehead thru my eye and was told I would loose the eye. Thankfully I still have my eyesight.
I pulled him out of the car because I smelled gasoline and was afraid of a fire. I also opened the trunk and worked at getting the deer out----After all it was our 1st deer after 3 years of trying. The trouble I could not see well and the deer were wrapped up in the wires of the back seat they were thrown into. It was a fight. My dad and the cop finally had to do it so I would sit down and stop putting out flares which the cop kept putting out due to dry conditions. I did not want anyone to run over my brother who was lying on the side of the road.

The cop showed up and at first called the coroner and not an ambulance because "it was a death car" according to him. After he had seen me he called for medical help. I spent some time in the hospital and took quite some time to recover most of the way from this.

I did save the deer and we went hunting again for deer the next year. That was probably my worse trip.

I have been peppered with birdshot also but it did not compare to my 1st successful deer hunt.
I was just starting my own Outfitt and had a client looking for a Tuskless Elephant. Did not have as many contacts back then and found a Zim Outfitter through a friend of a friend. Strarted off in SA with my client and shot some nice animals. Got on the plane to Zim and headed for the Elephant hunt.
Outfitter pitches up 1 1/2 hours late. There is three of us and he comes with a single cab cruiser,I ride on the back.
Clients are hungry so I suggest we stop and get them something to eat,Outfitter nearly blows his top because we loose 20 minutes.
3 hour drive on the back of the cruiser doing 120kmh is not fun I tell you,especially not when the cruiser is already packed roof high and your PH thinks doing mini rallies on the gravel is entertaining. Ran over a stray dog and did not have the decency to stop either.

Anyway,get to camp which is a shambles,clearly no prep work was done since the previous season. Shoot in the guns and PH says who wants to go look for Sable, no one wanted Sable as this was a tuskless hunt. PH throws his toys out the cot stomps off and says the he will go kill a f@&king Sable.
No hot water in the shower,no mosquito nets. Wake up at 5am to eat breakfast and jipp it's maize meal porridge with butter.
Client comes to the breakfast table and says
"I am not hunting with you,take me back to the Airport we are taking the next flight home"
Shortest Elephant hunt in history.
I still hunt with the client often,very very nice gentleman.
Day 1, we stalk a herd of sable, we get up to a beautiful bull about 70 yards from us, standing frontal, tell client not to shoot, wait for sable to turn, bang....he just shoots and misses, before the sable turns, we keep following the herd, we find the bull about 20 yards to the left of the herd, show him the bull, while I am looking through my binoculars, he just shoots into the middle of the herd, hits a baby sable, I just about blow my nut.

at supper he gets drunk, takes his chair and goes and sits at the river, and calls his "call girl" on his sate phone, I politely ask him to please move back from the water, tells me to @#$# off, and moves onto the edge. Says he won't hunt again, his 3 mates tell me just ignore him.

we shoot 2 buffalo the next day, so now he says he wants to hunt again, but refuses to hunt with me,

Day 3 I go with him and another ph, find herd of buff at waterhole in swamp, I am standing behind them, spot big bull, ph shows him, put his gun on the sticks, I can see he's not aiming at the bull, stop him, ph again explains the right bull, now the buff know we there, noses in the air, I move to his left as we only about 30 yards from the buff, he shoots the big bull takes off....there lies a dead buffalo calf.....ph can't believe it...

Client calls me and the ph @#$$@$$%#@$$#@ and tells me he is worth 52 million $$, by now I have lost my sense of humor and tell him he's the biggest @#$# and his 52mil$$$ will help him @#$# all if I decided to leave him there in the swamp and I promise I was close.

He shoots a suni, runs up to the suni, pulls out his dagger and starts stabbing it to pieces, I tell him to stop, replies..I pay the @#$#@@ taxidermist, he can fix it..

Cherry on the top.....we sitting on the sand bank, watching hippo, they slowly drifting towards us, show him the bull, he shoots, hits the wrong hippo in the back of the spine, hippo swirling in the water, I tell him to shoot again, he refuses, by now the hippo is drifting past us, I am carrying 458wm open sights, he doesn't shoot, I had to get on the dugout with 2 polers and follow the hippo, hippo goes under comes up on our left then under us, this goes on for awhile, I eventually get a shot, hit the hippo in the brain and it sinks. A hippo can take about 3 hours before it bloats and comes to the surface. After an hour i start getting the usual abuse......6 hours later the hippo starts to float, we get rained on you name it...

We eventually get the hippo onto the bank, he walks up to the hippo looks at it and says to me, why did you @#$%#@ shoot my hippo in the arse.....

If I had to type everything else that happened on that safari, I would be here all day......it was a nightmare, I have posted a pic of his hippo, my expression explains it all…

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your winning ,simon .................
My worst experience is nothing like hell some of you folks have been through! Last year I had no success. On one of the last weekends of the season I went on my own and was determined to get myself that buck. I sat all morning and the only thing that came my way was a virus. I could feel myself getting worse through the day. I went back to the cabin and forced myself to eat some lunch. Went back out and sat in the cold. Got sicker and sicker. I suspect the deer stayed away from the shivering snotty thing that was perched in a tree. After legal shooting time made my way to the cabin. The plan was to hunt the next day too. But, I was standing there trying to muster the energy to cook something on the propane grill, when the generator quit. Standing in the dark with a cold burger and feeling like a truck hit me, I figured God was giving me a message. I packed up and went home. I was sick as a dog for several days.

Even though I felt like crap I was more frustrated than anything else. I went back out on the last weekend. I had an extremely close encounter with a buck that spent over an hour wondering to within 40 yards but just out of my shooting lanes before it spooked. That experience makes me smile.
Simon that guy was a true jackass.
@Mr. 16 gauge, yours is a bad story for sure, but I do believe Brent has a bigger gripe.

I forgot to mention that when I got back to the Outfitters headquarters I found my truck had a flat tire, and the gas gauge had quit working for some reason. I was stopping every hundred miles or so on on the way back to Tucson to put gas in. I also called my girlfriend before I left Colorado, and got a serious cold shoulder treatment. Her mother passed away the month before, and my girlfriend felt like I had abandoned her to go on this hunt. I had already paid a deposit, so what's a guy to do.

It was the trip from hell.
Booked a duck hunt on the Platte River, west of Omaha, Nebraska, traveling from the Baltimore area. Details on where to meet guide were a little sketchy, but we found him in the morning. He takes us to the blind which is a pit in a sandbank on the river. Nothing wrong with that. Right? Except there were another 10 guys in the pit, when added to myself and my three buddies came up to 14. The "guide" gave us each a number and said when I call your number, shoot. Ah . . . we did not pull the trigger that day. Went back the next day (two-day hunt), and this time there were a total of 21 in the blind, if I remember correctly. We left after an hour or so of not seeing anything. Outfitter was pissed we left and wanted me to pay for the one guy in our group who decided not to shoot after the debacle the day previous.
... "If I catch any of you m******* F******** of your stand, I'll throw your M******* F********* ass of this property; I don't give a damn how much you paid!!"...

Nice thread!

what does M********* F******* mean? ;)
CAustin, you far to polite he was a real @#$@#$% jackass....PS..he got kicked out of the USA, now lives in Argentina.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you