Search results

  1. Firebird

    Credit Cards

    I wire about half the cost then carry the rest. But I take my card just in case we run across an unplanned opportunity that needs to be taken. As mentioned, it depends heavily on the agreed amount of the safari to begin with
  2. Firebird

    Trivia night

    I was guessing onions-but I’ll give you high points for creativity
  3. Firebird

    Lets See Your Upland Shotguns

    Would love to take it to Maine-but to kill a boss gobbler with it!
  4. Firebird

    Lets See Your Upland Shotguns

    last year was unbelievable for chukars and Huns. I wouldn’t go without the dogs! You all have some beautiful hunting partners, I hope they shoot as good as they look
  5. Firebird

    Lets See Your Upland Shotguns

    Browning 16 gauge and a Franchi 20 gauge. I recently purchased a Franchi in 16 gauge and had a good day for ducks with it, but no pix of upland hunting just yet. My kids are mostly all hunting now, hence the need for another O/U in the safe and in the outdoors.
  6. Firebird

    Yet another new guy from Nevada

    Welcome to the site-a great place to be a “lurker”
  7. Firebird

    Best All Around Caliber for Plains Game

    Obviously the answers depend on what part of the world you live in. -and none of us can pick just one gun! I’m a big fan of the .300 wm and 180 gr bullets although I have several favorites. Since many places are banning lead bullet use, I believe the ttsx and other mono’s will continue to...
  8. Firebird

    Dangerous Game Hunters - Top Book Recommends?

    The Dangerous Game by Walter Prothero is newer and good reading. Finding a trade copy might be tough
  9. Firebird

    New From California

    Nuts. . . Maybe you could give us just a bit more information about yourself
  10. Firebird

    FOR SALE Remington 700 Stainless Synthetic 7mm-08! Rare find!

    Let’s just say for conversation sake that I want the rifle, base and rings and no use for the scope. (Even tho it is cool and possibly a Collectors piece)-Would you consider such an idea? What price would you be asking for just the rifle?
  11. Firebird

    Purchases On AH References

    Had a good buying experience with JohnD29. I had to have my wife handle the Venmo part and I was at work for a couple days. He was patient and didn’t call me a scammer or a thief or a murderer. Just patiently gave Me time to make arrangements. Job well done and a happy customer
  12. Firebird

    on a lighter note...

    That sends my ocd off the chart!:E Horrified:
  13. Firebird

    J. Switzer & Co

    Welcome from a neighbor to the east. Glad you found us and look forward to seeing more of your work in the future
  14. Firebird

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    Doesn’t influence what caliber I buy as much as how much/how often I go shooting. I do load my own which also influences these and other life altering decisions
  15. Firebird

    New from Tucson

    Welcome Mr. Fisher, glad you found us!
  16. Firebird

    George Foreman RIP

    Saw this while watching March Madness. Made my heart sad-always lined his life story. I hope he and his family can find peace and happiness moving forward-
  17. Firebird

    Want to buy book..."Duikers of Africa - Masters of the African Forest Floor"

    A very cool offer-I wish I was in the market but confident these are beyond my reach. Thanks for posting them, I hope the OP can make a square deal with the seller
  18. Firebird

    New From Phoenix, AZ

    Gambels, Scaled quail, two kinds of doves and band tailed pigeons. Mearns quail are my favorite gamebird! Turkeys and grouse in the high mountains. You haven’t scratched the surface and trust me on this-Arizona is world class for all those species. Glad you found this site, a great place to...
  19. Firebird

    Crazy! Cow Elephant charge!

    Love that old lion with a permanent underbite snarl and what appears to be a tumor/scar tissue on his spine. Job well done. Impressive work on the elephants as well-not only the shooters but the camera man to be commended!
  20. Firebird

    Greetings from the Madhatter !!

    Love the career choices-Welcome to the forum!
  21. Firebird

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    A couple days of blizzards with wind and snow and today it is cold. The skiers are celebrating and we all needed the water. In like a lion-out like a lamb. . . Hope the hurricanes didn’t hurt any of you too terribly!
  22. Firebird

    Flight Questions

    In the US, you typically fly into Atlanta, then on to Johannesburg. Typically you will have to spend the night and the next morning fly into East London. I fly delta from salt lake to Atlanta, delta from Atlanta to Joburg and airlink from joburg to final destination. There are other routes...
  23. Firebird

    So dumb question about a pelican

    A couple others have mentioned chemicals to remove the mold release agent-I recommend odorless mineral spirits-but the concept is the same I am also a lover of stickers. . .
  24. Firebird


    Now this thread has officially gone sideways. . .
  25. Firebird

    Greetings from MT

    Check out the duck hunting while you are there for me. . . Welcome to the site, glad it’s having a positive effect on you already!
  26. Firebird

    on a lighter note...

    Et tu, Wheels? I guess it is March!
  27. Firebird

    SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Plains Game With Doornrivier Safaris

    Thanks for sharing-it’s good to have a hunt report to read from Africa again
  28. Firebird

    77 Square Miles Surrounded by Reality

    Glad you found us! Strong work taking your wife and glad you both had a quality adventure. Best wishes moving forward towards your next safari!
  29. Firebird

    Post your Pronghorn pictures

    I love the freaks! No way I would have passed a buck like that up. You can always hunt a typical buck another trip, but the freaks only come along “once in a lifetime”
  30. Firebird

    For Sale Sourdough and Swahili Book

    Sent you a dm-would like to purchase from you-
  31. Firebird

    USA: To Clap An Aoudad

    One of my next bucket list options. Congrats on an excellent ram and a very cool adventure. Thanks to your helpers as well!
  32. Firebird

    RIP Gene Hackman

    Hantavirus-I didn’t see that coming! Alzheimer’s and heart disease, just a crazy tragedy!
  33. Firebird

    Georgia bird hunting?

    Have you checked with the website? They also have multiple YouTube videos and podcasts specific to Azerbaijan. My wife has already told me that I cannot go there-I hope you have better luck! Crested pochards, common pochards, Eurasian wigeons and more!
  34. Firebird

    Actual Bullet Performance (Terminal)

    Thank you for posting!
  35. Firebird

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Both were skilled hunters and thankfully filled out lives with their writings.
  36. Firebird

    Waterbuck - South Africa

    My most recent one-one of my favorite things to hunt. The east cape and game4africa have been good to me. We were hunting a bigger one that gave us the slip and I took this one instead-I like to pull the trigger! I was surprised how good waterbuck meat tasted
  37. Firebird

    Primeval SOB

    Maybe it’s a woke thing-they woke up one day and figured out how to say the f word . . .
  38. Firebird

    What type of YouTube videos do you enjoy?

    Do you only review products you like and endorse or are you going to be brave and point out the products that aren’t worth owning as well? It’s a slippery slope
  39. Firebird

    How old to hunt Dangerous Game

    Part of this is when they can understand about taking a life and even more so when they take the life of an animal revered as dangerous. If they have the maturity and the skill level, then go for it. I would also let them earn the money to pay for such a feat or contribute in some way-you...
  40. Firebird

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    We got to the 60’s f. Yesterday and today but will drop to low 40’s later in the week. I love spring, started pruning my fruit trees yesterday
  41. Firebird

    What type of YouTube videos do you enjoy?

    Gear reviews tend to become advertisements for stuff I don’t need. There is one hunting show filmed entirely in Africa on tv I won’t watch simply because they spend ten minutes of every episode bragging up the guns they use. -sitting and talking for ten minutes about a gun I have no interest...
  42. Firebird

    $25,000 in Africa excluding, flights, tips, and trophy shipment what would you do?

    I would take my wife and do the Rovos Rail bird hunting tour. Still get to see the countryside, lots of shooting, cool new trophies and living in luxury. Simple pleasure done at a high level
  43. Firebird

    Hello everyone! I am glad to be here on this forum

    I feel like you and I hunt for very different reasons but I hope you enjoy the information available on the site-welcome
  44. Firebird

    Into the Thorns—honey badger quote

    If you like honey badgers-get on YouTube and check out the video about “Stoffel the honey badger escape artist.” -that will get you close. Amazing little creatures!
  45. Firebird

    Dave Fulson is joining

    Hello Mr. Fulson, Have followed you for years on tv, dvd etc. glad you joined the group (y)
  46. Firebird

    Ocellated Turkey Mount

    You may be on top of this but I’m fairly certain ofellated require cites permits-make sure you address that before you start your hunt. Or prove me wrong, either way your butt will he covered
  47. Firebird

    Ocellated Turkey Mount

    Hazel Creek is Cally Morris and has long been the GoTo for turkey taxidermy and freeze dried heads. But there are many outstanding turkey taxidermists around the country I’ve never been a big fan of the “singing” pose and if I ever get one, I would probably do a flying mount, but that’s just me
  48. Firebird

    RIP Gene Hackman

    My money is on carbon monoxide poisoning but the truth will be interesting-he even went out with an intriguing story
  49. Firebird

    RIP Gene Hackman

    Some great roles in some great films. Hope he had an amazing life