Search results

  1. J

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    To me its very simple. Mr. Baldwin was the responsible person period. While a tragedy it was entirely preventable if proper gun handling had been practiced. The person holding the gun should have checked it and he didn't.
  2. J

    I couldn’t resist the 71

    Also a very nice rifle!
  3. J

    US Bill H. R. 7910

    Thanks for posting this as details have not been available.
  4. J

    I couldn’t resist the 71

    In those days Winchester would do pretty much what a customer was willing to pay for.
  5. J

    I couldn’t resist the 71

    I can also confirm that the bolt peep is original and the rifle certainly looks unmolested and in great shape. Nice find!
  6. J

    Modern loads for 7x57 but using Supplies I have

    I agree with several who already suggested the Hornady 154gr spire point and 4350. That's a terrific bullet, my favorite in my 7x57.
  7. J

    Your best 7x57 loads

    Yes, its 50gr of IMR4831. I have not used any 160gr bullets in that rifle but those 154gr Hornadys are deadly on everything that I've used them on.
  8. J

    9.3x64 reloading data

    If the price is right I would pick them all up.
  9. J

    7mm WSM for plains game

    Your rifle will work just fine for any plains game. Use good bullets and enjoy that wonderful place without worrying about your choice of rifle!
  10. J

    338 Winchester Magnum

    With proper bullets the 338WM will handle anything that Africa offers. Its all been taken by lesser cartridges in the past.
  11. J

    Does anyone here like quarter-bores?

    My Ruger #1 257Rob is one of my favorites. Easy on the eyes too!
  12. J

    Talk about price gouging

    Cabelas has been unreliable and overpriced since they were bought by Bass Pro Shop.
  13. J

    Scope Ring height for Ruger Hawkeye Guide Gun in 375 Ruger?

    Yes, they detach and go back on in place by simply turning 2 screws and they do make 30mm in 2 heights.
  14. J

    For Sale Browning Safari 9.3x62

    That is a very nice high quality rifle. Just to find an action built as well as that one is difficult today. If I didn't already own a Browning like that in 375 I would be interested but someone will get a nice piece.
  15. J

    Scope Ring height for Ruger Hawkeye Guide Gun in 375 Ruger?

    I think that they do in both medium and high.
  16. J

    Scope Ring height for Ruger Hawkeye Guide Gun in 375 Ruger?

    Why not use Ruger rings? There isn't A stronger more reliable scope mounting system available.
  17. J

    The other love of your life

    I also have 2 setters that are close to the top of my list as well!
  18. J

    6.5x55 - 140 Grain Reload Velocity?

    I too have a 6.5x55 Ruger77. Mine is the 24" barrel version and have been hand loading for it for a few years now. The published data for that cartridge is all over the map as you may have noticed. In mine I get sub MOA groups using the 140gr Hornady interlock and R22 at 2700fps with no signs of...
  19. J

    9.3x64 reloading data

    I do now, thanks!
  20. J

    9.3x64 reloading data

    Good information. I'll be following because while I don't own a rifle so chambered a friend does and I'm loading ammo for him. So far the most difficult thing is availability of brass. We are working with 25 cases that were made from 458win. brass.
  21. J

    Why not a Single Shot?

    I would never try to talk anyone out of buying A new rifle, especially that one! A great choice!
  22. J

    Why not a Single Shot?

    On my only hunting trip to S.A. I took 2 rifles, one was a Ruger#1 338WM which served me well.
  23. J

    Second rifle for Plains Game and Dangerous Game hunt with .416 Rigby

    Don't overlook the 338WM, its a great cartridge!
  24. J

    New Mauser vs New Rigby

    Both are lovely rifles with little to choose from one to the other. That being said I would choose the Mauser.
  25. J

    270 winchester bullet performance question 150 partitions and A frames

    Never tried it, I've always used IMR4831 or R22.
  26. J

    Currently watching a rifle I really want on GB that has a decent Buy it Now price

    If he's not willing to at least meet you halfway for a cash transaction just forget about it. I have done lots of business with sellers on both GB and guns international and much prefer guns international. There seem to be more scammers on GB.
  27. J

    Brussel Sprouts recipes

    Roasting them in the oven with other vegetables is the best way that we have found. I don't care for them steamed or boiled but roasted they are very tasty.
  28. J

    FN Mauser 1951

    That's the trigger that I put on mine, very nice. What a great high quality package!
  29. J

    30-06: 168gr vs 180gr TTSX for PG?

    Either will work just fine.
  30. J

    FN Mauser 1951

    I have an FN from the early 50s and the feed rails and ramp are beautifully polished from the factory. The stock is properly cast off for perfect sight alignment again from the factory. They did work that would cost bunches to have it done today. The only thing not perfect about mine was the...
  31. J

    303 for Eland and other large non dangerous game

    Of course you can, I did it with a 30'06 a few years ago and the 303 will do what an '06 will do. Just use good bullets.
  32. J

    270 Winchester better than 7mm mag?

    Both are good but in most rifles a 270 will be lighter and handier. I own both and can't think of any case where I would use the 7mag over one of my 270s.
  33. J

    Optic Overkill?

    I could happily hunt the rest of my life with a Leupold 2x7.
  34. J

    Rigby Floor Plate Issue

    Good information if I can ever afford a Rigby.
  35. J

    For Sale FN Supreme 270 Win

    That's a terrific buy! Beautiful rifle.
  36. J

    I need your help

    As JimP suggested measure the bullet dia. and that will get you close to an answer.
  37. J

    Hiding ugly

    I like it!
  38. J

    Hunting dogs

    As a grouse hunter who lives in Michigan's U.P. mine is a Ryman type English setter. I pick her future partner on monday!
  39. J

    Ruger .338 mag, Express, not mine.

    The last couple of years have certainly not been normal. Something else to consider is that most of today's shooters are not hunters and have little appreciation for nicely made hunting rifles. The tactical stuff is their cup of tea and sells very well. If I didn't already have 3 338wms I would...
  40. J

    Ruger .338 mag, Express, not mine.

    The real serious bidding on gun broker doesn't usually start until the last 30 minutes of the auction.
  41. J

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    A couple of pickup truck loads of whitetail deer with a Ruger#1A using the Hornady 154gr interlock at 2700fps.
  42. J

    New member from Michigan

    Welcome! Lots of good information and interesting discussions here. I also live and hunt in Michigan about 50 miles west of Marquette in the U.P.
  43. J

    Ruger .338 mag, Express, not mine.

    I think its a lovely package and a good value as well.
  44. J

    First Safari! Most versatile Plains Game cartridge...

    Similar to the 300wm. In light rifles both will get your attention.
  45. J

    Deadly lethal moderate recoil 30-06 loads?

    For many years my favorite load for white tails has been a 165gr Speer hot core or the same weight in a Hornady interlock with enough IMR4064 to give around 2600fps. Easy recoiling, low pressure and always results in quick kills. I think 150gr bullets would also work well but my favorite '06...
  46. J

    First Safari! Most versatile Plains Game cartridge...

    My choice would be the old 30'06 but its interesting that you would overlook the 338wm, and the 9.3x62.
  47. J

    100 pound & 90 pound bulls taken in Botswana!

    Any trophy that I take are for me and me alone. I wouldn't ever post photos online for public viewing of them. To do so doesn't do anything positive for hunting. Its important to consider how it looks to the majority who don't hunt. Public perception matters.
  48. J

    Winchester (Miroku) 1886 Lightweight 45-70

    Twist rate on Winchester 1886s is 1 in 20"
  49. J

    First Rifle

    A good 30'06 is hard to beat.