
It was low class by Trump.

Doesn't that say more about McCain then Trump. McCain gets insulted so he screws over thousands of Americans. Just a different perspective.

I’d say it says a lot about both of them. We may not have liked McCain’s politics, but you NEVER mock the suffering and injuries a man experiences in service to his country, NEVER!
It was low class by Trump.

Doesn't that say more about McCain than Trump. McCain gets insulted so he screws over thousands of Americans. Just a different perspective.
While I agree that McCain made a huge mistake, the man was literally dying and was pushed too far by azzhole, Trump. In addition, I doubt a lot of people knew exactly what would happen when Obamacare was implemented. We were lied to and told that it would get people with low incomes to at least get insurance and contribute some money and if they didn’t, they would be charged $2500 on their tax return. This was a lie because all a person had to do was sign a waiver form saying that the $2500 was a burden and just like that, the $2500 fee for not getting insurance was forgiven! In addition, low income people are paying as little as $50 per month while the rest of us pick up the tab!

Trump started the fight with McCain and let’s not forget all the other stupid rubbish that came out of his mouth! I liked his policies but he was an idiot and he alienated other Republicans and lots of voters, which is the MAIN reason he lost in 2020. Other things contributed to his loss, such as the MSM coverup of the Biden family’s kleptocracy and mailing a ballot to every lazy person in the name of COVID.
Seems like it's still happening....

Spoken by the pedophile in charge. Sounds like he's trying to legitimize his own actions.
Sharpen up your knives, folks. That will "fix" a pedophile.

No need to get your hands dirty, just send them to the pen, in general population.
This type of stupid public name calling and showboating is how we ended up with Obamacare, which cost me thousands! I was paying $750 per month for health insurance with reasonable deductibles for my family until Trump got in a public fight with McCain when he belittled McCain’s incredible suffering in the “Hanoi Hilton.” McCain wasn’t my favorite Senator but his service to our country was incredibly commendable. Not to mention that his father was an Admiral, as was his grandfather. Trump’s comments were despicable and WRONG. These completely irrational and cruel comments about someone that was TORTURED were a little too much for McCain so, unfortunately, McCain, being near death, struck back by denying Trump a major legislative win when McCain cast the final deciding vote in the Senate on Obamacare, not long before he died. My insurance went up over the next couple years to $2300 PER MONTH with a $6600 deductible because I made too much money and was forced to pay for a bunch of deadbeats!

Get your $h*t together!
While I agree that McCain made a huge mistake, the man was literally dying and was pushed too far by azzhole, Trump. In addition, I doubt a lot of people knew exactly what would happen when Obamacare was implemented. We were lied to and told that it would get people with low incomes to at least get insurance and contribute some money and if they didn’t, they would be charged $2500 on their tax return. This was a lie because all a person had to do was sign a waiver form saying that the $2500 was a burden and just like that, the $2500 fee for not getting insurance was forgiven! In addition, low income people are paying as little as $50 per month while the rest of us pick up the tab!

Trump started the fight with McCain and let’s not forget all the other stupid rubbish that came out of his mouth! I liked his policies but he was an idiot and he alienated other Republicans and lots of voters, which is the MAIN reason he lost in 2020. Other things contributed to his loss, such as the MSM coverup of the Biden family’s kleptocracy and mailing a ballot to every lazy person in the name of COVID.

I lived in Arizona and John McCain was my Senator for most of my life. Voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the norm for Senator McCain. He was petty, spiteful and obsessed with media spotlight. He pursued anything, and everything that would get him media attention. He would have done the same to Bush 43, if the stars had aligned for him. Remember, he hated Bush too.

The majority of old folks in AZ trusted him and it had nothing to do with his voting record or work in Washington. To many, it was his military service alone. The surprising thing was how many Goldwater girls loved McCain unconditionally because Goldwater said he could be trusted. I heard this a lot from old gals in Sun City over the years. There was no room to speak to them about issues. They didn't care. You can mention a vote and they reply "I Love John", and that was it. It was like a cult of personality, which I never understood. McCain's personality was nasty during my lifetime.

I made it a point to never comment about McCain's military service as I was to young to do so. I heard the same line from hundreds of democrats and republicans however: "finished last in his class, became an aviator because of daddy admiral, then promptly got shot down. Yeah, no shit." At least Arizonians opposed to McCain could explain their opposition to him. His most loyal followers however, they wouldn't bother trying. His votes didn't matter.

McCain was right about one thing. Money corrupts in Politics. His massive war chest made primary challenges nearly impossible. If anyone still had a shot, crossover voters by democrats secured their fate.
I lived in Arizona and John McCain was my Senator for most of my life. Voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the norm for Senator McCain. He was petty, spiteful and obsessed with media spotlight. He pursued anything, and everything that would get him media attention. He would have done the same to Bush 43, if the stars had aligned for him. Remember, he hated Bush too.

The majority of old folks in AZ trusted him and it had nothing to do with his voting record or work in Washington. To many, it was his military service alone. The surprising thing was how many Goldwater girls loved McCain unconditionally because Goldwater said he could be trusted. I heard this a lot from old gals in Sun City over the years. There was no room to speak to them about issues. They didn't care. You can mention a vote and they reply "I Love John", and that was it. It was like a cult of personality, which I never understood. McCain's personality was nasty during my lifetime.

I made it a point to never comment about McCain's military service as I was to young to do so. I heard the same line from hundreds of democrats and republicans however: "finished last in his class, became an aviator because of daddy admiral, then promptly got shot down. Yeah, no shit." At least Arizonians opposed to McCain could explain their opposition to him. His most loyal followers however, they wouldn't bother trying. His votes didn't matter.

McCain was right about one thing. Money corrupts in Politics. His massive war chest made primary challenges nearly impossible. If anyone still had a shot, crossover voters by democrats secured their fate.
He hated Trump more than Bush. Not even close. Trump caused this.
He hated Trump more than Bush. Not even close. Trump caused this.
When I was a baby I learned I couldn't blame others for my actions. McCain was solely responsible for his votes.
When I was a baby I learned I couldn't blame others for my actions. McCain was solely responsible for his votes.
Nice response from an ideologue. No compromise ever.
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Nice response from an ideologue. No compromise ever.
Guess I am not supposed to say thank you.

I'm married so I can compromise. I can define compromise too: Shut up and do what she wants

I can define compromise in Washington: Republicans fold, cave on any principles and join Democrats to enact whatever the Democrats want.

To actually compromise (per webster) settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions. You should end up somewhere in the middle. That's a rare ending when dealing with democrats. 9 out of 10 times the republicans capitulate completely and leave their voters pulling their hair out.

With McCain though. Once he started voting for gun control bills in the very early 2000's, I did decided I would not compromise with that.
I Googled her as well.. Interesting you cherry-picked the info and the context to support your obvious bias toward her or her ideology or dislike for her personality.. If you ever want a job at the New York Times, I'm sure you could get one. If you are going to characterize someone, do it fairly..

If you don't like her for whatever reasons, that's certainly your prerogative. However, as a member of this site, I assume you are a gun owner and pro-2nd Amendment? If so, you should also acknowledge that a big part of Bobert's popularity and endearment by her constituency is her staunch advocacy for gun rights. She first made political headlines confronting and embarrassing Dumbo O'Rourke in a town hall gun grab rally put on by O'Rourke.. Like her or not, she's one of the few in Congress willing to go to the mat on gun rights, and that's a pretty big deal these days. Most so-called "conservatives" and "republicans" are political cowards when it comes to this issue. She is not..!

You also deliberately chose to mention that she grew up poor and dropped out of school to raise her kid as if this is something to be ashamed of? I suppose you would prefer to hear she aborted it like the liberals would?

She also worked as a McDonald's manager then became a pipefitter. Is working in a traditionally noble trade field also supposed to be some sort of embarrassment? I would characterize her as someone to be admired who worked her way up from poverty to success. Is the successful pursuit of the American Dream something to mock in your view?

Afte meeting her husband (likely during her time as a pipefitter) they jointly opened up 3 different restaurants, all of which were all but destroyed during the asinine covid restrictions in that existed in Colorado. Her public defiance of these restrictions and outspoken support for fellow Colorado business owners is to a greater extent what propelled her in the spotlight for political office. She defeated a 6-term incumbent in the primaries and then went on to beat the democrat candidate by 6 points. She was recently re-elected to her second term albeit by a few hundred votes. Regardless, her constituents re-elected her because they feel she is the one who best represents them and their interests in west-central Colorado. So, what you and I think really doesn't matter. The voters in her district obviously feel she's doing what they elected her to do..

It also doesn't hurt that she's smoking hot!
She is a scrapper.....what the Republican party needs is more rapid dogs....seriously.....we need more fighters...sick of seeing Republicans step back, compromise and cave....that's how we got America in this mess.
Spoken by the pedophile in charge. Sounds like he's trying to legitimize his own actions.
Referring to the world economic forum speaker.
Unreal! All the talk about McCain. And the non-stop TDS spewage is also unreal. McCain spent time in the Hanoi Hilton. He turned into a big, back stabbing RINO butthead who went around with the delusion he was beyond any criticism because of his stay in the POW hell hole. That evolution and revealing behavior about his character or lack thereof happened well before Trump was any kind of political player. McCain played the media, then in true fashion, they played him. He likely died a bitter individual. Am I missing something?

And all the insulting talk about individuals that simply parrot something a blog post or CNN would promote or what is "trending" is also revealing. The elitism is thick here lately. I know Boebert only as a casual acquaintance. I did have a political conversation over coffee with her during her first campaign, IIRC mid 2019. She went out and met people one on one and really worked hard beating the pavement to get the know locals all over a very huge district! I don't know if she is smart or dumb or average. She seemed average or above average to me but above all absolutely committed, outspoken and honest about her conservative principles. That has not changed. "Intelligence of a cucumber" is not even worthy of a response. Nor does such crap as the idea that a good representative politician has to have a high IQ or score high on the SAT. That argument is actually unbelievably insulting and stupid! Stoop there and I could easily return the favor :) IMO, really high scores of whatever may be a very poor sole gauge of suitability for serving in any role as a political representative. A better gauge IMO might include : commitment, core principles of decency and values, being the antithesis of a shyster salesman, speaking your mind and meaning it, being fearless against those opposed to decency and moral/ethical behavior and conscience. BTW, I know exactly what an ACT score is and means. I know exactly what an SAT score is and means. I know exactly what an IQ quotient is and means. I know exactly what an ASVAB score is and means. My SAT composite was 1465 @96 percentile, my ACT was higher but can't recall the numbers, my IQ quotient was measured at 132-138. My ASVAB composite was 98. Would I make a good representative or politician?- nope not a chance. I would make a very poor one. Zip, Zero, Nada interest and no aptitude for it. I can't stand meetings. I have no patience for certain behaviors. I hate to sell anything. I do poorly at selling things. I have become convinced many, possibly most, people and voters want to be schmoozed and sold something by slick tongued politicians and can't stand harsh, truthful speech or opinion from other politicians. Many are easily brain washed by social media and MSM outlets and will fight with animal survival instinct to avoid admitting it. Many have been overwhelmed by the volume in the information highway. Reality has been warped. Symptoms of some form of ADD have become more and more apparent, especially among the cell phone addicted.
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Unreal! All the talk about McCain. And the non-stop TDS spewage is also unreal. McCain spent time in the Hanoi Hilton. He turned into a big, back stabbing RINO butthead who went around with the delusion he was beyond any criticism because of his stay in the POW hell hole. That evolution and revealing behavior about his character or lack thereof happened well before Trump was any kind of political player. McCain played the media, then in true fashion, they played him. He likely died a bitter individual. Am I missing something?

And all the insulting talk about individuals that simply parrot something a blog post or CNN would promote or what is "trending" is also revealing. The elitism is thick here lately. I know Boebert only as a casual acquaintance. I did have a political conversation over coffee with her during her first campaign, IIRC mid 2019. She went out and met people one on one and really worked hard beating the pavement to get the know locals all over a very huge district! I don't know if she is smart or dumb or average. She seemed average or above average to me but above all absolutely committed, outspoken and honest about her conservative principles. That has not changed. "Intelligence of a cucumber" is not even worthy of a response. Nor does such crap as the idea that a good representative politician has to have a high IQ or score high on the SAT. That argument is actually unbelievably insulting and stupid! Stoop there and I could easily return the favor :) IMO, really high scores of whatever may be a very poor sole gauge of suitability for serving in any role as a political representative. A better gauge IMO might include : commitment, core principles of decency and values, being the antithesis of a shyster salesman, speaking your mind and meaning it, being fearless against those opposed to decency and moral/ethical behavior and conscience. BTW, I know exactly what an ACT score is and means. I know exactly what an SAT score is and means. I know exactly what an IQ quotient is and means. I know exactly what an ASVAB score is and means. My SAT composite was 1465 @96 percentile, my ACT was higher but can't recall the numbers, my IQ quotient was measured at 132-138. My ASVAB composite was 98. Would I make a good representative or politician?- nope not a chance. I would make a very poor one. Zip, Zero, Nada interest and no aptitude for it. I can't stand meetings. I have no patience for certain behaviors. I hate to sell anything. I do poorly at selling things. I have become convinced many, possibly most, people and voters want to be schmoozed and sold something by slick tongued politicians and can't stand harsh, truthful speech or opinion from other politicians. Many are easily brain washed by social media and MSM outlets and will fight with animal survival instinct to avoid admitting it. Many have been overwhelmed by the volume in the information highway. Reality has been warped. Symptoms of some form of ADD have become more and more apparent, especially among the cell phone addicted.
Yes, you’re missing the timing of the peak of Trump’s attack on McCain in relation to the Obamacare vote and you would be mistaken to assume I am a big McCain fan. No need to list out McCain’s other transgressions for me. However, I’m definitely not a fan of the narcissist Trump, either.

Thanks for the detailed report of your test scores. I agree that people excel in different ways and are suited to different types of work irrespective of test scores. Temperament is also important for lots of jobs, as well as how posts on this forum are delivered and received.
As an Englishman, I generally avoid commenting on American politics for two reasons: firstly, I am told that my opinion counts for nothing since the treachery of 1776; and, secondly, you are all a bit left-wing for my taste.

However, there are two excellent articles available on 'The American Spectator' website about the current imbroglio regarding Kevin McCarthy.

This one directly deals with the Dan Crenshaw article, copied by 375 Ruger Fan yesterday.

This one describes McCarthy as 'an empty suit and a quintessential Swamp creature'.

If that description is right, it would seem quite in order to question whether there might not be someone, amongst more than 200 other Republicans in the Congress, who could be expected to do the job slightly better.
Ok, so now I have learnt how to make sausage and the result is surprisingly quite good. All of the concessions 'wrung' from McCarthy seem sensible and Republican, so was the holdout all an act to achieve an objective? Could it be that it is putting the Dems on notice that the hard line is inevitable? Or perhaps to achieve an even more conservative standpoint than perhaps the moderates would have accepted, but now they are locked into because they knew about it and voted for it?
Ok, so now I have learnt how to make sausage and the result is surprisingly quite good. All of the concessions 'wrung' from McCarthy seem sensible and Republican, so was the holdout all an act to achieve an objective? Could it be that it is putting the Dems on notice that the hard line is inevitable? Or perhaps to achieve an even more conservative standpoint than perhaps the moderates would have accepted, but now they are locked into because they knew about it and voted for it?
The next two years will be spent positioning for the next election. I doubt any meaningful legislation will be passed in this time frame.
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