ZIMBABWE: Bad Hunt With Shingani Safaris

Thomas Taxidermy

AH member
Jun 19, 2011
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Hunting reports
Soutj Africa Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Canada, Russia
I purchased a hunt at the SCI convention in 2009 with Shingani Safaris. The hunt was for buffalo and was to take place in the Binga area. My friend and I also wanted Sable. Riaan said this was no problem. We also paid for a 1 on 1 hunt. Riaan Vosloo told me that he would be my PH on the hunt.
We bought tickets to Vic Falls and 12 hours before we were to leave the states I get an email saying change of plans, picking you up in Joburg!!!!!!!!
We get to Joburg and are met by a young ph and taken to Shinganis South African headquarters. I find out Riaan has two other buffalo hunters and already left with them for Zimbabwe. The next morning we leave and drive to the border. Riaan has a guy meet us to help obtain gun permits. Long story short we get cheated out of $200 per gun, having 2 guns, I'm out $400 and also the $500 airline ticket to Vic Falls. A bad start! Riaan's response is "oh that's to bad"
After driving for hours looking for the camp we arrive.
Riaan is pretty cold to us.
We find out he has two guys on our hunt and now it is a 2 on 1 hunt. Riaan says we'll have our buffalo and be out of here in 3-5 days????? What about Sable?
Well now we are in the Crooks (perfect name for this hunt) corner area and there are no Sable here. Riaans clients kill the first 2 buffalo they saw and left with him the 2nd day of the hunt. One is a tiny inmature bull. I shot a bull the 2nd day (only buffalo I saw in 5 days) and my friend finally saw a bull the 5th day and shot it.
Riaan also left with the only 4x4 truck and we were left with a 2 wheel drive. Of course we were stuck every day. Also the drinking water in camp ran out after day 3! We had to boil water and had only 2 20 ounce bottle to drink a day! Mind you it was well over a hundred degrees every day!
My dream hunt wasn't at all what I had hoped it would be and as of yet, I still have never seen my trophy. I was told it was delivered to the dip and pack place last October, but found out today only the cape is there.
So after all that I end up with no buffalo!

We left Zimbabwe and returned to SA and hunted a few days. I took a kudu and bushbuck and my friend a kudu and 14 inch warthog! Our capes and skins were unmountable when we got them and my friends huge warthog wasn't in the crate! He contacted Shingani but was told they would look into it. You guessed it, no reply!

Best advice is steer clear of Riaan Vosloo and Shingani Safaris!
Lost posts...

Jaco Strauss said:
Wow, So sorry it went that bad, Dream shattered for sure, Itruely don't know what to say, I hope it all get sorted don't give up keep on it and demand closure and that things should be set straight, it is your right and fight for it.

My best always.

Jaco Strauss said:
Was there any paperwork on this hunt who was the Zimbabwean PH/outfitter did you fill out a TR2.

My best always.

Thomas Taxidermy said:
I never saw any paperwork and never even heard of any TR2
There was a black Zimbabwean PH there, but he had never been to this area before.

marty said:

Riaan Vosloo was caught in October last year hunting illegally in a national park in Zimbabwe, SCI has been notified of his hunt donation and if it is illegal he will be dealt with. Please deal with a Zimbabwean registered outfitter / PH

Would you buy a white tail deer hunt from a south american emailing you from Angola? Short answer NO!

Jaco Strauss said:
Well there we go, True words Martin, a bit Harsh though, understand the issue you guys have with SA Outfitter but some of us do operate leagally alongside reputable Zim outfits, you welcomed me when we met to bring some of my clients to you in the Omay.?

Point is simple there are right ways to do things and wrong ways or simply just Illeagal, I for one have had client follow me to many Southern African countries, I am honest my clietns get their trophies, my pricing is in line with the resident outfitters marketable pricing and I respect them as they do me.

Not all SA guys are crooks there are a couple of Zim guys stirring in wrong places to so do some Mozambiqans a couple of Zambians and a couple others I know.

And that is the truth behind the whole argument behind SA companies in Zim.

Baydog said:
Sorry to hear about your safari but thanks for the heads up.

marty said:
Jaco, apologies for painting everyone with the same brush, poor choice of words. Folks make sure you do your due diligence as there are some great operators out there from many countries.


Jaco Strauss said:
Martin No worries I have the world of respect for you and some other outfitters in Zimbabwe, guys like me use Ph'S like you as role models, I will get to hunt with you one day and I do know my clients as well as I will have an absolutely awesome time.

My very best always.

Jimmyb said:
I believe there are 2 sides to every story just as one mans adventure is anothers headache. My friend and I were on that adventure so allow me to throw my 2 cents in as it seems everyone is eager to jump in if they smell blood. We hunted the famous Crooks Corner which is rich with history and lore. Yes, we too had to pay "fines" to the border officials to bring in our firearms and the officials charged $1,000 fee for one of our trucks which was negotiated down to $800. You are at the governments mercy. The camp was comfortable and clean. No it wasn't a 5 star or even a 2 star but clean, great food and staff. The camp was strictly used for sleeping eating as we hunted all day. The boiler for the hot water was busted the 1st night but I have been in the moose and sheep camps were you are eating MRE's or other meals from bags and pumping water from a stream and boiling it for the nights meals. The camps well was running close to dry but the workers dug feverishly to find new water everyday. Hell we were camped on a dry river bed in the middle of the bush, i didn't expect a day spa.
Thomas is correct in the fact that we shot the first 2 bulls we saw. We had walked miles that day up and down the Limpopo river, fighting the sand and weaving in and out through the Jess tracking buffalo. See i trained for this hunting. I got myself into shape becasuse i excepted a physical hunt. I hiked with a pqck on and completed the P90X in preparation for the trip and it still kicked my butt. My friend was not prepared and by lunch he and his wife were spent. He had blisters and our efforts of tracking became hampered by his lack of physical preparedness. When he shot his buffalo Riaan told him he could do better but Dale waived him off as he knew this was an opportunity to end the physical demands of the hunt. The bull was not huge but you know what it was and is a trophy to Dale. It measured 37 inches. Too many times we are caught up in the size and not the challenge of hunting. We left Dale and his wife in the truck while we continued looking for buffalo. It was near dark when we spotted my bull. It was a welcomed sight as i had earned it. I shot him at less than 60 yards and he was huge. I will never forgot it. We were so excited, 2 bulls! When we arrived back at camp that night we were singing our praises and we learned that Thomas had taken an exceptional bull as well. I still hadn't measured mine as i really don't care about the inches. All i want is respectable representation of the species and I had one. Thomas was big, he had already measured and scored it. 42 inches be told. Mine well it turned out to be a respectful 39 inches. I was extremely happy before i knew the measurements and even more so after i learned the size. See Riaan was extremely happy with out kills and he was bragging to us about how big and nice our animals were. So when Thomas showed up we told him we had taken 2 bulls and 1 one was a monster. It looked like a monster to me. Thats when we learned Thomas had taken one as well, turns out his was a MONSTER, 42". His party was a tired as ours as they had covered a lot of ground that day as well. Truth be told they were not in shape for the hunt. Cape Buffalo hunting is a physical hunt. That night in their tent all Thomas did was trash talk our bulls at how small they were. Exact quote, " Monster? I Killed the only "F" monster. Riaan is full of "S"." this went on and on. Its nice to be in camp and have someone trash talking your trophy. You know we tried to be friendly but they were cold. When we left Zim for SA one of Thomas party hitched a ride as he didn't want to walk any more. I believe that Thomas other friend took a very respectable bull as well. I don't recall the measurements but you know something he worked for 5 days to earn that bull. He owns that experience and no can ever take that away.
I don't know what they were expecting, drive the land cruiser up around until you see one then roll the window and shoot? I got an experience of a lifetime in rural Africa. As for the paper work goes, yes i signed and completed all paper work before we left camp. Thomas started a thread earlier in the year trying to get negative trackion going. Turns out Riaan was in Zim for 7 weeks straight before he responded. Once Thomas found out the facts from those questions did he post a correction or explain? I don't have my horns either but i was told up front that it could be up to 18 months before i received them due to the remote location of were we hunted. I totally trust Shingani Safaris and have no reason not to.

Mike70560 said:

Here is one reason not to trust Riann. He was arrested for hunting in Zambezi National Park in the beginning of October. All hunting with clients in the Parks is illegal. It will never stick because of his affiliation with certain Parks officials, but we can only hope.

Here is another reason. Vosloo is not a licensed PH in Zim. You clearly state you were hunting with him. Do you have any clue as why the border guys were able to extort $800 from you?

Here is another. 18 months to ship trophies because of the remoteness. That is ridiculous. I suppose supplies are never brought to camp.

Here is another. One of his areas is Gwaye or Gwaii (depending on how you like it spelled). Stolen land!! US citizen cannot hunt there legally.

Book with a reputable Zim company and you will avoid the above BS. Or book with a reputable SA company that acts as booking agents and work with a reputable Zim company.

Thomas Taxidermy said:
I knew this was coming and I would like to set Jimmy B straight on a couple of facts about this hunt!
Numbrer 1, is the fact that he has no idea what I was promised when i bought this hunt. I got nothing I was promised except a buffalo. I and my partner were promised and paid for 1x1 hunts, but the fact is we had to hunt together.
I never bitched about the camp being rough! I live in the mountains of North Idaho and am happy to sleep on the ground while elk hunting! I prefered the zim camp to the plush SA resort type camp.
Also saying I wasn't in shape for this hunt is a bunch of crap. I would crawl on my hands and knees if I had to. After the first day all you in your party did was bitch about how tuff it was walking along the river ON FLAT GROUND! We were hunting in the steep Mopane hills and I never once complained. It wasn't even close to as tuff as the stuff I hunt here. Now to set you straight about me being an ass and talking down your trophies. When we got to camp with my bull (after being stuck in the river bed for a couple hours while you were in camp drinking beer) you told us YOU had killed a F'n monster! You said it several times about what a F'n monster you got. When we asked where it was you stated it was still in the bush and the trackers were taking care of it. I stayed in the bush with my tracker and gutted and took care of my bull! I wanted all of the buffalo experiance! When your buffalo showed up we told you it was a great bull and I told you congradulations!!!! Why would I trash talk your trophy. I knew my bull was wider, but who cares! My party commented what an arrogant guy you were. So maybe you need to refresh your memory a bit.
You might also mention your bull was spotted from the truck and there was no hiking involved!
You were in camp 2 days and I was there for 5! My friend that left was an obserever on my hunt and we wanted him to go to SA to hunt for himself as there was no game in this camp he could hunt. I stayed and hunted with my friend until he took a bull on the 5th day! We had no water, like we had when you were there. Two of these days I had the flu, but spent all day hiking the hills.
My main complaint is that we didn't get to hunt where we were promised, we didn't get a 1 on 1 hunt, and I really wanted a sable like promised. I also wanted the opportunity to hunt were there were lots of buffalo and hunt for the 10 days i was promised!
No I didn't expect to shoot a buffalo from the window of the land cruiser, but as I remember you almost did!
I talked to the taxidermist in Zimbabwe today and they have no idea about our buffalo and I'm pretty sure yours isn't there either. Truthfully i could care less about you or your buffalo.
I told Riaan I wouldn't say anything negative about my hunt and what I didn't get as long as my buffalo was delivered to dip and pack by the end of last September. I still have no idea where it is and all I hear is lies!
My friend is also mad and is seeking legal action against Riaan as he is tired of how he was cheated and lied to also!

Jimmyb said:
You are correct I don't know what you were promised i was just telling my side of a the trip and my experience.
No. 1 and most important I filled out paper work. No. 2 we had a PH from Zim with us . No. 3 I had a great experience. No 4, read my article again about the sand at the river and yes I spotted my bull at the end of the day. No. 4 1/2., I am confident that i am not arrogant and many of my collegues have read the article and they laugh at this. Oh well, each person is entitled to his or her opinion. No. 5, I trust Riaan that I will receive my trophy. Period.
Oh and the mention about him being arrested? i talked to the couple who he was on safari with and yes they were taken in for questioning as there had been reports of poaching in the area. They couple made it very clear when they talked to the SCI officials that they were cleared on the spot and all appoligies were extended by the government. So i guess that we disagree on the accounts. Thomas I wish you luck.

Thomas Taxidermy said:
Jim I didn't and don't want to get into a pissing match with you. I'm sure you did get what you were told, but i didn't bottom line! I do disagree with the fact you had a Zimbabwean ph along. Bruno was the only licenced ph there and he was with our party every day! You had Robert, but he was the game scout, not a ph.
I heard from the dip and pack today and no none of our buffalo are there! Riaan told me they were several times and he knew they were not. There was 3 buffalo delivered and after reviewing photos, it was determined they are none from our hunt. So good luck with getting your buffalo!
I can also ad the Riaan's donation of a buffalo-leopard hunt in Zim. was pulled from the auction by SCI officials! This doesn't happen to someone that is operating with integrity!
Shingani and SCI donation

Good afternoon,
I just wanted to comment on the statement that Riaan Vosloo had been arrested for illegally hunting in the National Park in Zimbabwe this past October 2011.

We were present at that hunt and Riaan was definitely not arrested. He voluntarily went into the police station to answer questions about a possible poaching accusation made by the Zimbabwe anti-poaching patrol.

The Zimbabwe police came into our camp that morning and looked around the camp. Several minutes later the Zimbabwe anti-poaching patrol stormed in, exceptionally rude and took out a cape buffalo and our sable.

The main man with the anti-poaching patrol told us - my husband, and 2 other Americans who were standing outside, to take our S*** and go back to South Africa - you're not wanted here. We asked what he was talking about and then he recanted his statement with "Oh, you're not South Africans, are you the clients?" We stated we were clients and he apologized for his statement but was still very arrogant and spewing off untrue statements about this being Riaan's second offense which was totally untrue.

We have hunted with Riaan several times and have never gotten less than we were promised - all of our trophies and our relatives trophies have arrived in perfect condition and were the animals that we shot. All totalled there were over 60 animals of mulitple species and were told up front it would take approx 18 months to receive them.

Riaan was questioned for over 6 hours at the police station before being released with the anti-poaching patrol having to load the trophies back into his vehicle upon his departure. The police had nothing on him - it was cleared by the Minister of the Parks of Zimbabwe and he was free to go.

I don't know who started the rumor of Riaan being arrested as he obviously was not present at the time and we were and know first hand what went down.

We were highly disappointed in SCI's action in withdrawing Riaan's last donation item at the Vegas show without proof of the acusation made, I am guessing by 1 person, here we are innocent until proven guilty - not the other way around.

We understand that some outfitters in Zimbabwe are upset with the infiltration of South African outfitters but if the South African outfitters have the clients and the permits to hunt it is just a pay off for their hard work in getting the clients. In my opinion the way the Zimbabwe anti-poaching people handled themselves was that they were jealous of the fact that South African outfitters were able to bring more business to Zimbabwe and that if the Zimbabwe outfitters were to bad-mouth the South African outfitters they would in turn get more business.
CJ I'm not the one that started the rumor that Riaan was arrested. I also admire his clients that had good hunts with him sticking up for him. I'm also glad you have always gotten what was promised to you by Riaan.
The fact I didn't get what was promised to me is still the truth. Maybe me and my friend were just the unlucky ones. Not sure why everything about our hunt got changed at the last minute and also not sure why we never got an explaination as to why it happened.
I did get a photo of my buffalo skull from the taxidermist today, and have to thank Riaan for making that happen. I wish that it hadn't taken me speaking out against Riaan and or the threats from my friend to make this happen.
We are praying that all paperwork is in order and we receive our buffalo. It would nice to just put all tihs behind us.
Mmmmm Shows two sides to a story, would be interesting to hear what the motivation was, I for one am getting more and more aprehensive about taking my old clients to zim, although I am working alongside a reputable Zimbawean company and Zim ph. There is so much smoke blowing and skull digging going on that you as a South African outfitter do not know what to do anymore.

And by association you can be implicated in a complete s--t storm simply by association.

I do not sell these hunts to start off with, but fulfill my return clientle's requests to still hunt with me but in different areas as they trust me through previous experiences. There are multiple guilty parties from both sides both South African and Zimbabwe don't even tell me that all Zimbabweans are innocent. The simple fact of the matter is that the current situation holds nothing good for Zimbabwe and its hunting industry.

It is almost impossible for me to find reliable sources and areas to take my clients to because I never know who is lying, I also find it highly amusing that Zimbabwe's closest neighbour (SA) have so much sympathy/empathy for what has happened there and we try to receive and help werever we can but we are being hated by Zimbabweans and so called well informed clients, as South African operators. It is almost as if some guys have placed themselves on a pedestal, by no means the norm but very true of a few.

I have had many interesting nights with Mike Buns (Spelling), John Sharp and acouple other Zimbabwean Professionals and found it humbling to see how these old timers respected me as a professional guide... and for me it was just too overwhelming to be in their presence. I truely hope that the mess can be sorted from both sides, and that the glory days of Zimbabwean hunting may be relived or revived.

It is a far to beautifull and wonderfull place to be caught up in such a constant issue.

My best always.

I am pretty certain the allegations of the arrest for hunting in Zambezi National Park was not the reason Riann's hunt was pulled at SCI. To my knowledge it involved allegations of illegal hunting in another area confirmed by the client on the hunt.

At times I fear hunting in Zim is a loss cause. But when you meet and spend time with the good guys in the business it is easy to want to go back and support them. You have mentioned John Sharp and Buzz Charlton in previous posts. How come is it never their names (or plenty of other very good Zim PHs) come up in these conversations. The reason is they operate legal and above board.

Contrary to popular belief I respect the South African guys that go to Zim and hunt legally. Legally means a licensed Zim PH in a licensed Zim vehicle in an area with proper quota.

Parks is a shamble. There is no money and corruption. Hunts are being sold in the Parks Hwange, Zambezi, etc. and it is not just to South Africans. Unfortunately for every South African hunting illegally in Zim there is a Zim resident supporting it.

Many companies are abusing the rules. The auction areas are seeing significant abuses. Far too many permits are being issued and system is being abused.
I have brought this up on the forum before. Kalulu Safaris is selling ration quota as trophy in the Matetsi Blocks, including the photographic areas. While that act in itself may be legal (however unethical) it is 100 percent illegal to export the trophies, which is being done. Before anybody accuses me of making this up here is the email exchange between myself and Joe Da silva with Kalulu. All of these abuses regardless of who is involved need to be brought in the open.

From: Joe Da Silva [mailto:parowarms@mweb.co.za]
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 7:07 AM
To: 'kburke2006'
Subject: RE: Matetsi Unit 6

100 percent exported Mike-as we pay the Parks the full price for the trophy fees, so they get a double bonus meat and money which they put into maintaining the Parks and they look after from area 1-7 in the Matetsi.
Thanks for your e-mail.
Best regards

From: kburke2006 [mailto:kburke2006@att.net]
Sent: 22 February 2011 14:05
To: Joe Da Silva
Subject: Re: Matetsi Unit 6


Since it is a ration quota are the trophies exportable?

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:34 AM, "Joe Da Silva" <parowarms@mweb.co.za> wrote:
Hello Mike,

Thanks for your e-mail and also thanks for your comments on our web-page.

Regarding your question, yes the General still owns area 6 however our agreement is with National Parks which they own the whole Matetsi area from 1 to 7 they have their own allocation which was suppose to be rations but in turn are selling them to P.H's , we have the agreement with them and have taken the whole quota of game for ourselves.

We have no agreement with the General at all.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Best Regards

From: kburke2006 [mailto:kburke2006@att.net]
Sent: 21 February 2011 14:53
To: parowarms@mweb.co.za
Subject: Matetsi Unit 6


Nice looking site and good hunting area.

Does General Constantine Chiwenga and/or his wife still own the Matetsi Safari Unit 6 or at least the hunting rights. Being from SA you have a Zim partner. Are the Chiwenga's your partner?

Kindest Regards,

Mike Burke

I could continue about alot of things concerning Vosloo including ties to Kalulu, but SCI made the correct decision.

When booking a hunt in Zim I beg you to book with a reputable Zim company or at least reputable South African company that uses one of the long standing companies in Zim.


Out of curiousity, who was your PH and what specific area did you hunt?
I do, and have been doing for some time 13 years +, Zim needs to clean their house, South Africans can not be blamed because parks is a mess, they need to crack down on their people as well, and in the same breath PHASA should clamp down from their side, the whole situation is a mess,
What would your opinion be of so called reputable Zim outfitters operating on both leagal and areas/individuals that are banned by the US, they have buttered their bread on both sides.... I am reffering to large players.....

This is not a uncommon occurance, I am not about to start calling names but I am just stating the truth, there are more than one reputable company in Zim that has made shady deals with generals or undesirable individuals without any South African involvement... My exact reason for stating smoke screens and diversions.

It is a mess regardless of South African involvement or not, there is a split between native Zim Ph's regarding this exact subject some guys find themselves torn because of work availibility and have families to support, My point is that the issue runs much deeper than what the average guys sees, sure that you are fully aware of this though.

Zim is very close to my heart and it is a passion of mine to hunt there with my clients (legally)! In another life I would have seriously considered a permanent move... I have respect for many of their PH's and have the world of empathy for of them as most of them are good guys.

As you, I just hope that it all will change for the better.

My best.

I think it will change for the better. There is a group of Zim guys willing to fight the good fight. While things are not 100% accurate, I think the forums help to educate people as to what is happening. Pressure is being placed on PHASA to help and even ZPHGA is being pushed for more help in the situation. I spoke to US Fisheries and Wildlife at SCI. They support prosecuting US citizen who are involved in the illegal hunts through the Lacy Act.

A long standing Zim PH, Dudley Rogers, was selling hunts in Hwange at SCI. I questioned his agent and posted the question the next day as to the legalities. The legality of the hunt is truly splitting hairs. IMO the quota was not issued legally under Zim law. Again IMO the hunts are truly unethical. He was selling the hunts as non-exportable, however exporting the trophies are 100 percent illegal, same as ration hunts. Every reputable Zim operator I talked to at SCI found it disgusting, unethical, and felt it was illegal. Ask Buzz what he has seen happen in Hwange on similar hunts. Dudley was not happy with me. I did used my real name and gave them all my contact info.

Could you imagine a SA operator selling hunts in Kruger? Imagine the outcry. Then imagine if foreign hunters were involved also. That is what Zim is facing.
Mike very true, I am sure that all of us are wanting this tide to turn, Hwange has been a constant source of attention and publicity, truly hoe it all gets sorted.

My best always.

Are these the same people from " shingani scam outfitter" thread that was posted about a year ago ?
No I'm not the same guy from a year ago
Sorry Thomas , my question was asked incorrectly . I meant to ask if it is the same outfitter that someone also had a problem with about a year ago.

Didn't mean to refer to you
Now it's the end of March and still no paperwork! We were told the paperwork was stamped and would be delivered to the dip and pack a month ago!
This ordeal has just been one lie after the other!
Now it's getting to the end of May and still no progress! Vosloo claims we are waiting on the Zim goverment for export, but the taxidermist claims they are waiting on paperwork from Vosloo. Frustrating to say the least!
Two years ago today I took the buffalo with Shingani Safaris and still no paperwork. Oviously there will never be an export permit to get my buffalo and it's time to just give up. The taxidermist has tried for months to get Riaan to produce paperwork and she is always told they will get it in a couple weeks. She admitted to us that it is hopeless at this point.

Sad to say the least!
Shingani is BAD!!!

Bow hunted with them in 2009 from an SCI auction.
Game was scarce.
Couldn't get PH out of bed.
Hides were poor and full of baboon scat.
Was told they had LOTS and LOTS of gemsbok - never saw one at any distance.
The few animals we got were immature...saw none bigger .
Took two years and dozens of emails to get my few animals back - ALL were ruined except one, one I never did get. Shingani has NO interest in getting your trophies to you. Poorly run and managed. Only wants your $$. Very amateurish and unprofessional. I've been back to RSA once and Namibia - the others were Four Star.....Shingani I would not go back to if free.
Bow hunted with them in 2009 from an SCI auction.
Game was scarce.
Couldn't get PH out of bed.
Hides were poor and full of baboon scat.
Was told they had LOTS and LOTS of gemsbok - never saw one at any distance.
The few animals we got were immature...saw none bigger .
Took two years and dozens of emails to get my few animals back - ALL were ruined except one, one I never did get. Shingani has NO interest in getting your trophies to you. Poorly run and managed. Only wants your $$. Very amateurish and unprofessional. I've been back to RSA once and Namibia - the others were Four Star.....Shingani I would not go back to if free.

mate thats not good , sorry to hear .
it certainly sounds as though you mean every word of it .
glad your other african adventures turned out good .
welcome and enjoy the site .
So sad.. I would like to know if Thomas ever had his situation resolved..
stop talking crap!

Riaan Vosloo is not a scum! you wouldn't survive a day in the hunting business. its a pitty your hunts went bad, but life isn't always fair. hunting is searching for animals to kill not hope one appears infront of you. 99% of hunt with Shingani Safaris were and is SUCCESSFUL! There is a lot of people who will verify that.

its hard to hunt in zimbabwe but it is a high demand, the anti-poching units were wrong to take the trophys. Zimbabwe is corrupt, they steal money all they way, riaan paid alot more mony than what the trophy cost for everyting els like taxdermy permits .. so on, so on.. the just steal the money.. i can tell you this Riaan Vosloo is almost 24/7 busy with his clients trophys, there is very few who complain, VERY FEW! you could call him a hero, he shot an elephant cow which charged him and a client from 3-5 meters away! and thats only one of the many, buffalo, hippo and lions charged them and no one was ever hurt, with other outfiters was a client attacked and other cases to.

you cannot expect to see the whole kruger national park when you are hunting! its called WALK AND STALK, where the fun comes in, you hunt for your trophy, and never will he let a client shoot a small trophy, if the client wanted to shoot it, is it his own fault! stop bad mouthing shingani, Riaan Vosloo is not a cold person at all.. he is a hell lot of fun, shingani safaris is one of the best places you can book a hunt.. the have friendly staff and a caring family.

you are very lucky if you hunted with shingani. memories are made there. if people come back every year or second for 14 years he has to be doing something right???? if you dont know anything about riaan vosloo personally just shut up! rumours are spread by haters and jelous people. never did Riaan vosloo hunt illegally anywhere in this planet. he putted hard work and dedication into his business. al 3 his kids love shunting, their father is no criminal. get your facts straight! The fault is abseloutely not in Shingani Safaris or Riaan Vosloo

all ther best :)
For a new member you come on very strong. The original post comes from a man who was not treated well as I am sure you would agree if you read from the beginning. I can appreciate his frustration with the entire situation. One might think you are a single issue man given you have only one post and the one is a rant. Having said that your post is not very convincing to me.
As you say
All the best

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