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  1. Rick HOlbert

    400 Whelen

    Excellent rifle and cartridge!! Elmer Keith thought highly of it and hunted with one for years with great satisfaction.
  2. Rick HOlbert

    Can 9.3x74R be used for Cape buffalo and/or leopard and other dangerous game in most African countries?

    It is legal in Some areas. Boddington wrote an article about taking a buff with a double 9.3X74R and it proved adequate. Best bet is to check with your PH to see if legal in his area and if so if he will take you out armed with that rifle. It'll kill a buff, but it's not a stopping rifle by any...
  3. Rick HOlbert

    Recommendation for a good performing 9.3X62?

    There are several good choices out there depending on how much you wish to spend. Ruger M77 MKII African, Zastava 70 (if you can find one), Mauser M12, and the Blaser R8 on the upper end. I'm missing others but they are out there. I shoot a Zastava left hand Mauser action. Was rough at first but...
  4. Rick HOlbert

    Bobs gonna disown me for this one.....

    Oh dear lord!! Please stand over there as I don't want to be hit by accident by the bolt of lightening !!
  5. Rick HOlbert

    Mediums that perform

    Hmm, if the animal hasn't dropped in it's tracks I've never had a problem following a BIG blood trail and a short one at that using various medium bore rifles. Most times tracking isn't required.
  6. Rick HOlbert

    Mediums that perform

    Try 225grn Swift A-Frame over W748 or Varget for 2530fps. Hits like Thor's hammer! Got the load from early Barnes load manual. 225grn Barnes TSX too long and compress the powder more than I care for.
  7. Rick HOlbert

    Mediums that perform

    Great subject! I shoot and love the .358 Winchester in short action rifles. Load it with modern powders and bullets and it preforms all out of proportion to book ballistics. Works the treat on game up to Eland. Love my 9.3X62. With either 250 or 286grn A-Frames or Norma Oryx comes very close to...
  8. Rick HOlbert

    375 H&H Ammo?

    Although pricey I'd also recommend Swift ammo loaded with their 300grn A-Frame.
  9. Rick HOlbert

    Ugly question: 9.3x62 vs .338WM

    Whatever works for you and the type of game you're after. Myself personally, I'll take my 9.3X62 and never look back.
  10. Rick HOlbert

    Most Dangerous Game (unwounded)?

    Don't know about the big 7 but,.... the most dangerous animal I've seen is my PH's weiner dog! Anything that can run through the thorns with iit's wedding tackel that low to the ground is one bad ass animal!!
  11. Rick HOlbert

    Best bullets for plains game

    Bob old friend you are 100% correct. Cast bullets work very well on game and much cheaper to shoot.
  12. Rick HOlbert

    Best bullets for plains game

    As a life long shooter of cast bullets and having used them on a lot of different game they do work rather well. If they were a poor choice, then where did all the American Bison go?
  13. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Hello Josh. Sor sorry friend but I can't recommend a longer barrel, especially on a Scout rifle. For the 358 and 308, a 18.5 to 20 inch barrel are optimum for a Scout. Velocity loss is minimal compared to a 22in barrel and at realistic hunting ranges you won't notice the difference. I've had a...
  14. Rick HOlbert

    .350 Remington Magnum anyone?

    Good day. I've never run a 350 magnum but very familiar with it. Frankly if you use 200-225grn pills it's more than a short range proposition. I shoot a 358 Winchester and with careful hand loading I can get within 100fps of factory (I say again, Factory) 350 mag. Handloading you can exceed...
  15. Rick HOlbert

    .350 Remington Magnum anyone?

    Yes sir, Col. Cooper did take a lion with his 350 Rem Mag super Scout. 250grn Swift A-Frames at 2500fps. The magazine box was over length and he seated the bullets out some. But the load was HOT!! The brass was good for 1 loading only. This was why he named this rifle his lion Scout.
  16. Rick HOlbert

    Who are your favorite "Africana" authors?

    Yes sir, I fully agree. That book by JA Hunter resides on the shelf of my hunting library. Taylor, WDM Bell, Rourke and Capstick are some of my favorites.
  17. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Yes indeed. A very good read. I exchanged letters with Paco a few years ago and was most informative. Some folks have called him crazy for some of the data he offered but after carefully working up to some of the loads he had I had to agree with him. The 358 has a very efficient combustion...
  18. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Leslie you are correct in starting lower. But,... with careful loading you can boost the 358 to higher levels very safely. I have loads pushing 180grn TTSX's to 2800fps, 225grn Swift A-Frames to 2530fps and 250's to 2400fps. No pressure signs, one finger bolt lift and extraction and terminal...
  19. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Yes sir he certainly did. A lot of folks thought Col. Cooper was arrogant and stand offish. Nothing further from the truth! Col. Cooper was very confident in his abilities, well read and had the creds to back it up. I do believe the 358 makes for a fine fireplug Scout rifle. I had one back in...
  20. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    You're very true on that assessment. There are a couple of decent writers today but not up to the standards of Keith and O'Conner. I'd add Skeeter Skelton to that list also.
  21. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Yes indeed! by far my favorite revolvers are in 44 special.
  22. Rick HOlbert

    Professional Hunter Leon DuPlessis from Save Safaris injured by Buffalo

    Thankfully the client had a cool head and was able to shoot the buff off of him.
  23. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    LOL!! Yeah, that sounds like something he would have said. His sense of humor was a little rough for gentle ears but having been a cowhand and guide for most of his life there wasn't much polish on his speech at times. Real down to earth I guess you could say.
  24. Rick HOlbert

    In memoriam - Highly Respected Professional Hunter Paddy Curtis gone, RIP

    Another fine gentleman gone much too soon and will be sadly missed. My prayers and condolences to his family.
  25. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Elmer was one of those rare gun scribes who didn't act like nobility and look down his nose at us mere mortals. He truly enjoyed talking to people about hunting, reloading and such. He spoke from his heart and never let on to being the expert or final authority on a given subject. He was always...
  26. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Yes sir he did indeed like the 35 Whelen very much. It's one of the highlights of my life to have actually meet and known Elmer.
  27. Rick HOlbert

    Funny 7X57 Story

    That's a good one. The only magnums I'd own are the 300 & 375 H&H's and I already have them. Hang on to that 7X57! It's a gem.
  28. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    I've several of Elmer Keith's books in my library. Was reading through his book Gun Notes and found where the old master thought very highly of the 358 Winchester. Elmer was fond of big calibers and heavy for caliber bullets. For him to give his blessing for the 358 speaks volumes. He specified...
  29. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    As I've said earlier in another post on the 358. At 105 yards on a BIG Kudu with a 225grn TSX, at 2530fps that bullet broke both shoulders and the spine. How much more horse power do you need?
  30. Rick HOlbert

    Cast Bullets. An alternative to jacketed bullets

    Bob, as we found out while talking the other day, the meplat is .23in in diameter. Not ideal as a .25in would be but still large enough for tissue disruption and great penetration. As it is a heat treated alloy it won't shatter on heavy bone and some expansion will occur.
  31. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Good day sir and great choice on caliber. I've been a long time shooter of the 358 and I concur with Bob and many others as to it's effectiveness on game. It preforms all out of proportion to what the paper figures suggest it should. I've used it in Africa on game up to Kudu and Zebra with...
  32. Rick HOlbert

    Funny 7X57 Story

    Ah yes. That's the tribute rifle. A beauty is she not? I could be wrong but I do remember reading that Bell's rifle was in .275 Rigby. Thanks for the pictures.
  33. Rick HOlbert

    Cast Bullets. An alternative to jacketed bullets

    Well,... I don't know what's going on but I'm unable to attach the pictures I have to add to this post. Oh well, momma always said I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. Sorry about that folks.
  34. Rick HOlbert

    Cast Bullets. An alternative to jacketed bullets

    Well folks, I finally got enough of a break in the rainy weather to get to the range to test fire the next batch of loads using those 280grn FNGC bullets in the 375 H&H. As stated in my earlier post, W760 had promise but not happy with the results. Rimshot Big Game was too slow and I suspect...
  35. Rick HOlbert

    Funny 7X57 Story

    CJW, it's something to think about. But no, it will be a .275 Rigby. Seems not too long ago I read where Rigby built a tribute rifle to WDM Bell in 275 (as engraved on the barrel) Rigby from records they keep based on his order from that fine firm of gun makers true to the specs for the original...
  36. Rick HOlbert

    Hello from Bwana Moja. Africa is NOT "The Dark Continent"

    Hello Moja, very good to see you here. I've enjoyed your articles in the "Gazette". Very informative and a great read. I've had a couple of articles printed in the same publication. My favorite was Annies Hunt where I write about taking my youngest daughter to Namibia in 2019 to share a hunt...
  37. Rick HOlbert

    Funny 7X57 Story

    Now that's a story I can relate to! I worked at a large firearms store in Louisiana for a spell. We received some of those Rugers marked .275 Rigby and the owner went ballistic saying we didn't have the ammo for it. I told him we did. Just it was marked 7X57 and it was the same thing. Made $20...
  38. Rick HOlbert

    Hornady eld-x field reviews

    The ELD-X is a very accurate bullet,... that being said the ones I've seen recovered from African game were mangled messes. The game range was from impala to kudu. The bullets looked on the verge of complete break up. Was not impressed with the performance on game. for what i's worth My choice...
  39. Rick HOlbert

    Alliant powders

    It just may be. I know that Bofors makes some of the powders they market.
  40. Rick HOlbert

    Cast Bullets. An alternative to jacketed bullets

    Good choices all and in the past have used them also. Now days I've found (for me that is) the faster medium burn rate powders work very well. IMR-3031, IMR-4064 and Reloader15 are examples giving near jacketed velocities and great accuracy. To bad the SR series powders were discontinued.
  41. Rick HOlbert

    Cast Bullets. An alternative to jacketed bullets

    Well folks, finally had the chance to go to the range and test those loads in the 375. Sad to say no joy! The test loads with W760 have promise shooting into 1.25 - !.5in groups. Good enough for hunting but I know that rifle can do better. Ram Shot Big Game was an utter disappointment. Too slow...
  42. Rick HOlbert

    New "classic" .318 Westley Richards?

    Redleg you said it all. This madness as you call it is one affliction I hope a cure for is never found.
  43. Rick HOlbert

    What scope for 375 Model 70?

    The biggest difference in field of view will be if it has a 1 inch tube or 30mm. The 30mm tube will have a slightly better field of view at all magnifications. If you're in the jesse sorting out Mr. Bad I would have my scope at 1 or 2X at the most. Just me. I want the same sight picture I would...
  44. Rick HOlbert

    Alliant powders

    Supply train issues. The Reloader line is made in Sweden
  45. Rick HOlbert

    Binocs for African Plains Game hunting?

    For all of my trips to Namibia and hunting here at home I use a pair of Kahles 8X30 compacts. a little heavy for the size but crystal clear and I wouldn't be without them.
  46. Rick HOlbert

    Head north

    Kevin you certainly know how to live the good life. LOL! I wish one day on one of my trips to Africa to spend some time just enjoying some of the places you have shared with us. My hat is off to you sir.
  47. Rick HOlbert

    Lead core vs all copper

    For most game I prefer Swift A-Frames. If I can't find them then I fall back on Barnes TSX's. For solids I use the Woodleigh Hydro Stabilized solids. For north American whitetail my preferred bullet is the Nosler Ballistic tip.
  48. Rick HOlbert

    Carrying your rifle in the bush

    For plains game I carry with the sling but I also use it to loop up for a steadier hold. I also carry muzzle down Rhodesian style so if a shot presents itself I roll the muzzle forward and up into shooting position. Use what works for you and is most comfortable.
  49. Rick HOlbert

    Win M70: Quick release scope mounts and rings

    I use Leupold QR rings on my 375 H&H and several other rifles. No problems and if you reinstall in same slots returns to zero. This way if the conditions mandate it or the scope goes pear shaped I can pull the scope in an instant and fall back on the pre zeroed express sights.
  50. Rick HOlbert

    Hello from Mississippi

    Welcome to the group! I'm in Baton Rouge and have hunted Africa numerous times. Going back in May. Africa is like a beautiful woman, once she grabs your heart you can't turn away, LOL. Make those plans and go.