
I am only saying that being an ally amounts to more than being passive, it requires participation in some form and even if all funding for Ukraine was ended forever, ( highly unlikely despite all the angst over it), that would not make the Republicans allies of Putin, thats my only real point.

To be an ally of Putin would require a joining of some sort, some level of participation. Just not funding Ukraine or anyone else does not automatically make the Republican party allies of Putin.

If you think it does, and apparently you do, thats fine, but I dont as there is no active participation with Putin and wont be.
I'll spell it out again. It really is simple. Short of nuclear weapons employment, Putin could not launch a military strike against Ukraine that would do more devastating damage to Ukrainian military capability or the Ukrainian people's hopes for self-determination than the termination of Washington's support. It makes me ashamed.
I'll spell it out again. It really is simple. Short of nuclear weapons employment, Putin could not launch a military strike against Ukraine that would do more devastating damage to Ukrainian military capability or the Ukrainian people's hopes for self-determination than the termination of Washington's support. It makes me ashamed.
This termination of support is temporary. You dont really thing its over do you?
There is plenty of support for it on both sides of the aisle, they just havent figured out yet how to slice the pie. Politics
Once the DC geeks get their act together, they will come up with a plan to both please everyone and piss off everyone else.
The funding will return.

They will figure it out.
I'll spell it out again. It really is simple. Short of nuclear weapons employment, Putin could not launch a military strike against Ukraine that would do more devastating damage to Ukrainian military capability or the Ukrainian people's hopes for self-determination than the termination of Washington's support. It makes me ashamed.
Do you include Ukraine re-taking Crimea in this? What amount of aid would allow that to be possible for them?
Well isnt this interesting. Just the other ol Joey angrily said, "I need more power and more money, I have done all I can do", on the border and now...?

Well isnt this interesting. Just the other ol Joey angrily said, "I need more power and more money, I have done all I can do", on the border and now...?

Sorry. I find this rather humorous after all the BS he has spewed saying he couldn't do anything unless they passed that bill. One of the direct powers a President is given in the Constitution is the protection of the border; he has failed miserably for the last 3 years doing so.
Sorry. I find this rather humorous after all the BS he has spewed saying he couldn't do anything unless they passed that bill. One of the direct powers a President is given in the Constitution is the protection of the border; he has failed miserably for the last 3 years doing so.
Exactly! Why would anyone believe anything the old lying ass fool says?
Do you include Ukraine re-taking Crimea in this? What amount of aid would allow that to be possible for them?
Ukraine, without a navy essentially has defeated the Black Sea Fleet. That would seem to count as progress. If nothing else, putting Crimea at risk represents enormous negotiating leverage with respect to occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.
I grew up on a farm with no electricity till I was seven. Then we had running water and lights. Some neighbours didn’t take electricity till mid sixties. Everyone still knew how to live with the old ways.
The preppers of today are a joke. They think it would be a camping trip. Existence would be brutally hard for most. I lived it and at my age am not sure I would survive. You can start preparing by only having one bath a week and sharing the water.
Ukraine, without a navy essentially has defeated the Black Sea Fleet. That would seem to count as progress. If nothing else, putting Crimea at risk represents enormous negotiating leverage with respect to occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.
Hitting ships with UUVs is very different than retaking Crimea, it's very different than retaking any city on the map for that matter.
If it is a part of their criteria for victory I just don't see how they make it happen, I honestly don't see how they even re-take Mariupol, Luhansk, and a number of other places.
If it's not part of their criteria for victory, why not begin negotiating a cease fire? Hell go forward with the next round of mobilization if they want, but then come to the table.
Hitting ships with UUVs is very different than retaking Crimea, it's very different than retaking any city on the map for that matter.
If it is a part of their criteria for victory I just don't see how they make it happen, I honestly don't see how they even re-take Mariupol, Luhansk, and a number of other places.
If it's not part of their criteria for victory, why not begin negotiating a cease fire? Hell go forward with the next round of mobilization if they want, but then come to the table.
I think I framed that exactly as I intended.
I grew up on a farm with no electricity till I was seven. Then we had running water and lights. Some neighbours didn’t take electricity till mid sixties. Everyone still knew how to live with the old ways.
The preppers of today are a joke. They think it would be a camping trip. Existence would be brutally hard for most. I lived it and at my age am not sure I would survive. You can start preparing by only having one bath a week and sharing the water.
I think people badly underestimate the sheer scale of the impact of something like an EMP pulse.

People think in terms of their own house. No TV, no phone, no internet. But if you pause to think in terms of supply chain, things get really really bad.

As an example, I work for a company that makes beer.

Our process is:
Grow barley and harvest it
Stick the barley on a train and take it to the maltings
Malt it
Stick the malt on another train to a brewery
Brew beer
Put the beer on a train, or a truck, to the distribution center
Put it on another truck to the grocery store
Customers drive to the store, stick it in their car, drive it home and enjoy an ice cold beverage.

Think what an EMP pulse does to that process. None of it is hardened.

The barley grows, but the combine and the tractor won't start so it rots in the field.
If you harvest it somehow, the trains can't run, so it rots in a silo
Magically get it to the malt house, well that ain't running without an electricity grid.
Same story for the brewery.
Then the trucks aren't working either.
Even if there's food in the store, most Americans don't live within walking distance of their grocery store, plus no electricity means no cold storage, so everything rots on the shelves.

The story is the same for every food stuff in every developed nation. Our entire supply chain for every good is solely dependent on electricity and electronics. Retooling away from that in a situation where we'd suddenly gone back to 1900s tech and had absolutely no logistics capability as a result would be a nightmare.

Bread, livestock processing, dairy products, canned goods. Even stuff grown domestically will be gone, let alone all the import goods.

What population density can the US sustain through hunting and small scale subsistence farming? 50 million, maybe? Considering it was only 23 million in 1850 and that even in 1950 we'd barely broken 150 million it may be even less.

Tap water can't be treated or distributed using current infrastructure without electricity. Sewage can't be treated. Garbage can't be removed. There's only minimal medical care. No pharmaceuticals, no hospitals. Houses can't be heated, or cooled. No electricity grid and no electronics means no fuel refineries and no Haber process, so no gasoline, no plastics, no lubricants, no natural gas and no fertilizer.

Without this infrastructure you can't even produce replacement microchips or parts to start getting things running again. Even if you could, the planes aren't going to work and neither are the container ships. The nearest reliable source of many of these specialized chip components is Taiwan... if they can get their own factories and supply chain up and running first. Rebuilding will take years, decades even.

Yet 60% of Americans live in big cities that are totally dependent on this infrastructure to not be complete death traps within a few weeks.

The first few days would finish off the terminally ill and some rioters. The first week sees people run out of water. The first month, they run out of food. The first winter, people start freezing to death. The next summer, the diseases set in. Money is inaccessible, and even it it could be accessed it would be worthless. Then there's the civil unrest.

In the event of a worldwide solar flare knocking out all electronics I fully expect that you'd lose 1/3 of the US population within a year, probably more like 2/3. Most other nations, except maybe African ones, would be just as badly off.

This is why no one is eager to be the first to try out EMP weapons. It's MAD on exactly the same scale as a nuclear exchange and thankfully no one has yet been that stupid.
This is why no one is eager to be the first to try out EMP weapons. It's MAD on exactly the same scale as a nuclear exchange and thankfully no one has yet been that stupid.
Except you don't need the capacity of a nation state or any nuclear material to construct an EMP weapon, so in some ways its even more dangerous.
I think people badly underestimate the sheer scale of the impact of something like an EMP pulse.

People think in terms of their own house. No TV, no phone, no internet. But if you pause to think in terms of supply chain, things get really really bad.

As an example, I work for a company that makes beer.

Our process is:
Grow barley and harvest it
Stick the barley on a train and take it to the maltings
Malt it
Stick the malt on another train to a brewery
Brew beer
Put the beer on a train, or a truck, to the distribution center
Put it on another truck to the grocery store
Customers drive to the store, stick it in their car, drive it home and enjoy an ice cold beverage.

Think what an EMP pulse does to that process. None of it is hardened.

The barley grows, but the combine and the tractor won't start so it rots in the field.
If you harvest it somehow, the trains can't run, so it rots in a silo
Magically get it to the malt house, well that ain't running without an electricity grid.
Same story for the brewery.
Then the trucks aren't working either.
Even if there's food in the store, most Americans don't live within walking distance of their grocery store, plus no electricity means no cold storage, so everything rots on the shelves.

The story is the same for every food stuff in every developed nation. Our entire supply chain for every good is solely dependent on electricity and electronics. Retooling away from that in a situation where we'd suddenly gone back to 1900s tech and had absolutely no logistics capability as a result would be a nightmare.

Bread, livestock processing, dairy products, canned goods. Even stuff grown domestically will be gone, let alone all the import goods.

What population density can the US sustain through hunting and small scale subsistence farming? 50 million, maybe? Considering it was only 23 million in 1850 and that even in 1950 we'd barely broken 150 million it may be even less.

Tap water can't be treated or distributed using current infrastructure without electricity. Sewage can't be treated. Garbage can't be removed. There's only minimal medical care. No pharmaceuticals, no hospitals. Houses can't be heated, or cooled. No electricity grid and no electronics means no fuel refineries and no Haber process, so no gasoline, no plastics, no lubricants, no natural gas and no fertilizer.

Without this infrastructure you can't even produce replacement microchips or parts to start getting things running again. Even if you could, the planes aren't going to work and neither are the container ships. The nearest reliable source of many of these specialized chip components is Taiwan... if they can get their own factories and supply chain up and running first. Rebuilding will take years, decades even.

Yet 60% of Americans live in big cities that are totally dependent on this infrastructure to not be complete death traps within a few weeks.

The first few days would finish off the terminally ill and some rioters. The first week sees people run out of water. The first month, they run out of food. The first winter, people start freezing to death. The next summer, the diseases set in. Money is inaccessible, and even it it could be accessed it would be worthless. Then there's the civil unrest.

In the event of a worldwide solar flare knocking out all electronics I fully expect that you'd lose 1/3 of the US population within a year, probably more like 2/3. Most other nations, except maybe African ones, would be just as badly off.

This is why no one is eager to be the first to try out EMP weapons. It's MAD on exactly the same scale as a nuclear exchange and thankfully no one has yet been that stupid.
Exactly the point I was making. The transport layer is totally vulnerable to a state sponsored EMP event. Again using only open source material, I say state sponsored because the event would require a nuclear device of special design, needs to be in the range of 1.5 megatons, and needs to be at an altitude of around 250 miles to create a nationwide collapse.

A localized event - say on Wall Street - would be extremely destructive to the economic system - as would a low yield nuclear blast.

I have no personal experience with estimates of a natural event. The effects of the above event would be exactly as @Alistair describes.
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The gravity of the impact of an emp on transportation once you start thinking about it is both deeper and wider than most imagine…

131m people in the US… 66% of the adult population.. use daily prescription drugs…

What happens to healthcare… even if you can walk to a doctors office.. if there are no cholesterol meds, diabetes meds, blood thinners, cancer treatments, etc available?

The impact on food has already been mentioned…

And we have become soft as a people.. we already panic when there’s a heat wave and old ladies don’t have air conditioning in their homes… what do we think happens during a particularly cold Chicago winter or a particularly hot phoenix summer?

Other countries (undeveloped or underdeveloped) pretty much call all of the above “a typical Tuesday”…

With the mindset of the American people these days.. it wouldn’t take long for Boston to start looking like Bangui and Dallas to start looking worse than Dakar..
In 1974+- we had an ice storm in New England that took out many local and regional power lines, many others throughout the northeast, New York and Quebec and much of the associated grid. We watched that first night while transformers melted down and lit up the winter sky. No power for 10 days. Same thing happened in October about 10 years ago when 10” of super wet snow fell on trees which still had their leaves. A small generator, a 500 gallon buried propane tank, a well, two Jotul wood stoves, 10 cords of dry firewood and a large supply of canned food, dried food and necessary accouterments made life easy for our extended family. However, I often wondered during that time and since: what would have happened if that situation was extended for a month. I fear that it would have been the neighbors or others from nearby areas that would have needed and would try to take by force what we had. That would have been a less than pleasant situation.
I went thru something similar in about 1967, when I was around 5 years old in the rural farmland of southern Minnesota.
Blizzard knocked out the power. My parents put me on a sled, and trudged approx a mile and a half thru the blizzard to my Grandparents farmhouse. I fell off that sled many times as we plowed thru snow drifts.
We all huddled in the basement by candle light where my Grandma had the laundry room and a small kitchen. The propane cook stove saved us from freezing.
This is complicated, but follow along on the current subcultural things going on in the West for Gen Y and Gen Z. So the basic premise is that there is a phenomenon occurring called "ho-flation" wherein the value of unattractive, low-value women has never been higher. Men of those age groups are frustrated that they cannot find a good woman without a high body count, a wake of bad historical decisions, and a hundred tattoos. There is some statistical truth to this, wherein over 70% of women are sexually active in this age demographic but far, far fewer men. What that means is that the women are either promiscuous, or they believe they are in a monogamous relationship and they are not. Just like the dark ages of feudal lords, 10% of men are getting the super-majority of all women in these age groups.

So enter woke feminist outrage and hypocrisy. Women are posting nudes of themselves all over the internet, making videos and only fan pages, and general behaving like promiscuous trash. For these celebs that show most, but not all of the goods in their videos and images, there is an AI-based software that can turn any e-celeb's picture into a hard core pornographic image. The women, particularly the slutty women of these generations are outraged because men are using AI to get fake photos of them nude without paying money to their web sites to get the nudes.

None of this is surprising, but the political hilarity comes next, I just needed to give you background context.

There are a group of men on the Internet trolling these women and their slutty pictures. They designed an AI software called "DignifAI". It takes a real picture of a woman dressed provocatively or nude, clothes her, maybe gives her a couple of kids, and puts her in a traditional, virtuous pose. This has pissed off the younger women far, far more than the fake nudes. How dare these men put clothes on me!

I'm so glad I'm not of these generations, but I do find the trolling to be completely hilarious.

But it gets better (worse?) because now the heat is on these DignifAI guys. So now what they are doing is confusing the whole world. They are literally taking the slutty pictures, running them through AI to make them look virtuous, but then switching the before-and-afters so people think that the clean-virtuous picture was authentic and the slutty picture was the AI enhanced one.

Confused yet? Basically, frustrated young men have had enough and they are absolutely trolling these women, but they can't figure out how to focus their outrage because now you can't tell if the photos are being altered to make wholesome girls look slutty or slutty girls to look wholesome.

An example below. The one on the right is actually the AI one and the slutty one on the left is authentic, but they've now crossed the wires to get as many women mad about the wrong thing as possible. Used a very tame example so you can follow the idea of the culture war going on in the Gen-y and Gen-y eras.


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