Search results

  1. J

    .375" Bullet Database

    Just as a suggestion it would perhaps be more relevant to list S.D. rather than B.C. Unless shooting beyond 400 yrs B.C. is unimportant but S.D. relates directly to penetration and is a very useful number.
  2. J

    Owning Multiple Rifles from the Same Manufacturer?

    For me Winchesters, Rugers, and anything using a good Mauser98 action. Doubles are not in the cards unless the lottery is good to me someday and no Remingtons. That being said I do have an old Sako Finnbear 375 that I like a lot.
  3. J

    30/30 gor Plains Game

    While I have only hunted Africa once I did not find game in Africa tougher than North American game of similar size. A good hit in the vitals with a proper bullet does the job on either. My experience was only with PG but that included eland.
  4. J

    IMR 4451 in the 375 H&H

    Good information to have as that's one of the few powders that I can find suitable for a 375.
  5. J

    30/30 gor Plains Game

    While it may not be the ideal choice for large PG used properly it will do the job. More moose in Canada and Alaska have been taken with a 30/30 than we can count. Surely even eland are no larger or tougher.
  6. J

    30/30 gor Plains Game

    Within its range limitations and with the 170gr flat points it should work very well..
  7. J

    For Sale CZ ZKK 602 - Custom Caliber 450 Dakota $1,750 Fully Insured & Delivered To Your FFL

    Lovely big rifle. Not a showpiece but it looks like its nicely done.
  8. J

    Holland & Holland .375 takedown fires when safety flipped off

    This issue doesn't sound like a problem with the action. Its either a trigger adjustment problem or a worn sear. Both are simple and inexpensive to fix.
  9. J

    Holland & Holland .375 takedown fires when safety flipped off

    Its not a Maurer problem its a trigger adjustment problem and should be a simple fix.
  10. J

    CZ 550 416 feeding issues?

    It would be a shame to lose those chamberings but that being said the 416RM matches the Rigby factory loads and it should be easy enough to rechamber a M70 to the lott. Its sad that we find affordable choices narrowing.
  11. J

    CZ 550 416 feeding issues?

    M70 Winchesters with the coned breach have no feeding issues at all.
  12. J

    I Have a Great Plan!

    I think its a great idea. Lets compile a list and perhaps contact Lipseys. If there is enough interest they might place a special order with Ruger. They have done it many times before and if you start a list please put me on it!
  13. J

    FN project gun find- but with questions ...

    The reason I guessed late 40s is because of the low S/N. They began making them in 1946 for the European market and sold most of them to GIs through the PXs. In 1948 Firearms International began to import them into the U.S. Most of the guns made in the first 2 years were 30'06s. In 48 when FI...
  14. J

    FN project gun find- but with questions ...

    Its an late 1940s FN sporter. You have a real gem there.
  15. J

    Any pipe smokers?

    Much cheaper! I use Smokingpipes, Cupojoes, and Pipes and cigars online. I used to smoke cigars and still enjoy them but for the price of one good cigar you can smoke great pipe tobacco for a month.
  16. J

    Any pipe smokers?

    I do enjoy a pipe. Right now my favorites are a pair of Savinellis. As to tobacco I love Frog Morton and still have a few tins of it left, also Escudo , Bengal Slices and Old Dog which is no longer available. I hate when some of my favorite things disappear..
  17. J

    What do you carry on your belt?

    I do the same northern Michigan. I almost always have my bird dog with me and have no intention of feeding her to the wolves.
  18. J

    .30-06, 180gr Bullets, favorite powder?

    In my several '06s with 180gr bullets IMR4831 gives by far the best performance. That being said I would guess that R22 would perhaps be as good.
  19. J

    7mm broken???!

    From the look of the case it appears that they used a badly worn out chamber reamer. It might be possible to have a gunsmith set the barrel back a bit and rechamber it using a proper reamer but why when there are better rifles available.
  20. J

    7mm broken???!

    Just return the rifle and replace it with a Winchester M70 or a Ruger 77 Hawkeye. Both are solid quality rifles and much better rifles.
  21. J

    Beware QuickLoad

    You can buy a lot of good reloading manuals for $175. Zero frustration!
  22. J

    What traits have you picked up from your Professional Hunter?

    We had built a brush blind by a waterhole hunting warthog. Lots of game was in and out till mid-afternoon when the wind switched and blew our scent directly to the waterhole and everything stopped coming in. Cris Lorden, the PH decided to experiment so he gathered some dry dung and built a small...
  23. J

    FN commercial Mauser question

    Is the bolt handle blued or in the white? The very early Sako sporting rifles were built using FN actions that had the FN crest on the reciever with blued bolt handles and straight taper barrels. Its possible that you may have one as there isn't a lot to tell them apart.
  24. J

    .22 scope question

    The used scope market is a good place to look. All of my 22s wear old steel tube Weaver K2.5s. Great old scopes that are perfect for a 22.
  25. J

    3006 a303

    Perfectly safe, its a good strong action.
  26. J

    FN commercial Mauser question

    Sounds like a very nice rifle. The older FNs are among the best quality mausers ever built. Looking forward to seeing some pics.
  27. J

    6.5x55 Win M70- Nosler ballistic tip and Hornady Interlok bullets

    I would thing that 140gr interlocks at 2700-2800fps would perform very well from the old swede.
  28. J

    Survey: rings or rail

    Nice combo! I have the same rifle and scope using talley rings and bases which also leaves the loading port unobstructed.
  29. J

    Wanted 3-9 Scopes

    Burris, Leupold, Redfield, and Vortex all sell relatively inexpensive good quality scopes. I have used all of them with no problems at all. A scope is just an aiming device. As long as its optically clear and sturdy it will do. Its not necessary to spend more for a scope than the rifle that its...
  30. J

    Wanted New VX3 Or VX3i 1.5-5x20

    Europtic has Leupold VX3HD 1.5x5 scopes in stock.
  31. J

    Ruger Alaskan 375 vs REM 700 375 H&h vs Browning X-Bolt 375 h&h

    If it were me I would buy the Ruger. Its a far better rifle than the other 2 and the cartridges are equal in performance.
  32. J

    Another .405 Win model 1895 Winchester

    Beautiful rifle!
  33. J

    Two more for the safe

    Well done, love them both!
  34. J

    What rifle gives you 'The Fizz'?

    All 7 of my pre64 M70s but particularly the '06 and 270 featherweights.
  35. J

    416 Remington Magnum V.S. 458 Winchester Magnum

    Availability of components is a real issue today with almost anything but cast bullets for either can be found or cast yourself. As bad as bullet availability is finding powder and primers is even more of a challenge. At least in the US it is.
  36. J

    416 Remington Magnum V.S. 458 Winchester Magnum

    Even with 400gr bullets the 416 at 250 yds only drops about an inch more than the 375 with 300gr bullets. From field shooting positions that would be insignificant and it sure hits harder on the other end. I certainly agree with your assessment on recoil, more of a push although a big push than...
  37. J

    Powders for 175gr bullets in 7X57

    I have loaded with IMR4831. Good accuracy and velocity.
  38. J

    Lesson learned

    Have you tried Sweets 7.62 solvent. Its a very aggressive copper remover. Stinks but works.
  39. J

    Have you ever bid on a rifle and then wonder “Why did I do that?”

    I've bought a couple just because I thought there was no way they would go that low and was surprised that they did. Wasn't planning on buying them but I'll always take a good deal!
  40. J

    6.5x55 Win M70- Nosler ballistic tip and Hornady Interlok bullets

    I too would prefer a bit tougher bullet but with todays problems of bullet availability thats not always possible. If what I had was interlocks I would use them without hesitation.
  41. J

    6.5x55 Win M70- Nosler ballistic tip and Hornady Interlok bullets

    I have only used nosler ballistic tips on white tail deer and didn't like them because they are quite explosive. Too much meat damage for me so I stopped using them. As to the Hornady interlocks I have used them extensively and like them very much. A friend was leaving for a plains game hunt in...
  42. J

    Handloading tools that you actually use...

    I have used the same RCBS hand priming tool for over 30 years with never a problem. Its very easy to feel the primer seat properly with it.
  43. J

    What Is Your Dream Rifle?

    The Verney Carron 450 NE thats listed on GI right now. All I need now is a winning lotto ticket!
  44. J

    375 H&H Cross Bolts???

    My 1964 safari grade Browning 375 is done with double cross bolts, a second recoil lug on the barrel in the forearm and glass bedded as your CZ is. Thats a big rifle done right!
  45. J

    375 H&H Cross Bolts???

    Why take a chance on splitting the stock when properly installed cross bolts and a bit of epoxy can prevent it. I want rifles intended for serious hunting to be absolutely reliable.
  46. J

    375 H&H Question

    I'm pretty sure they will handle that too.
  47. J

    375 H&H Question

    Winchester silvertips were used and respected for many years before todays super premiums were developed and could certainly be used if thats all you can find. I doubt that they will bounce off of any pg.
  48. J

    375 H&H Question

    If it were my choice I would use the 300gr Nosler partition on everything that you will be hunting without hesitation. I hunted pg including eland with a 30'06 handloaded with 180gr nosler partitions with no problems. Surely 300gr partitions from your 375 will do the job.
  49. J

    Maximum FPS in DR

    Why, an extra few fps won't make it more effective. That cartridge made its reputation at what your factory does.