Search results

  1. Daktari

    Seminole Whitetail

    My guide estimated he was 170 lbs. Also said he was the heaviest deer taken off the ranch in the 9 years he has been guiding there.
  2. Daktari

    Seminole Whitetail

    Thank you sir!
  3. Daktari

    55° Florida Doves

    This was the shotgun I borrowed from them, definitely an upgrade from the Remington 870 I have back home. Its a Turkish Kral over/under in 20 gauge.
  4. Daktari

    Seminole Whitetail

    So happy my Florida Everglades buck and first deer ever is back home where he belongs! Came out great and very lifelike.
  5. Daktari

    55° Florida Doves

  6. Daktari

    55° Florida Doves

    Yesterday I had a wonderful time hunting doves in Florida. It was in the mid 50's and windy but still an incredible experience! Can't wait to make some poppers :cool:
  7. Daktari

    Looking for a Fishing Guide in French Riviera

    @Borderer thank you for sharing his website, looks amazing! Feel free to share any more you may have.
  8. Daktari

    Looking for a Fishing Guide in French Riviera

    what kind of fish are you targeting?
  9. Daktari

    What have you eaten?

    I had seal meat on a reservation in Quebec the meat was black in color, texture of fat, and taste of meat. Most different thing I've ever eaten.
  10. Daktari

    Deer Ridiculous

    If you derive all your satisfaction from a hunt based on a minimum trophy size then you completely lacking in substance. There are many factors that make a hunt "worth it" such as the overall experience, the people you're with, the terrain, and a high quality food source.
  11. Daktari

    Anybody in SWFL?

    Anyone know of any free range hog hunting in Florida? Is Chappys free range?
  12. Daktari

    USA: BOWHUNT: Wyoming Turkey 2022

    Love the coloring on the Merriams. Great birds
  13. Daktari

    New member

    Welcome to the forum! Go to Africa while you can you wont regret it.
  14. Daktari

    In memoriam - RIP cal pappas

    Rest in Peace Cal
  15. Daktari

    Best Fishing in South Florida?

    Sorry I meant Saltwater! I'm stuck right now between Key West and Islamorada
  16. Daktari

    Best Fishing in South Florida?

    Hello where do ya'll think is the best fishing in South Florida?
  17. Daktari

    Nebraska Merriams suggestions

    No experience in Nebraska but make sure the birds you are hunting are pure Merriams and not hybrids you want Northwest Nebraska area.
  18. Daktari

    USA: Harlequin & Barrows

    Beautiful birds and scenery!
  19. Daktari

    Least Known African Country That Allows Hunting?

    Good luck Hank that is a dream safari!
  20. Daktari

    Mud, sweat, and beards...

    Farming the Wild and Wildfed are great! Meateater is best.
  21. Daktari

    What really is "Big Game"?

    Anything you can't eat in a single meal.
  22. Daktari

    Leopard Mount

    Excellent leopard so life like!
  23. Daktari

    Tasty Deer

    Deer Nachos
  24. Daktari

    What to do with a giraffe

    I love the hide of a giraffe and would tan it as a accompaniment for a rifle display.
  25. Daktari

    Kodiak mountain goat

    Beautiful goat @TheGrayRider !
  26. Daktari

    New Trophy Room

    I suggest grouping the animals into categories such as spirals in one group and ring horned in another group. Then within each group put the species together such as bushbucks species clustered together that way you can admire the particular differences that make the subspecies unique. Thats how...
  27. Daktari

    Santa Knows Safari!

    That pelican is sweet! I have the double gun case and love it. Pelicans are tanks
  28. Daktari

    North Americas Big Five

    Grizzly Buffalo Mountain Lion Rocky Mountain Bighorn Alaskan Yukon Moose
  29. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    Sounds like the restaurant you got it from didn't clean/prepare the gator properly. I've had gator on a few occasions and didn't encounter that. Meat handling is so important to ensure great quality.
  30. Daktari

    USA: Tule Elk Meat Hunt

    Well done, the freezers are full now!
  31. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    Thats an incredible yield, best gator meat I've had is a gator kabob in Homestead, FL. Would love to make my own some day.
  32. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    Thank you very Rider, that second gator is a tank! How have they been for eating? Are the bigger ones still tasty?
  33. Daktari

    Greetings from FL

    I'm over in Miami, us Florida guys should get together sometime!
  34. Daktari

    SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa Big 5 Hunt With Bossie Of LIMPOPO BIG GAME SAFARIS

    Could you take a picture of the door please? Need to see what to look for in a future house haha
  35. Daktari

    SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa Big 5 Hunt With Bossie Of LIMPOPO BIG GAME SAFARIS

    Wonderful job! I have a noob question. How do you get the full size rhino in your house? Does the taxidermist deliver it?
  36. Daktari

    World Record Bongo with Bow in Central African Republic C.A.R

    Biggest I've seen in pictures before, well done.
  37. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    I am of the opinion that if I'm gonna hunt on a Texas ranch it would be for native game or exotic species that I couldn't hunt in their native habitat such as Dama Gazelle or Addax. I'm still new in my hunting journey and would rather pursue more native game before going on an exotic hunt but I...
  38. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    Justin that is very cool, do you have any pictures you mind sharing of the gator hunting? What is considered a good gator? I was thinking 12 ft+
  39. Daktari

    Merry Christmas AH Community!

    Beautiful tree! I love the Rhino