Recent content by Doug3006

  1. Doug3006

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    I’m a big fan of the No. 1 and own two of them. A 303 British and a 300 H&H. The No. 1 is a fine stalking rifle, and in heavy-barrel versions, a great varminter. I don’t think it’s the best choice for thick-skinned dangerous game. I’ve practiced shooting and reloading using a wrist band...
  2. Doug3006

    J. Switzer & Co

    Welcome! I signed up for your newsletter on the website. I’m interested in learning more.
  3. Doug3006

    Help, I've got to cut back...

    I’m an AH junkie too. I used to be a contributor to the Politics discussion. No more. The tone and level of discourse changed dramatically over a couple of years. I’m happier now that I concentrate on hunt reports and current offers. Oh, and I leave tomorrow for a few days of crappie...
  4. Doug3006

    Bullets that well advertised but were not that great

    I’ve shot quite a few deer with ballistic tips. I’ve never lost one. The bullet seldom if ever exits. It comes to pieces inside the deer’s chest cavity. Field dressing is a cinch. I just pour out what’s left of the lungs. Winchester had a bullet called the failsafe. It was OK on deer but not...
  5. Doug3006

    Where to move to?

    Here’s my case for considering the state of Missouri as your new home. 1. In 2024, Missouri’s cost of living index was the 6th lowest in the US, tied with Arkansas. 2. Missouri’s state tax revenue per capita is ranked 45 out of the 50 states. The state income tax, which is the largest...
  6. Doug3006

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    Hi @Hunter-Habib! Sadly, US ammo manufacturers make changes to ammo components with some frequency and without much notice. Occasionally they do so in response to feedback from the hunting fraternity, as was the case with Hornady’s DGX being improved (immensely) by bonding. Other times, it’s...
  7. Doug3006

    300 H&H

    I like round nosed bullets. The only thing better than a 180 gr RN would be the 200 or 220 grain! I have a Model 70 in 375 H&H that shoots 300 grain Hornady RN Interlocks into varmint rifle sized groups. Absolutely devastating on any and all plains game. Of course, Hornady discontinued it...
  8. Doug3006

    Starry night’s, turning your binoculars to the African sky

    During my trip to Limpopo, I took this picture of the full moon over the river.
  9. Doug3006

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    Thanks for sharing! Good advice, and well produced.
  10. Doug3006


    A great report! Well written and some excellent photography. I especially liked seeing Namibia so green! Some excellent trophies too. Well done. I’m off to Namibia with my friend @Jeff505 in 29 days. It’s all I’m thinking about these days.
  11. Doug3006

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    The .270 is NOT marginal for plains game! It’s a sensible minimum for most plains game. Excluding Eland, it will cleanly take anything you’d like to hunt in that category.
  12. Doug3006

    Modern Day Classics?

    Thanks for the clarification! My definition of a modern firearm is anything invented since and including Paul Mauser’s Model 98 and John Browning’s 1911. IMO we’ve chipped around the edges of these designs, but haven’t much improved on them :LOL:
  13. Doug3006


    Marco Rubio has announced that SA’s Ambassador to the US, Ebrahim Rasool, is persona non grata. Mr. Rassool is being expelled. Why? Rassool has been quoted as saying that Trump is ushering in White Supremacy. Regardless of what was said or not said, the relationship between Washington and...
  14. Doug3006

    Modern Day Classics?

    Thanks Kevin. Here it is with a Blesbok I took later on that same trip. I hope we have the opportunity to share a campfire again soon. The rifle is a Ruger No. 1 in 300 H&H. The stock was a semi inletted one that I fitted and finished myself. Didn’t turn out half bad.
  15. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    I was there and I agree with you. It was like having a couple hundred outfitters set up booths just to talk with me! But I also know that a couple more lightly attended shows like that will kill the convention.