This is very true. I've seen too many people move up here, buy a .44 and snort that they are now 'ready for bear'. No, you aren't. It's why Alaskans say if you buy a .44 for bear, file off the front site so it won't hurt as much when the bear sticks it up your ass. I know of 2 cases in which...
I agree, which is why I get cod or rockfish with fish and chips. Another issue with halibut is that its frequently over-cooked so it's dry. But halibut is meaty.
I cook halibut in my sous vide. I'll throw in butter and umami-rich flavorings like soy sauce, vegemite, anchovy paste, or Thai fish...
One issue we have is that commercial fishing interests dwarf sport fishing and subsistence use. That means that commercial fishing interests have a LOT more money and are much better represented in lobbying and boards. Those commercial fishing interests have a strong financial motivation to...
Go to Alaska Bear Trail Lodge in Naknek/King Salmon. Nanci Morris is literally world-class and if anyone can help you get a king on a fly, she would be the one to do it. Plus you'll fish on the Naknek so you can also fish for monster trout. I've got 2 trout >30" on the Naknek.
I'm surprised nobody has written about the ultimate go-anywhere vehicle: The Argo Sasquatch
Snow. Mud. Water. Hills. Rocks. It will take you where you want to go. Might not send land speed records but you'll get there.
Polar bears are covered by the Marine Mammal act and cannot be taken by non-indigenous people, generally Alaska Natives. However, Alaska Natives cannot sell a polar bear hide unless they have worked on it to convert it to a craft. For example, my brother-in-law lived in Barrow (as it was then...
I freely admit I have not had the pleasure (yet) of eating feral hog. But I love to cook and there's a cooking method that has not been discussed yet: sous vide.
French for 'under vacuum,' sous vide involves vacuum-sealing meat in a plastic bag and immersing it in a water tub. The sous vide...
I was thinking about this race in particular:
Appears from the article that this was from longer ago than I remember. Bad issue with getting old. Here's another guy attacked while riding a bike...
To answer OP: I've lived in AK for almost 30 years, 5 of those in the Alaska Bush. I also practice law in Alaska and I've represented more than a few people charged with fish and game violations for a wide variety of offenses, so I have a pretty decent idea of what is a DLP (defense of life and...
Mekaniks' response is a good one. And there are ways to ship ammo to Alaska via freight forwarding. Carlisle and Lynden will ship to Alaska from various ports in the Lower 48 based upon weight and it will go on a ship or truck. Not really worth it for a few boxes but if you wanted to buy ammo by...
I have used Balmshot for years now. It's good stuff but I got it because the base does not turn in my pocket and then fill up the lid with the chapstick. I go into courts quite frequently and in my home state of Alaska, I've never had a problem. Gone through TSA many times and I usually just...
Good question. Short answer, yes but it would have to be related to conduct within the US somehow. Put another way, if an Aussie hunts in Africa illegally and sends illegally taken items back to Australia, I don't see how the US would have jurisdiction. On the other hand, if the Aussie were to...
This is a long answer but it's not a simple subject.
You have mentioned the Lacey Act a couple of times. I have not hunted in Africa yet, but I have a pretty good amount of experience representing clients charged in Alaska with Lacey Act violations. It's nothing to mess around with.
There are...
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