I like to tell You, why I have choosen the 358 Winchester:
First of all, I'm a 308 Win lover since I'm going hunting.
Easy brass, easy bullets, easy reloading, easy shooting, easy....easy....easy !!
Did I tell You yet ? I really do like easy !!
The only bitter taste with this dream 308 cartridge is coming up, when it's time for shooting at some bigger game! Yeah, I know, there are guys out there, shooting even elefants with a tiny 257 Roberts, but I'm more the "make-save-type ....." !

In our surroundings here in Germany we do have wild hogs around and they grow sometimes up to real monsters. To be a realist, my 308 Winnie is, even when loaded with those great Magtip from Speer in 150 grain, at it's end if trying to bag those 150kg woppers save.
When so, I wanna make sure to get hold of that beast at least and pack it into my deepfreezer for lots of bio steaks and roasts. My barrel in the 308 has 12", bigger bullets didn't do well, so I had to decide for someting more potencial.
Searching in the Speer and Hornady reloading books I found the 358 Winchester. Never heard of it.
Same brass like the 308, which made it on the first look quiet symphatic. In both book desriptions was written something strange like "is just a wood cartridge" , "....didn't made it, due to magnumania...." and something about "slooooow bullet".
One was even claiming, that this cartridge is not ideal!
But the ballistic charts beneath showed: 225 Grain at 2400 fps.... who the hell needs more ???
Sure... some guys need more fps, but I like good results more. Today I'm carrying a 358 Win custom made, loading 200 grain Sierra RN and never been dissapointed with the results. At those big hogs, this 358 Win is doing very well, killing instantly and final. No meat is unneseccarily waisted, no animal is lost or walked behind. No big recoil, more the Chevy type. And the Sierra bullets hold together like being bonded. (Sierra = Great product at good pricing. )
That are my personel requirements to a cartridge for my needs.
I would wish, more guys would be leaded by common sense, than by the meanings of manipulated, never-in-the-woods-editors of hunting magazines, magnum afine books, wild forum theories or crazy Youtube artists, always under pressure for sales figures or clicks.
Just use your brain and count 1+1 and You will find solutions for Your personal requirements, which make happy and satisfy all the way!!