
I'm 71 years old but my love for America still burns in my heart as strong as when I was a 21 year old Marine. I detest the Marxist principles that, for the most part, the Democratic Party has initiated on this country......but I also despise the gutless Republican Party who, for the most part, never fought to counter this wave....and I have been a Republican all my life. Never cared for Trump's mannerisms but so what?.......I believe in his heart he loved this country too......I aligned with his beliefs and principles. Trump pointed out to me just how vast and corrupt the Washington Swamp is...I never new the expanse of it until I saw the onslaught of attacks against him and his family.

I've never met Lauren Boebert but I believe this young woman loves America too.....and, like me, she is angry at the path our country has taken. It takes courage to take a stand the way she and other Freedom Caucus members did which, I believe, will help to put the Republican Party "Weasels" on notice....she represents what I believe. We will see what Kevin McCarthy does....weasel or fighter.

America has lost its way....I don't believe it is as close to a Christian nation as it once was. And I believe one day all of us will answer for what we did or didn't do to correct this. As the leopard dead on the side of Kilimanjaro, America has taken the wrong path and gotten lost. Perhaps Lauren Boebert and other Freedom Caucus members will help define the leadership we need to get America back on track...for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildrens sake...I hope so.

Semper Fi
Glad the showdown is over. The group of 20 got some good concessions that should help.
Glad the showdown is over. The group of 20 got some good concessions that should help.
Yes and no. Remember those concessions apply to the other party as much as the Republicans. The democrats can now amend forever to halt Republican legislation. They also can tie the House up in procedural speaker votes if they so desire. Pelosi pushed through the rule changes to help keep a tiny democrat majority from being stymied by a strong (vote wise) Republican minority.

On the other hand, returning to something like regular order with respect to appropriations and budget is likely a net positive, though the goal of a net budget freeze will not happen without gutting defense. I suspect a large majority of Republican Congressmen will have little interest in participating in that during a period of increased tensions with China and Russia.
We obviously don't agree on the Congresswoman-elect's qualifications or intelligence and I also don't agree with your selection or rating criteria for woman.

The fact that Congresswoman Boebert is smoking hot is not a qualification for office. It's a bonus! What can I say? A beautiful, TRULY conservative, brave woman of true conviction with an open carry sidearm does it for me...

As for rating Boebert's intelligence, I really haven't heard enough from her to offer a quantified assessment. However, if we are going to use a standardized intelligence test to establish criteria for our elected representatives, I fear the House would have about 40-50 members instead of the current 434. I would bet my next pension check that you could eliminate the entire 212 in the Democratic caucus with such a test immediately.. The fact that they vote as lemmings regardless of the issue is not a demonstration of unity to me admired. It's one of fecklessness and low intelligence. But, I digress from the original point..

What I do know for a fact about Boebert is that she is a fearless and apparently much more of a clever politician than given credit for given the outcome of the SOH votes. She's also apparently smart enough to be one of 20 true conservatives who showed themselves to be collectively skilled enough to "out politic" the the politicians to affect actual change in the swamp for the first in a very long time.

Liz Cheney is pretty intellectual.. How would she rate in your test to be qualified for office? You pick your politicians your way, I'll stick with the ones who have more courage and conviction over intellect any day. Besides, elected representatives aren't supposed to be required to build rockets or explain quantum physics. They are supposed to tenaciously represent the will of their constituency.

I am underwhelmed by her intellect and the notion of her offering meaningful representation on any number of critical issues to this country Is laughable.

Speaking of what is actually laughable, just based on the outcome of the SOH vote alone, your assessment of her doesn't seem to have aged well overnight.. I recommend that you read some of the more than 40 bills she has sponsored or co-sponsored in her first term, and then honestly tell me that any of that legislation isn't meaningingful to the America-First agenda or conservatism. You are being dismissive based on personality, not factuality.

Your belief that everyone seemingly has “to go“ who disagrees with you is a perfect example and the road to political oblivion.

It's not about who agrees with me or not. It's about perpetuating real conservativism. If you honestly believe that this republic is going to be saved by the status quo and false conservatives that are currently in charge, you are delusional. We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it.

I am not entirely comfortable with 10% of regionally elected representatives determining who is number three in line to the President. Particularly if Boebert and Gaetz are leading the process. And a vote for Trump? It simply makes a joke of what should be serious.

Comfortable or not, it's part of the process that the founders created. Had McCarthy delivered more red seats as promised instead of playing politics and trying to primary out his "MAGA" colleges who he deemed threatening, he would not have had to rely on any one single vote. In all reality, all of this could have been avoided if he had taken the Freedom Caucus' requests for revisions more seriously instead of arrogantly assuming the position. That arrogance in itself is one of many reasons McCarthy and his brand of republicans are such a huge part of the problem.

Make no mistake.. I believe it is now quiet apparent to everyone that Gaetz is a serious as a heart attack. Gaetz's vote for Trump was a middle finger to McCarthy and all the rest of the false conservatives and their arrogance. Obviously, Trump's nomination by Gaetz for SOH was not indented to be taken seriously by the people, but it was intended to make McCarthy and the rest of the false conservatives take the will of the holdouts seriously, which they eventually did.. Drawing out the process to make these guys twist in the wind for a while longer was harmless in the end, but very effective in it's messaging.

think our differences are really over issues of pragmatism. Idealism is useless if it is unachievable. The founders gave us a set of tools. Tradition gave us a two-party system. At the moment both current incarnations of those parties seem determined to embrace the extremes of their respective ideologies.

I've always been a pragmatist. Yet, even pragmatism is guided by perspective, of which you and I seem to be polar opposites. An example of this is my disagreement with you that both parties are embracing their extreme ideologies. The democrats certainly are, but I absolutely do not see it that way with the republicans. I forget who said it but I feel this quote best applies to my current sentiment in regard to the republican party of today: "I never left my party, they left me.."

I would vehemently argue that what is being wrongly described in our culture today as "MAGA" and "Extremist" is nothing more that the believe in the basic principles that I outlined earlier in my definition of America First. These are not radical or extreme ideologies, and those who claim they are are not to be taken seriously. They are the basic tenets of any true conservative that no one would have given a second thought about a few years ago...

In the last few decades, the republican establishment across this country has forsaken these fundamental principles that never left the average American. Trump was the first since Reagan that recognized this and tried to reestablish the doctrine. The weak, feckless, and greedy republicans are just as responsible for suppressing these ideologies as are the lunatic, liberals. The truly disgusting part is at least the liberals are being honest about it.

So, to finally address your comment: Pragmatically, they ALL do need to go, or ideally the the country will be lost..!
As an Englishman, I generally avoid commenting on American politics for two reasons: firstly, I am told that my opinion counts for nothing since the treachery of 1776; and, secondly, you are all a bit left-wing for my taste.


I have a British relative who texts me "Happy Treason Day" every 4th of July...

I will happily listen to to your opinions any day! There is no way I am too left for your taste.. Apparently, on here I am a MAGA extremist and an isolationist among other things I am sure.. LOL..
The next two years will be spent positioning for the next election. I doubt any meaningful legislation will be passed in this time frame.

More important is what they can now block. This puts a major crimp in the dems plans.
Yes and no. Remember those concessions apply to the other party as much as the Republicans. The democrats can now amend forever to halt Republican legislation. They also can tie the House up in procedural speaker votes if they so desire. Pelosi pushed through the rule changes to help keep a tiny democrat majority from being stymied by a strong (vote wise) Republican minority.

On the other hand, returning to something like regular order with respect to appropriations and budget is likely a net positive, though the goal of a net budget freeze will not happen without gutting defense. I suspect a large majority of Republican Congressmen will have little interest in participating in that during a period of increased tensions with China and Russia.
Yes, I understand that the rule changes will make it difficult to get any bills passed (not a bad thing sometimes) but the accept it all or nothing approach of Pelosi is also bad and leads to abuse. It also is not what our Founding Fathers intended.
The fact that Congresswoman Boebert is smoking hot is not a qualification for office. It's a bonus! What can I say? A beautiful, TRULY conservative, brave woman of true conviction with an open carry sidearm does it for me...

As for rating Boebert's intelligence, I really haven't heard enough from her to offer a quantified assessment. However, if we are going to use a standardized intelligence test to establish criteria for our elected representatives, I fear the House would have about 40-50 members instead of the current 434. I would bet my next pension check that you could eliminate the entire 212 in the Democratic caucus with such a test immediately.. The fact that they vote as lemmings regardless of the issue is not a demonstration of unity to me admired. It's one of fecklessness and low intelligence. But, I digress from the original point..

What I do know for a fact about Boebert is that she is a fearless and apparently much more of a clever politician than given credit for given the outcome of the SOH votes. She's also apparently smart enough to be one of 20 true conservatives who showed themselves to be collectively skilled enough to "out politic" the the politicians to affect actual change in the swamp for the first in a very long time.

Liz Cheney is pretty intellectual.. How would she rate in your test to be qualified for office? You pick your politicians your way, I'll stick with the ones who have more courage and conviction over intellect any day. Besides, elected representatives aren't supposed to be required to build rockets or explain quantum physics. They are supposed to tenaciously represent the will of their constituency.

Speaking of what is actually laughable, just based on the outcome of the SOH vote alone, your assessment of her doesn't seem to have aged well overnight.. I recommend that you read some of the more than 40 bills she has sponsored or co-sponsored in her first term, and then honestly tell me that any of that legislation isn't meaningingful to the America-First agenda or conservatism. You are being dismissive based on personality, not factuality.

It's not about who agrees with me or not. It's about perpetuating real conservativism. If you honestly believe that this republic is going to be saved by the status quo and false conservatives that are currently in charge, you are delusional. We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it.

Comfortable or not, it's part of the process that the founders created. Had McCarthy delivered more red seats as promised instead of playing politics and trying to primary out his "MAGA" colleges who he deemed threatening, he would not have had to rely on any one single vote. In all reality, all of this could have been avoided if he had taken the Freedom Caucus' requests for revisions more seriously instead of arrogantly assuming the position. That arrogance in itself is one of many reasons McCarthy and his brand of republicans are such a huge part of the problem.

Make no mistake.. I believe it is now quiet apparent to everyone that Gaetz is a serious as a heart attack. Gaetz's vote for Trump was a middle finger to McCarthy and all the rest of the false conservatives and their arrogance. Obviously, Trump's nomination by Gaetz for SOH was not indented to be taken seriously by the people, but it was intended to make McCarthy and the rest of the false conservatives take the will of the holdouts seriously, which they eventually did.. Drawing out the process to make these guys twist in the wind for a while longer was harmless in the end, but very effective in it's messaging.

I've always been a pragmatist. Yet, even pragmatism is guided by perspective, of which you and I seem to be polar opposites. An example of this is my disagreement with you that both parties are embracing their extreme ideologies. The democrats certainly are, but I absolutely do not see it that way with the republicans. I forget who said it but I feel this quote best applies to my current sentiment in regard to the republican party of today: "I never left my party, they left me.."

I would vehemently argue that what is being wrongly described in our culture today as "MAGA" and "Extremist" is nothing more that the believe in the basic principles that I outlined earlier in my definition of America First. These are not radical or extreme ideologies, and those who claim they are are not to be taken seriously. They are the basic tenets of any true conservative that no one would have given a second thought about a few years ago...

In the last few decades, the republican establishment across this country has forsaken these fundamental principles that never left the average American. Trump was the first since Reagan that recognized this and tried to reestablish the doctrine. The weak, feckless, and greedy republicans are just as responsible for suppressing these ideologies as are the lunatic, liberals. The truly disgusting part is at least the liberals are being honest about it.

So, to finally address your comment: Pragmatically, they ALL do need to go, or ideally the the country will be lost..!
I agree with some of this but as for courage, Liz Cheney has plenty of courage and lost her seat for it. You may think she sided with the Democrats but it’s not that simple. She took a stand on Trump’s idiocy and transgressions, she didn’t “side with the Democrats” and I’m certainly not a Democrat either. She stood up for the constitution, as did Pence. It’s unconscionable to me that people just give Trump a pass just because he was in our party. I’m not following some idiot off a cliff because he was our party’s President.
I watched the election of McCarthy yesterday and what I saw was the DemonRats ineptitude on two actions. First- when the Republicans didn't have the McCarthy votes, the DemonRats could have noted for him, got him elected then have put McCarthy in a position of obligation to the DemonRats and also superseded any conservative deal. Secondly, after the 14th vote and a motion to adjourn it appeared the DemonRats considered keeping the assembly open was good political theatre which was making the Republicans look bad and open to ridicule by the media. So the DemonRats voted to keep things open- but an agreement was made with the Republican holdouts, and adjourn votes were changed to continue- followed by an affirmative vote for McCarthy- so the Republicans appeared as victors while the DemonRats looked like a Cornerback that has just allowed a Widereceiver to runs past him for the score.
I watched the election of McCarthy yesterday and what I saw was the DemonRats ineptitude on two actions. First- when the Republicans didn't have the McCarthy votes, the DemonRats could have noted for him, got him elected then have put McCarthy in a position of obligation to the DemonRats and also superseded any conservative deal. Secondly, after the 14th vote and a motion to adjourn it appeared the DemonRats considered keeping the assembly open was good political theatre which was making the Republicans look bad and open to ridicule by the media. So the DemonRats voted to keep things open- but an agreement was made with the Republican holdouts, and adjourn votes were changed to continue- followed by an affirmative vote for McCarthy- so the Republicans appeared as victors while the DemonRats looked like a Cornerback that has just allowed a Widereceiver to runs past him for the score.
Agreed, the Democrats could have gotten a much softer version of the McCarthy by electing him earlier on. One wonders what their advantage play was, or if they had no plan at all? The smarties in all of this are definitely the freedom caucus, and the six in particular. The pressure increased right to the very end.
I agree with some of this but as for courage, Liz Cheney has plenty of courage and lost her seat for it. You may think she sided with the Democrats but it’s not that simple. She took a stand on Trump’s idiocy and transgressions, she didn’t “side with the Democrats” and I’m certainly not a Democrat either. She stood up for the constitution, as did Pence. It’s unconscionable to me that people just give Trump a pass just because he was in our party. I’m not following some idiot off a cliff because he was our party’s President.
Liz has always done what she thought would help her politically. If she has so much courage why did she throw her own sister under the bus to get elected the first time. She isn't a leader and didn't like her as part of Republican leadership.

And just to be clear I dont care for Trumps antics or behavior, I like his policies but want him to go away.

If you think what Trump said about McCain was bad, what did Democrats say about her Dad and probably her for that matter. But there she is as a puppet for their primetime show hearing. I hope CNN pays her well.
I'm going to be sitting in a tree stand so probably stirring the pot a bit, but I saw this on Red State with regards to Ukraine. Kind of sums up how I feel:

"We spend $858 billion a year on defense in the United States. If it costs us $100 billion over two years to degrade Russia’s military capability and decimate its stockpiles (modern Russia is a third-world economy that can’t just replace everything), that’s actually a much better return on our money compared to what we normally spend on the Department of Defense."
"quite frankly completely irrelevant to her own character"

I'm going to disagree with this comment @BSO Dave. Is it surprising she stood by her husband and supported him? No. I think most of us would for something on that level of offense. But if he really did do that, it does speak to her character. For her to claim he never did something he pleaded guilty to and served time for is dubious, at best. And to take that stance undermines what happened to the girls who were the victims, which does, in my mind, speak to her character

Fair enough, but hear me out on this perspective.. So, I am a retired homicide detective. I only mention that because I have nearly 30 years of criminal experience as a street cop and detective. I have arrested a lot of people for a lot of different crimes. Not all crimes, convictions, or witness testimonies are as they appear...

I won't bore you with the lengthy explanation of the events of this particular incident. I encourage you to go online and read the statements of all the parties involved if you are interested. This is a classic "he-said she-said" with the versions of events given by drunk under age women who were witnessed to be sexually flirting with Jayson Boebert prior to the alleged exposure. But, to your point, Lauren Boebert never denied the incident which took place in a bowling alley bar in 2004 when Boebert was 17 and her now husband was 24. Boebert merely supports her now husband's version of events which is obviously different than the version provided by the 2 girls at the bar.

Was he arrested and punished? Yes.. But that does not necessarily mean he is guilty of what he may have been charged or threatened with by the prosecution. Her now husband only likely pleaded out to a lesser charge to be done with it rather than to risk a higher sentence and more legal fees at trial. It's is my understanding he spent 4 days in county jail for the plea deal.

So, the way I see it is you have is a 17 year old girlfriend who did not deny the incident, but supported her boyfriend's version of events that occured in a bar where all parties were admittedly intoxicated and all making poor decisions. That is not enough for me to label her, or anyone else for that matter, as a person of questionable character for life.
I agree with some of this but as for courage, Liz Cheney has plenty of courage and lost her seat for it. You may think she sided with the Democrats but it’s not that simple. She took a stand on Trump’s idiocy and transgressions, she didn’t “side with the Democrats” and I’m certainly not a Democrat either. She stood up for the constitution, as did Pence. It’s unconscionable to me that people just give Trump a pass just because he was in our party. I’m not following some idiot off a cliff because he was our party’s President.

You are among those on here who's opinion I always respect. However, I have a completely different perspective on this.. I do not see Liz Cheney's latest actions as brave or heroic. She lost her seat because she failed to do the will of her constituency.. I also do not believe that her stance on Trump or Jan 6 was any sort of noble, patriotic gesture done in the name of "preserving democracy".. And, this is not a blind defense of Trump. I know exactly what Trump is and is not.. This is an indictment on her policy and ideology throughout her entire political career.

Liz Cheney is an entrenched RINO. Her father was an entrenched RINO before her. She hated Trump personally for sure. But, she also hated the idea that Trump or anyone else dare challenge the establishment's power. I'm sure at the time she thought she would be regarded as a crusader for her participation on the Jan 6 committee which was nothing more than a personal vendetta crusade against Trump carried out by every member of that committee.

To actually believe that she is a crusader for democracy, you must also believe that the intentions and purpose of the "Jan 6 committee" was valid and genuine. It was not.. It was a sham and a national embarrassment and an affront to real and true patriots. For anyone to claim otherwise, I would question if you watched the same hearings as I did..?
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You are among those on here who's opinion I always respect. However, I have a completely different perspective on this.. I do not see Liz Cheney's latest actions as brave or heroic. She lost her seat because she failed to do the will of her constituency.. I also do not believe that her stance on Trump or Jan 6 was any sort of noble, patriotic gesture done in the name of "preserving democracy".. And, this is not a blind defense of Trump. I know exactly what Trump is and is not.. This is an indictment on her policy and ideology throughout her entire political career.

Liz Cheney is an entrenched RINO. Her father was an entrenched RINO before her. She hated Trump personally for sure. But, she also hated the idea that Trump or anyone else dare challenge the establishment's power. I'm sure at the time she thought she would be regarded as a crusader for her participation on the Jan 6 committee which was nothing more than a personal vendetta crusade against Trump carried out by every member of that committee.

To actually believe that she is a crusader for democracy, you must also believe that the intentions and purpose of the "Jan 6 committee" was valid and genuine. It was not.. It was a sham and a national embarrassment and an affront to real and true patriots. For anyone to claim otherwise, I would question if you watched the same hearings as I did..?
My point is Cheney had the guts to stand up for her beliefs, which is what a lot of people thought that the Freedom Caucus people were doing the past week. Whether I agree with everything she did or not, she stuck to it.

I also think that you should consider a bigger tent for Republicans than just the ones that you agree 100% with all the time. I think your career (thanks for your service by the way) could have influenced your views of people and hardened you a bit and I get it. I understand your black and white analysis but politics are tricky and it’s hard to always vote on complex things without understanding there are trade-offs sometimes. Sometimes people have to pick between the lesser of two evils when there isn’t another clear cut choice presented and the details of a bill are mostly good but contain a couple things you don’t like. It’s pretty easy to sit back and criticize complex issues and be a Monday morning quarterback when you weren’t involved in the negotiations.
The fact that Congresswoman Boebert is smoking hot is not a qualification for office. It's a bonus! What can I say? A beautiful, TRULY conservative, brave woman of true conviction with an open carry sidearm does it for me...

As for rating Boebert's intelligence, I really haven't heard enough from her to offer a quantified assessment. However, if we are going to use a standardized intelligence test to establish criteria for our elected representatives, I fear the House would have about 40-50 members instead of the current 434. I would bet my next pension check that you could eliminate the entire 212 in the Democratic caucus with such a test immediately.. The fact that they vote as lemmings regardless of the issue is not a demonstration of unity to me admired. It's one of fecklessness and low intelligence. But, I digress from the original point..

What I do know for a fact about Boebert is that she is a fearless and apparently much more of a clever politician than given credit for given the outcome of the SOH votes. She's also apparently smart enough to be one of 20 true conservatives who showed themselves to be collectively skilled enough to "out politic" the the politicians to affect actual change in the swamp for the first in a very long time.

Liz Cheney is pretty intellectual.. How would she rate in your test to be qualified for office? You pick your politicians your way, I'll stick with the ones who have more courage and conviction over intellect any day. Besides, elected representatives aren't supposed to be required to build rockets or explain quantum physics. They are supposed to tenaciously represent the will of their constituency.

Speaking of what is actually laughable, just based on the outcome of the SOH vote alone, your assessment of her doesn't seem to have aged well overnight.. I recommend that you read some of the more than 40 bills she has sponsored or co-sponsored in her first term, and then honestly tell me that any of that legislation isn't meaningingful to the America-First agenda or conservatism. You are being dismissive based on personality, not factuality.

It's not about who agrees with me or not. It's about perpetuating real conservativism. If you honestly believe that this republic is going to be saved by the status quo and false conservatives that are currently in charge, you are delusional. We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it.

Comfortable or not, it's part of the process that the founders created. Had McCarthy delivered more red seats as promised instead of playing politics and trying to primary out his "MAGA" colleges who he deemed threatening, he would not have had to rely on any one single vote. In all reality, all of this could have been avoided if he had taken the Freedom Caucus' requests for revisions more seriously instead of arrogantly assuming the position. That arrogance in itself is one of many reasons McCarthy and his brand of republicans are such a huge part of the problem.

Make no mistake.. I believe it is now quiet apparent to everyone that Gaetz is a serious as a heart attack. Gaetz's vote for Trump was a middle finger to McCarthy and all the rest of the false conservatives and their arrogance. Obviously, Trump's nomination by Gaetz for SOH was not indented to be taken seriously by the people, but it was intended to make McCarthy and the rest of the false conservatives take the will of the holdouts seriously, which they eventually did.. Drawing out the process to make these guys twist in the wind for a while longer was harmless in the end, but very effective in it's messaging.

I've always been a pragmatist. Yet, even pragmatism is guided by perspective, of which you and I seem to be polar opposites. An example of this is my disagreement with you that both parties are embracing their extreme ideologies. The democrats certainly are, but I absolutely do not see it that way with the republicans. I forget who said it but I feel this quote best applies to my current sentiment in regard to the republican party of today: "I never left my party, they left me.."

I would vehemently argue that what is being wrongly described in our culture today as "MAGA" and "Extremist" is nothing more that the believe in the basic principles that I outlined earlier in my definition of America First. These are not radical or extreme ideologies, and those who claim they are are not to be taken seriously. They are the basic tenets of any true conservative that no one would have given a second thought about a few years ago...

In the last few decades, the republican establishment across this country has forsaken these fundamental principles that never left the average American. Trump was the first since Reagan that recognized this and tried to reestablish the doctrine. The weak, feckless, and greedy republicans are just as responsible for suppressing these ideologies as are the lunatic, liberals. The truly disgusting part is at least the liberals are being honest about it.

So, to finally address your comment: Pragmatically, they ALL do need to go, or ideally the the country will be lost..!
I don't much like being called "delusional." I suspect it would be good if you and I suspended this discussion if we are going to resort to that sort characterization.

But so you understand, I think your post is one of the least pragmatic things I have read in a long while. I suspect, your and my interpretations of conservatism are essentially identical. Where we differ, apparently profoundly, is what to do about it.

"It's not about who agrees with me or not. It's about perpetuating real conservativism. If you honestly believe that this republic is going to be saved by the status quo and false conservatives that are currently in charge, you are delusional. We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it."

Again, from my perspective, this is righteous sounding political nonsense. What "radical uncomfortable changes" do you envision? How do you propose to "purge the elected part of the swamp"? You should perhaps reflect on that adjective you used - these Republicans you seem to despise were indeed elected - by other republicans. We had better figure out how to get to a place where lots of our fellow voters agree with us or conservatism, however interpreted, will slip into oblivion.

Absolutely, we need to push back on as much of the democrat agenda as we possibly can. But to have the votes to make a difference, success can not be achieved alone by the Gaetz wing of our party. If anything gets done, it will be as a result of moderate Republicans working together with those who held up the election of the Speaker. Those moderates and traditional republicans will not support things like zero budget growth, total bans on abortion, and government shutdowns. Most importantly, neither will a majority of the American people.

But I suspect we can win reductions in some agencies,. Though I would prefer to leave it to the states, I suspect republicans could force any national abortion law to have 15 week limit. Deliberate order will likely publicly air a lot of what you and I would term very wasteful spending which can provide real leverage to budget negotiations. None of which happens if we are so busy fighting ourselves that we can't engage our real opponents.

Yes, you are quoting Reagan again describing switching from Democrat to Republican.

But, who are you going to switch to? Are perhaps stay home and not vote?

We can indeed limit, if not fully reverse, the damage being caused by the democrat party. But it will take all of us, not some of us. Regrettably, I suppose, we will never return to the 1950's nor turn the typical millennial into a church attending evangelical. But we can fight together as a party to regain control of our schools. We can fight together as a party to limit federally driven woke nonsense fostered in the various federal departments - including defense. We can fight together as a party to limit the more egregious spending taking place in the current omnibus bill process.

As a long as we have the House we can stop and limit quite a bit of the damage - assuming the party works together. Until we regain the senate, we can do very little to enact actual change. Regaining the senate will require the Brian Kemps and Glenn Youngkins of the party just as much as the Chip Roy voting block.

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The problem with government systems such as in the US is that people like things in GENERAL but don't want them in PARTICULAR. For example most people are in favor of TERM LIMITS (in general) but don't want THEIR favorite Representative or Senator to have to retire, just when he/she is getting enough seniority to have some weight. Same thing in spending -THEY want a balanced budget but after that bridge across town is built.
So the system continues toward the cliff and no one including the general population really wants it to stop.
Just curious, has anyone else had someone from the Census Bureau show up at their home to conduct a health and lifestyle survey on behalf of the CDC National Center for Health Statistics?
Well.......I knew the swamp rat would eventually get enough votes. It was only a matter of time, and members of the opposition pimping for concessions.

Political sluts.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!