Tundra Tiger
AH legend
I have a pair of Zeiss Dialyt binos that are forever old. My grandpa bought them, when I have no actual idea. He was not one to spend money, so they represent one of the few pieces of gear he actually did splurge on. They have been mine for many years.
The glass is still outstanding, and I enjoy hunting with them because they were his. They show the wear and tear of being carried around, and the last time I used them (on a caribou hunt) there was some condensation inside. The smart thing to do would be to retire them. Setting that option aside, is there anyplace that does refurbishment of older optics? I'm hoping for responses from folks who have had this done with optics - direct, first hand knowledge with suggestions, if such places exist.
Thanks in advance.
The glass is still outstanding, and I enjoy hunting with them because they were his. They show the wear and tear of being carried around, and the last time I used them (on a caribou hunt) there was some condensation inside. The smart thing to do would be to retire them. Setting that option aside, is there anyplace that does refurbishment of older optics? I'm hoping for responses from folks who have had this done with optics - direct, first hand knowledge with suggestions, if such places exist.
Thanks in advance.