Recent content by teklanika_ray

  1. teklanika_ray

    New In Box Swarovski EL 10x42 For Sale

    I have two sets of these, that is an insanely great price.
  2. teklanika_ray

    For Sale 585 Nyati Full Built Parts Set, Free Action!

    Thanks for the information wildcatter. I havecseveral stocks being cut a Richard now. Man I tell you everything on a big bore build takes a long time. Order a stock, that will be 4-6 months, order a barrel, that will be 4-6 months, dies, reamers and gauges, 4-6 months. Then they all seem to...
  3. teklanika_ray

    For Sale Swarovski NL Pure 8x42

    Thus is a really good deal.
  4. teklanika_ray

    For Sale 585 Nyati Full Built Parts Set, Free Action!

    Wildcatter, Do you remember where you purchased this magazine follower from? Ray H
  5. teklanika_ray

    550 Gibbs

    Jeff, I have the 505 gibbs brass I was blowing out to 550. DM, your address to me and I'll send it to you. It's only like 5 pieces, but it's an start. Ray H
  6. teklanika_ray

    550 Gibbs

    Lol, yep, I see how ridiculous that sounds, but I am a fairly large fella, and recoil did not bother me much (that is before the Doctor said reduce your recoil to 45 lbs).
  7. teklanika_ray

    WANTED A-Square 577 Tyrannosaur

    oops......sorry, I was doing two things at once!! I APOLOGIES for putting in!
  8. teklanika_ray

    WANTED A-Square 577 Tyrannosaur

    Nice rifle, but also not an A square. I recommend having one built to exactly what you want. It's fun and engaging!!
  9. teklanika_ray

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Oops. Sorry. I have plenty 357 brass. Thx anyway!!
  10. teklanika_ray

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Sorry, i meant to respond to this add. If the 375 is still available, I could use it. And would appreciate it very much.
  11. teklanika_ray

    Pay It Forward-Free

    I would use them, if they are still available. Ray H.
  12. teklanika_ray

    460 Weatherby Brass

    Brass is sold, Thanks for looking! Ray H
  13. teklanika_ray

    Wanted Brevex Mauser - any caliber

    There are three available on Guns International right now. HY-ND ARMS Custom Rifle built on a very rare Brevex full length magnum action in 460 Weatherby Magnum with a 26" barrel . $12,600 Ryan Breeding Custom Mauser in .416 Rigby made on a Brevex mauser action comes equipped to be the...
  14. teklanika_ray

    Likely Scammer

    Rgr, thx fir all your doing. I feel like they are being swatted out pretty quickly. Eay H.
  15. teklanika_ray

    Barnes .458 TSX 500 Grain Bullets

    Oh man, sure was, but as you pointed out Krish the price point was amazing!! Thanks for the bullets Mark. I have numerous 458 win mags and 458 Lotts to feed. These bullets will go along way. Ray H