Hi retreever, welcome to AH
While it sounds like your friends had a less that successful safari. other question come to mind. Would you ask your friends to come on and tell there story. 2 short lines is leaving a lot out of the story. and What answers have "zimafrica" provided to your friends. Hunting in open space areas animals move constantly to find the best feed and water.
Also, I have seen this review posted on other forums.
What year are you talking that this hunt happen?
What Country and Time period was hunt booked for? The time period being very crucial to animal movement through some managements areas. That is why selection of prime dates is necessary for success. That is why some PH are booked out years in advance for key dates for animals.
How did your friends decide to book with "zimafrica" ?
Did they hunt the country and area that they booked there hunt for? If they did, why the complaint at this time?
Key question that drives the posting -- Did your friends check references prior to booking there hunt? Yes or No. If they did not check references, they probably received what they booked there safari for. Off dates where the key animals are long gone.
And the question being - why are you posting the negative review of "zimafrica" and the hunters that went have not?
Two friends booked a 7 day buf hunt with zimafrica. One brother saw no buf at all other brother was told to shoot at a buf in the dark. This same brother was arrested with his Ph for hunting inside of hwange nat. park. Had to pay for groceries. Camp close to a mine fire. Ever smell sulphur dioxide, rotten eggn smell thats camp. It goes on and on.