Recent content by mark-hunter

  1. mark-hunter

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    Good for you! But keep in mind: its never too late. ;) Thats a joke!
  2. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    In 2017, first week of September I met cape cobra and black mamba sun shining on dusty road. Cape cobra would be fairly easy shot, but PH did not let me shoot. If I did, I certainly would ask for option to send a skin home.
  3. mark-hunter

    New Safari Ammo Product Line

    Do you plan export to EU countries? I couldn find any dealer list on your web site. Welcome to AH!
  4. mark-hunter

    Member Category Assignment

    Politics thread is the worst on the forum, and it has this "join the dark side, my son" appeal. Plus many other crap. I must admit, I get dragged there by gravity on occasion and in my weak moments. Like the Borg alien syndrome from Star Track. Some interesting threads hunting related have...
  5. mark-hunter

    Member Category Assignment

    Number of posts, category assigned automatically. Similar system is on other forums, as well.
  6. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    Asian version, of a tequila worm!
  7. mark-hunter

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    I consider following: Availability of ammo. Velocity of bullet. Equation with these two variables:: If bullet is high spped, then I beleive it will require exclusively premium ammo. (Nosler and moose story) This for me annules rare high speed magnums from my choice. And when i come down to...
  8. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    The only snake I ever saw on a trophy package list in Africa, was a rock python offered as B class animal in Cameroon. I wonder if anybody has exported it home? Other snakes shot by hunters on this forum, appear not to be exported or taxidermized. On this topic, I think we need to seek advice...
  9. mark-hunter

    Browning Love?

    I have Browning B525 shotgun, I wouldnt change it for anything. In my clay shooting club, they swear on Browning shotguns, as the best and most durable shotguns. But Browning rifles are not overly present in my local hunting community. Recently I came in touch with and A bolt, that a friend of...
  10. mark-hunter

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    SPCE in 30-06 and Soft point in 9.3x62. I dont know exactly the year, but it was in last 5 to 7 years. (Changes noticed after 2017)
  11. mark-hunter

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    I havent seen that in European commercial ammo manufacture, either. Sellier & Bellot had one lot of steel jacket, then next on copper (or other alloy), without any notice, for same bullet types. I would say, it happens and the market (end users) has no control over it, except to complain when it...
  12. mark-hunter

    Where to move to?

    I would like to offer Croatia. Friendly gun laws (For European standard - definition, no limit on quantity of guns to own, besides bolt actions, you can buy semiauto ar15 or pistols, etc... these are good gun laws for European standard of gun hate frenzy), and 12 months per year of hunting...
  13. mark-hunter

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    My preference to DG scope, is to have some size of front bell. The reason is better light transmission, because you never know when you will make the critical shot. So, my choice for DG rifle is 1.7-10x42 Swarovski Z6. I did take buffalo mid day, so light transmission for that occasion was not...
  14. mark-hunter

    Hello from Russia!

    Welcome to the forum!
  15. mark-hunter

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    it was well made video! I am sorry it was removed.