I completely get what Red Leg says about a company with a broad customer base, and also a global one: us camo'd up Americans are just one small slice of the pie. But those last three "DO NOT PROMOTE" items - particularly youth and trophies - give me serious pause. This is very much a slippery slope thing in my mind, where solidarity is critical, not unlike some of the hunting technique threads I see on here and we beat each other down over how we hunt.
There is another similar thing (in my mind) going on tied to my job right now. There is proposed legislation that would essentially ban trapping on all public lands. Will it gain traction? No clue. But I know the current Secretary of Interior is on record as saying she thinks trapping is cruel and should not be allowed at all on public lands. Being in Alaska, it'd be HUGE setback for the native community and subsistence, and some are pushing the idea that native populations and subsistence should be excluded. I personally think it's a mistake to push that idea (protect mine but not yours), rather than standing by trapping as a whole for trappers anywhere in our country who use public lands. To me this is a little bit of the same.
I get it. They're a company. They will make business decisions based on the bottom line. In that way they're no different than any other company or for-profit entity, such as the NBA looking the other way with China while crying foul over anything not involving China. Perhaps that will seem like too harsh of a comparison to some, but in my mind once you start paring away slices that you decide aren't worth the risk... it won't stop there, IMHO.
As a hunter's ed instructor, I cannot imagine anyone I'd want to support that wants to take a position of not promoting youth with guns. And for myself, yeah, given the choice I'll choose a company that takes a hard stand on the side of hunting over one that does not. It's really not a hard choice to make.
My two cents... which probably aren't worth anywhere near that with inflation.
@375Fox is right: context and veracity would be nice.