Recent content by Andrew62

  1. Andrew62

    Hi, new from California

    Welcome! Glad to have you here with the rest of us!
  2. Andrew62

    Special thanks to Mark Biggerstaff!

    Mark’s the best, real quality guy! Congratulations on your new purchase!
  3. Andrew62

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    My main 2 hunting calibers are .308 and .375H&H for a reason!
  4. Andrew62

    New from Tucson

    Welcome! Certainly glad to have you here with the rest of us!
  5. Andrew62

    African Spiral Slam & More - Only US$6,950

    @GAME 4 AFRICA SAFARIS is a class operation. My buddy and I both did a buffalo/kudu special, we both added several animals. Lodge, rooms, vehicles, guides, all top notch. I'm not one to go back to the same spot, but I do hope to return and hunt with Wik and the other guys!
  6. Andrew62

    .375 H&H Factory Norma and Winchester Ammo FOR SALE! 80+ Rounds! $150.00 shipped

    Thad didn't take long, congratulations to both buyer/seller!
  7. Andrew62

    New member researching their first safari

    One of the great advantages of being a member of this site is all of the free information you get from others who post 'hunt reports'. I've taken a lot of African hunts, and for me personally, I agree with @Philip Glass, I would not take a hunt with an outfit someone on here cannot verify is a...
  8. Andrew62

    Greetings from the Madhatter !!

    Welcome! Certainly glad to have you here with the rest of us!
  9. Andrew62

    Hello everyone

    Welcome! Certainly glad to have you here with the rest of us!
  10. Andrew62

    Airfare rates

    I paid 3654.00 to fly business class on Ethiopian Airlines next month, Dulles to Vic Falls, then right at 3,000.00 to fly Economy Plus this September, Pittsburgh to Harare.
  11. Andrew62

    Requesting help with DIY spring bear hunt in Montana or Idaho

    That's a perfect set up!! Good luck on your trip, I look forward to other responses on where to hunt!
  12. Andrew62

    Requesting help with DIY spring bear hunt in Montana or Idaho

    Following to learn about these areas myself. What caliber gun will your son be using?
  13. Andrew62

    Pre 64 Winchester Model 70 404 Jeffery

    Any idea of the weight of this rifle?
  14. Andrew62

    Has anyone use Dan Martin of Reflections of the wild taxidermy out of deer park Maryland?

    It's wonderful to hear things are moving in the right direction! And I'm super proud of you for coming on here to tell of the misunderstanding, it takes a quality person to do that!! Out of curiosity, how far from Dan and Missy do you live?
  15. Andrew62


    .308 with 168 grain Barnes TTSX or 180 Swift Aframes