Was going to do a report a couple weeks ago but had to get a new hip. Just got back first part of June from Zim hunting Mr Spots. Yes all the stars lined up for me so now I will give a short report. Booked my hunt with Biggerstaff Hunting with Hounds. Flew in to Bulawayo and was picked up and hunted by Pro Safaris Africa. My PH would be the one and only Norman Crooks. I had 4 days of pre baits prior to my arrival. Although the cats weren't on the baits there was 1 female and 2 males walking the roads. The first morning we weren't in the truck for 30 min and the dogs were on the ground. It's wasn't long the dogs were picked back up and the tracks were cold. The rest of the day we hung more baits and got ready for day 2. The next 4 days we cut a big male track twice. The track had a crooked pad. The cat was moving late afternoon. This same cats track was spotted here the yr before but couldn't corner him up. On the 6th day we managed to cut his track real early. The dogs hit the ground and the race was on. This seemed to be a smart ole cat. The dogs would run for 20 min and then loose him for a while and just when I'd think it was over they would strike again. I never quietly cheered for the dogs in my entire life like I did this day. It's funny when it all ended I told the guys it was like chasing my first girl friend. One min my heart was about to beat out of my chest and the next min I just new it was over. At the very end the big cat circled the dogs at least twice. The grass was chest high, and thick. I wasn't sure how all this would play out but had asked lots of questions all week trying to prepare myself for both. Tree or grass. After many hrs of running the big cat he took to a tree. I walked in with my PH and couldn't believe all the excitement going on around the tree. This my friends was beyond awesome and this was exactly what I signed up for. I gathered my composure and made a good clean shot. I will never and I mean never forget those eyes looking back my way as my scope zoomed in just before the shot. This hunt was unbelievable. The food was great. This group ran a very well organized hunt. The PH and houndsman were so professional at there job. This was my first leopard hunt but damn it I might have to do it again. I will hunt with Pro Safaris again that's for sure. Cape buffalo in spring 18 is next and can't wait. This was my second trip to Africa and I am hooked. I do enjoy.