Recent content by roklok

  1. roklok

    Remington AWR Custom Shop .375 H&H NIB

    Nice rifle, I have the 700 KS Mountain (stainless, grey McMillan stock) in .375 H&H, it is a great rifle for Alaska.
  2. roklok

    CZ550 MAGNUM, 458WM Situation

    Not surprising to me, the .458 WM throat is long, enabling seating bullets way out if you have the magazine length to utilize it.
  3. roklok

    Win M70 ejector adjustment (CRF-models)

    For those saying this isn't normal, what would or should prevent the case mouth from swinging around and striking rear of receiver ? When bolt is operated briskly the standing ejector imparts forward motion to the left side of the case head, rapidly accelerating it in an arc, pivoting around...
  4. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    I was definitely surprised. I don't know if the plastic "bones" cause a different reaction than natural bone, but that is not confidence inspiring. As Nhoro said, up close is where straight line penetration is crucial. It did seem to track nice and straight through the gel block however.
  5. roklok

    Win M70 ejector adjustment (CRF-models)

    That's generally the way these rifles are. I have experienced the same thing with my Mausers and Remington 30 Express (US1917). The dents are no issue, resizing die takes care of that. I agree with above, don't mess with it.
  6. roklok

    A Custom built FN in 458 Win Mag - Awesome

    It is an FN action. Beautiful rifle, but have no idea on maker.
  7. roklok

    Mauser bolt conversion

    I would send it to Dan Armstrong, local guy in Fairbanks here I have used for bolt work. He is well regarded for bolt work on a wide variety of rifles.
  8. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Not sure I agree with the bullet stabilization theory. If its not stable as it exits the muzzle, not sure its going to magically stabilize further downrange. Maybe I am wrong on that point. Regardless, the ranges at which the video was showing is consistent with close range DG shots on buff...
  9. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Interesting indeed, these appear to be the Barnes banded flatnose solids. At 10:24 the bullet can be seen yawing well before exit.
  10. roklok

    Gunsmithing with FlyingSailor

    Awesome !! This is what I am working towards, I am building my gunsmithing shop as we speak, then a mill and a lathe and...
  11. roklok

    .375 H&H Ammo & Velocities

    Obviously a typo.
  12. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    Not really, sorry. I tend to do most of my gunsmithing myself, at least the small stuff that I have the equipment for. For re-barreling I have used both PacNor and McGowen. Once you have the rifle in hand you can see what I am talking about. The front mag box extension is a bit narrower than...
  13. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    That is the case if the rifle has a long enough magazine box(such as CZ 550), the Zastava .458s don't.
  14. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    I like the 798s. I have one in a 375 H&H, and it is a solid choice for a DG rifle(that's it in my profile picture against the buffalo.) It may require a bit of magazine work for a 458 Lott conversion however. Yes, the 375 magazine is a bit over 3.6 inches long, but it is rather narrow at the...
  15. roklok

    Custom Rifle Ranch 458 win mag

    I will take it, PM inbound.