I think one of the main issues with Taurus stuff is their attempt to minimize any milling on their investment cast steel parts. So much of their stuff gets assembled with just enough machining to get the job done and their castings are not all that high quality either. Ruger truly does have the edge in investment cast technology.
However, if you like the glock, I would recommend also looking into the original Springfield XD in 9mm. It isn't even made by springfield and is a Croatian HS2000. It has been (or was) their service pistol for years.
View attachment 263838
In my opinion, it is everything a Glock should have been. Its pros list reads like everything I want in an autoloader:
1. Polished feed ramp from factory
2. Chamber cut to spec (not bored out like a glock so that brass is almost unusable afterward)
3. Fully supported chamber (Glocks are left partially unsupported which increases reliability but at the price of leaving portions of the case unsupported.)
4. Two passive safeties as opposed to one on the glock (grip and trigger saftey)
5. Massively overbuilt structure without adding a ton of weight.
6. All STEEL accouterments on the frame (no plastic sights or plastic trigger)
7. point-ability like no other handgun I have owned to date
8. Ballard style (land and groove) rifling so shooting cheap lead practice ammo is easy and simple to clean.
I have owned the 4" service model in 9mm. I fired 10's of thousands of rounds through that pistol, everything from +P+ to the wimpiest little loads that would hardly function. If the gun had a hiccup, it has been my grips fault not the guns. In fact I cant recall a time that it jammed on me. It just ran like a top.
I currently own the 5 "tactical"

model in .45 ACP. This is mine.
I shoot .45 super out of that gun at 1.25x standard pressure and get amazing ballistics (250 grain bullet @1,000fps, 555ft.lbs as a starting load). The gun handles it without skipping a beat and will likely take years of it with just a simple spring change.
There are many more aspects of it that I love but I won't bore you with details. Anyway, the best part... These are available online at gunbroker for like $400 or less if you keep your eyes peeled. The .45 above cost me $325 shipped.