Its for the children! (sarcasm)...
its a never ending cycle.. Dem govt restricts the 2A... some time years later a case makes it to the USSC and the restriction is found unconstitutional.. so they find a different way to restrict the 2A.. which lasts for years until the USSC finds that restriction unconstitutional..
all the while years (sometimes many years) pass with unconstitutional restrictions in place... and while many of the most important cases ultimately get resolved.. some more minor cases remain intact and continue to infringe on constitutional rights..
Just last week Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker introduced a bill that would establish a national ammo registry.. basically if we cant keep you from buying firearms, we'll make it too expensive and administratively challenging for you to buy ammunition.. and, oh by the way.. if youre buying XXX caliber ammo.. then while we havent asked you to register a firearm (constitutionally unsound), we have indeed made you disclose that you have a firearm in that caliber.. and put you on the "list" (the national registry)..
Prior to her most recent attempt.. we have the 2022 legislation she wrote with a D from GA that restricted firearms.. we have her 2020 attempt.. her 2019 attempt.. etc..etc..
While its highly unlikely this latest bill will pass.. the attempts to prohibit use and ownership of firearms by highly influential dem senators and congressmen will never end..
@Doubleplay 's observation that many Dem politicians own firearms is absolutely true..
That hasnt stopped Dems.. to include those who own firearms (such as Joe Biden) from introducing and passing legislation that infringes on the 2A..
And.. while there are Dem politicians that own guns.. its important to note they are in the MINORITY..
Congress was formally surveyed in 2016.. roughly 50% of R's reported they owned firearms.. Less than 25% of D's reported they owned firearms..
Further consider who the most common firearm owners are in the US (constituents that vote politicians into office)..
Roughly 57% of registered republicans either personally own a firearm or someone else in their household owns a firearm..
48% of independents own a firearm or someone else in their household owns a firearm...
only 16% of Democrats own firearms with another 9% ownership being made up by someone else in their household owning a firearm (25% total.. well less than 1/2 of republicans and roughly 1/2 of independents..)..
It is politically advantageous for a Democrat in most parts of the country to be in favor of further firearms restrictions as the majority of their constituents are not firearms owners and are in favor of further restrictions.. whether they personally own a firearm or not (again, best and most obvious reference: Joe Biden)..