I’ve eaten african lion backstraps grilled on the braii. They were actually very good. And I’m not actually sure what all I’ve eaten around the campfire as appetizers, but many came from inside the animal. Some very good, some not so much.
Cape buffalo balls, also very good! Klipspringer backstraps also on the braii. These were very good, but had a unique flavor. Best I can describe they had a hint of flavor like the vegetation in the area the klipsringer were living. Kind of natural seasoning I guess!
Reedbuck is also incredibly good.
I’ve eaten North American Mountain Lion on a number of occasions and have never spit it out. The bobcat I have attempted to eat I have spit out! Tasted like the smell of cat piss.
Beaver is very tasty!
@spike.t , I have Tee’d that up just for you!

If you use your imagination it’s a bit like a cross between venison and waterfowl, but very tasty.
Porcupine is ok but can be greasy.
One of my very favorite wild game meats is black bear. Fall black bears that have been eating berries for several months are a delicacy. Wonderful!