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  1. wesheltonj

    Two Gold-medal Stags, Hungary

    Very nice trophies, love the plaques.
  2. wesheltonj


    Frankly, I am surprised that any one from Alberta or Saskatchewan Would be “angry” at Trump. Where and who you should be angry at is Ontario and Quebec and Fidel Jr, who have been screwing over those two province for years. I would suggest you watch a few American business channels and you...
  3. wesheltonj

    DSC thread Deleted

    Well my guess is C, D, & F. But it’s just a guess.
  4. wesheltonj

    El Paso Saddlery web cartridge belts?

    I don’t have one, but do have a pistol holster from them. Excellent quality workmanship.
  5. wesheltonj


    Yes, they are. I have never understood why the USSR/Russia was so keen on a Black Sea Port. Particularly with Turkey in NATO. Does anyone really believe that Russia would get free passage through Istanbul in a war with NATO?
  6. wesheltonj

    Looking for a Browning Auto 5 barrel

    Look at Arts Guns. He has restores, repairs and stocks of Brownings
  7. wesheltonj


    I've never had a problem with at any Canada Airport, but land crossings. I've land crossed in BC and Alberta in rental cars (hint Washington & Montana plates) and every time. I get where are you from question and I say Texas, I spend the next five minutes being drilled about if I guns with me.
  8. wesheltonj

    Cape Town overnight hotel

    I’ve stayed at the Table Bay Hotel. Unfortunately, it’s closed this year for a remodel. It will reopen [emoji638][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]] as the Intercontinental Table Bay. If going this year, either the V&A...
  9. wesheltonj

    WANTED A-Square 577 Tyrannosaur

    Several videos on You Tube. Most are shooting Saaed's gun at his indoor range.
  10. wesheltonj

    Transiting the US with trophies ?

    (1) ALL travelers entering the USA, have to clear immigration and customs and then clear security. No such thing as staying "In Transit" in the USA. (2) Your animals are in checked luggage you would still would have to have a USDA inspection. That limits your ports of entry...
  11. wesheltonj


    I suspect bomb Iran.
  12. wesheltonj

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    Last year when I was in Mumbai the bar at the Taj Mahal Palace served Sepoy Indian Tonic Water. So far unable to locate in the USA.
  13. wesheltonj


    Well, my take away was, I saw Justice Kennedy clap at the end of the speech. I suspect Trump may get two more appointments.
  14. wesheltonj

    Texas in April Advice

    My friend thats a very long drive. Not sure where I would want to overnight on that drive. What is it you want to do in or near San Antonio?
  15. wesheltonj

    Bags are packed...let's go!

    It’s been many years since I was in BA, but it’s a great city. I will be in Argentina this year too. Just a vacation trip to Patagonia that unfortunately was cancelled during COVID finally getting back around to that trip, unfortunately with a less days. Have a great hunt.
  16. wesheltonj

    Under Estimated Javelina

    Spectacular job. I did’t think they were that northeast.
  17. wesheltonj

    What ballistic software do you use?

    Leica and Norma.
  18. wesheltonj

    Bags are packed...let's go!

    I hope that you have lots of extra days for sightseeing.
  19. wesheltonj


    Well, ones a Capitalist and the other a Democrat & Socialist, but I repeat myself. FDR's New Deal did not get the USA out of the Great Depression, it was WW2 that did that. FDR wanted into WW2, and he got his wish when Japan bombed the USA. (Of course there is a conspiracy theory with that...
  20. wesheltonj

    $25,000 in Africa excluding, flights, tips, and trophy shipment what would you do?

    A few more dollars and certainly add the Kudu. That list is Black Death/Black beauty, plus the iconic plains game.
  21. wesheltonj


    I have a different take, and I would prefer that Russia is not aligned with the China. A one front war with China is more than enough. We don’t need a two front with Russia and China.
  22. wesheltonj

    Nilgai hunt

    The best month for Reds is August.
  23. wesheltonj

    $25,000 in Africa excluding, flights, tips, and trophy shipment what would you do?

    Buffalo Sable Gemsbok Impala Springbok Zebra
  24. wesheltonj

    DSC Board Elections

    You can write in three names
  25. wesheltonj


    Being the leader of the free world does not mean free hand outs for the world.
  26. wesheltonj


    I must have missed something today. All I saw was sausage being made. Usually, that takes place without cameras.
  27. wesheltonj

    Dave Fulson is joining

    Welcome from the Texas Hill Country
  28. wesheltonj

    RIP Gene Hackman

    Hmmm, him, wife and one dog dead, but two other dogs are alive. Not sure how Carbon Monoxide kills three, but leaves two alive.
  29. wesheltonj

    DSC Board Elections

    I received the voting email very early this morning. Not sure which one or ones to vote for. I do personally know one of them and another by name only. DEI for Orvis and Lead Free, really?
  30. wesheltonj

    Another hello from Texas

    Welcome fellow Texan.
  31. wesheltonj

    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    I would try to fill in the spillway as much as possible so you don't get any of the contaminated water in your pond.
  32. wesheltonj

    Texas Nilgai price. OUCH

    Let me suggest that you try the TPWD lottery on those animals on federal land in the valley area.
  33. wesheltonj

    rifle and equipment insurance

    I have a Valuable Personal Property (Inland Marine) policy with USAA for a few of my firearms. It’s expensive, but not attached to my homeowners. Fairly sure it’s worldwide coverage. It does have a zero deductible. I’ve looked at Eastern and Gun & Trophy, both have a large deductible but have...
  34. wesheltonj

    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    Mike so sorry to hear this. The only saving grace is that the river is not high enough for the contaminated water to enter your pond. I doubt the Chinese do anything meaningful to clean it up, other than some photo opportunity.
  35. wesheltonj

    In memoriam - Passing of Beverly Wunderlich J/B Adventures & Safaris

    My condolences to her family and friends.
  36. wesheltonj

    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    It appears at least for West Texas, the medicated feed has made a big difference. The South Texas quail also have the intestine parasite. I used it this last year, I will see if it did any good. I am afraid that last cold snap may have been a problem. I also agree they have lots a natural...
  37. wesheltonj

    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    Several videos regarding quail on these two websites.
  38. wesheltonj

    Any Freemasons on this forum..?

    Correct, until you work your way up to the Knights Templar, then Christians only.
  39. wesheltonj

    Rifle drills for Cape Buffalo

    SAAM has a shooting drill. Ammo pouch on your right. Shoot three standing, while your gun is still shouldered pull two from your pouch load and shoot again keep repeating until out of ammo. Load another pouch and start over. Best to wear a shoulder pad.
  40. wesheltonj


    Beautiful location, but away from the main tourist sites. Have a great time there.
  41. wesheltonj

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    I will admit that I am recoil sensitive with my 375. Off the sticks, I am good to about 150 yards, after that not so much. I did have the opportunity to use the quad sticks last summer and I found that I shot better with those then the standard African type sticks. But, I am most likely at my...
  42. wesheltonj

    Cape Buffalo Finally on the wall

    Nice collection.
  43. wesheltonj


    Trump also said he was for reciprocity in tariffs. Folks have been pushing for that at least since Nineteen Seventy Nine. I am not worried about what Trump says if you can really get everyone to free and fair trade.
  44. wesheltonj

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    For me it’s not the people. When I was practicing law I had a client that once or twice a year I would have to see in Marietta. The ATL airport is great if you are changing planes. Getting a rental car and driving is another story. If I HAD to go on business, sure I would go back, but for a...
  45. wesheltonj


    Eagle Ford is sour. EOG ship and sells it in Louisiana. More wells can be drilled there.
  46. wesheltonj

    Which one or botb?

    Buy some Norma African PH 375 H&H in 350g Woodleigh and take one gun.
  47. wesheltonj

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    I think the poor weather played a big role in attendance. Lots of cancelled flights, ATL airport was a disaster that weekend. I checked the San Antonio convention center and they are booked solid next January and February, so that not happening. The San Antonio rumor its not possible without...