I think I'm going ahead with the 550 Gibbs. I have not talked to the guy in the video yet, but that recoil looks manageable.I have 505 gibbs, and 550 magnum in wetherby brass. Do have actions that i can build 550 gibbs.
Just trying to help!Lol, now why would you do that sir?
I did take a look at it. I think I'll hold my course with the builds I have going.Just trying to help!
505 Gibbs .0160i went with a 40deg. shoulder (between the gibbs and rigby) and a slightly tapered case (about the same shoulder height as the gibbs). Case capacity was 201gn H2O. when fitted to a-square gibbs data, with a 700 gn Hawk, gives 2150fps with 24" barrel at Maximum Gibbs CIP pressure. Case wall is thinning on the low side.
Mr. Ray, if you could measure the case wall of your firefomed gibbs to 550, would be helpful going forward.
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Ray,Crap, I used two different pieces of brass.
The 505 Gibbs is Jamison Brass, the 550 Gibbs is HDS brass. When I get home I will find like brass and remeasure. Do you want measurements from both brands?
I got the reamer prints and converted them to PDF if you are interested in them send me an email at:
In the interest of being thorough. Here are four different manufacturers before and after expansion.Ray,
I asked for the case measurements of the 505 brass before and after you sized to 550 per your post below:
Well, I blew out a 505 Gibbs and seated a .550 700 gr Hawk bullets in it. It doesn't leave much shoulder, but it looks usable
so we all could see how much the neck thins when expanding this much.
Lol, yep, I see how ridiculous that sounds, but I am a fairly large fella, and recoil did not bother me much (that is before the Doctor said reduce your recoil to 45 lbs)."Recoil seems manageable" I love that. It's like "seemed like a good idea at the time" lol And that's from someone who regulary shoots a 500 Jeffery