There aren't a lot of outfitters in Yukon. Last time I looked, there were 17. I did a Dall Sheep hunt with Dickson Outfitters and hope to go back for a moose one day. It is expensive to hunt in the Yukon! This is a link to my report on the Dall hunt.
I think I'll give this report the subtitle of "Dave's Wrongway Yukon Adventure." Since this website is primarily for Africa hunting info and since I actually live in Africa, I crossed the pond in the opposite direction for this hunt. But if hunting in the Yukon while living in Africa is wrong...
These hunts are typically booked a couple years in advance, but COVID might have changed that.
A harvest report is published each year in the Yukon hunting rules and regulations.
You should focus on the second number for each animal, the non-resident number, which is a guided hunt. The resident number gives you an idea of hunting pressure, as well as moose population. You need to look at a Zone Map and then look at the Outfitters concession map and you can figure out what area and what outfitter. You want a good outfitter in a good moose area.
Go look at Post #6 on this discussion and is shows the Zone map and the Outfitters concession map.
Hey everyone, so I am looking at a couple of different outfitters for a sheep hunt and was wondering if anyone has hunted with following guys in the Yukon. Widrig Outfitters Rogue River Ruby Range Outfitters I might consider a few guys in Alaska as well but still running down information on...
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