Doug, of all the camps I've been in, Bishopestone is the only one I would bring my wife too. First of all the place is beautiful and well manicured. The food was great and there is a small but nice swimming pool there as well.
If she likes to fish there is a huge dam on the property that I'm sure has fish in it. Lots of birds and game to be seen there too.
Best of all, John's wife Debbie is there too, and if there is anyone nicer than John it is Debbie. She will keep the wife busy I'm sure.
One morning I heard Lions roaring and I asked John about it and he told me that a few miles away there is a farm where a lady keeps a few pet Lions! He arraigned it and we spent an afternoon there, having tea too. It was incredible....seeing her lions up close. Plus they had a few pet mongoose running around and one sat in my lap. She also had a pet Giraffe which I fed a few oranges to.
Bishopestone is also a working orange plantation, and I almost forgot to tell you that, John constructed an outpost camp where they keep a supply of damaged oranges for wild Elephants to feed on...he will take you there and you will see them up close! He will also dump oranges in a dry river bed and make a blind for you to blast Baboons from...there are hundreds of them there. There is way more to do there than killing, you will both love it!
PS: Messina South Africa is a short drive away but the border crossing is a major hassle with AK47 carrying soldiers present so I would not even think about going there, especially with my wife. Not much to do there anyway.
Let's hope that the airlines are running in time!! John thinks that it will by then but I'm a bit worried