Recent content by Peter Radekevich

  1. Peter Radekevich

    The perfect Buffalo Medicine

    That is an absolutely gorgeous R8. What level of wood?
  2. Peter Radekevich

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Very useful
  3. Peter Radekevich

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    It’s a .35 Whelen wrapped in pastry
  4. Peter Radekevich

    In memoriam - Of A Fellow Forum Member @Major Khan Whom I Both Greatly Admired & Loathed

    RIP Major. I enjoyed reading his stories. HH, you are a rare man who is willing to take responsibility for your actions and not place all the blame on the other party. You have my great respect
  5. Peter Radekevich

    Von Gruff #942

    Sweet knife. What sheath did you get for it?
  6. Peter Radekevich

    Recommendation for a good performing 9.3X62?

    Apparently also overlooked by Blaser.
  7. Peter Radekevich

    The Great Lion Killer

  8. Peter Radekevich

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    Ruger Hawkeye.35 Whelen. Got it NIB about 6 weeks ago. Due to family health issues it has not been fired yet. Hopefully in the next couple weeks Pete
  9. Peter Radekevich

    An African Dilemma......Hmmm....What to Use?

    I would take 2 and 6 (but I’d put a nice wood stock on 6 lol) but that’s jus me
  10. Peter Radekevich

    Guns through Chicago?

    Just get a bunch of gang tattoos. Then you can open carry in Chicago
  11. Peter Radekevich

    Purchases On AH References

    +1 for @Heavyload. Easy and fast