Hello, I recently acquired a .375 H&H takedown and upon inspection once bolt is cocked I cannot engage the safety to the upright position unless I remove the bolt from the rifle and cock it manually. when bolt is placed back in rifle and safety flipped to fire position the rifle immediately fires without trigger input 
Obviously dangerous... How to remedy?
I have completely disassembled the bolt/lubricated and reassembled to no relief. Looks to have low round count and I see no evidence of anyone attempting to work on the trigger nor file on the sear, etc.
Anyone know a competent gunsmith?

Obviously dangerous... How to remedy?
I have completely disassembled the bolt/lubricated and reassembled to no relief. Looks to have low round count and I see no evidence of anyone attempting to work on the trigger nor file on the sear, etc.
Anyone know a competent gunsmith?