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  1. Rick HOlbert

    Bullets that well advertised but were not that great

    Well sir, I do remember the old bronze points. Failed to expand on anything. Current Nosler ballistic tips now work great. Berger? I've taken several deer with them but plan to stop using them as I don't like the way they come apart. For premium bullets, I'll stick with Swift A-Frames or North Fork
  2. Rick HOlbert

    USA to Windhoek Flights and…

    Good day sir, I've used Lufthansa several times and it is a direct flight from Frankfurt to Windhoek. My gun case is checked through to Namibia and the next time I see it is at the gun room on arrival. Stay away from London!!
  3. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Outstanding!! That mirrors the results I've gotten using 200grn North Fork SS bullets. For a light medium bore, it hits like a hammer. If I didn't have my Ruger M77R, a Winchester M70 featherlight would be my dream rifle in 358. Well done sir.
  4. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Thanks much Bob. For some reason I've had problems adding pictures to some of my postings so didn't really try this time. LOL!!
  5. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Well folks the testing has finally come about!! Made it to the range and ready to report the findings. The 225grn Woodleigh's with a charge of W748 put 4 rounds into 5/8th inch. Had 1 called flyer at 12 o'clock slightly out of the main group. My fault, not the rifle or the load. Chronographed...
  6. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    hello Rimshot. You've found the loads that awaken the 358 to its potential. W748 with 225grn bullets will deliver 2500+ FPS. My rifle shoots 200grn North Forks very well but really comes alive with North Fork 225grn Semi Spitzers. I've used 225grn Barnes TSX's but due to their long length...
  7. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    I do already know how a 200grn North Fork at 2600+fps works on whitetail.!! DRT and not so much as a twitch.
  8. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Hello Bob. You can be assured I'll be using Pico's data and a couple of other data sources I have. I'll let you know about accuracy and choreographed velocity. Then as time allows, I'll let you know how they work on our feral pigs. Probably won't recover any slugs on that size animal and I doubt...
  9. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Stay tuned my friend. Between my part time job and less than stellar weather, it'll be a little while until I'm able to load those rounds.
  10. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Bob, can't thank you enough for those Woodlieghs. Soon as I get some free time I'll load some test loads and let you know.
  11. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Outstanding my friend. My rifle is a Ruger M77 also but a M77R. No iron sights. This rifle was never cataloged by Ruger and less than 1000 were made. Love nor money could persuade me to part with it!
  12. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Howdy Certus. Yes sir, back in the day the 348 was considered heap big bear medicine. Still is to some today. Along came the 358 Winchester, a big step up in power but with a caveat. Hack gun writers of the day said it had horrible recoil! As a result, ammo manufactures held the pressures down...
  13. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62 plains game

    By all means, take the 9.3X62. It will easily handle anything you will come across and is classic African cartridge to hunt with. I've used mine on several trips and never regretted the choice.
  14. Rick HOlbert

    .338-06 for Plains Game?

    Good day sir, As Bob has said, I just returned from Namibia and did use a 338-06. Worked like a hammer! I worked up a load using 230grn Oryx bullets at a chronographed 2680fps delivering 3668 ft/lbs of energy. W760 was the powder but I'll refrain from printing the charge weight and let you work...
  15. Rick HOlbert

    Hello from Rhode Island

    Welcome on board. Just returned from RI from visiting my daughters. I'm located in Louisiana. Made my 6th trip to Namibia 2 months ago and will probably go back next year. That old 90mm recoilless brings back memories.
  16. Rick HOlbert

    Swift Bullets and Ammo

    I've started using NF bullets in my 375 H&H and several other calibers I load for. Outstanding accuracy and will try them out on game next year when I return to Namibia. Still have some Swift A-Frames left but going to NF as they are available and should preform on game.
  17. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    very good. Here in the states I have load data that gets 286grn A-Frames running slightly faster than 2500fps with no pressure signs and excellent accuracy. We have powders that aren't readily availablle in Finland. But you'll never hear me put down a 375 H&H. Bottom line, it's what meets your...
  18. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    Good day sir. An excellent choice of rifle and cartridge! With a 375 H&H you can't go wrong for an all around rifle. Love my 375 ad wouldn't part with it for love nor money. That said, my favorite medium bore is still the 9.3X62. Handloading with premium bullets and modern powders you can get...
  19. Rick HOlbert

    Ammo box on Safair airlines

    Well sir, as of 6 weeks ago they sure as hell do now charge you for your ammo box as a separate piece of luggage.
  20. Rick HOlbert

    Ammo box on Safair airlines

    Here is one for you. Just returned from another trip to Namibia. Getting there , no problem. Going home is when Airlink threw a wrench in the works. Had our ammo boxes as per regulation in our checked baggage. Airlink had us pull our ammo boxes out then charged us for extra baggage. 2 of our...
  21. Rick HOlbert

    .375 H&H 300 grain Nosler Partition vs Swift A-Frames

    good question, The Nosler is a good bullet but the difference is, the core is not bonded to the jacket like the A-Frame. As a result the front core tends to wipe off with just the base driving through. The A-Frame is bonded and will retain 90+ % of it's weight. The A-Frame is the way to go...
  22. Rick HOlbert

    .375 H&H

    a very good choice indeed. Frankly if you can handle a 12Ga. 3 inch Magnum 1 7/8th ounce load you won't have a problem with the 375 H&H.
  23. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Luke, you make a good point. For 90% of my hunting I use a 308 myself. But when after heavier game I do like a medium bore round that cuts a bigger wound channel. I do admit to being in the Elmer Keith camp liking bigger diameter and heavy for caliber bullets. Just me.
  24. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Amen brother Rosch. I've always been of the opinion that the 358 would be an outstanding driven boar hunt rifle. Quick cycling short action that hits like Thor's hammer!! Couldn't have said it better. All the best to you and many great hunts to come.
  25. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Sorry to disagree with you sir. The .358 Winchester is a sadly overlooked round. The pressures were held down on purpose as some gun writing hacks back in the day said it had horrible recoil. Really? while in the same breath saying the 300 Win Mag was a comfortable round to shoot. It doesn't...
  26. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62 Solids

    Very good sir. I prefer the NF and Hydro solids as the flat nose and cup point solids have less chance of deflecting if a heavy bone is struck a glancing blow. As for the nickel cases, that is of course your choice. I've never had a problem using standard brass cases. Good loading and shooting.
  27. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62 Solids

    Good day sir. As a reloader, you have several choices for solids. Barnes makes a good mono metal solid but so far all I've seen are the round nose version. Woodleigh is back in production and their Hydro Stabilized Solid should be available soon. Also now available here in the states, The North...
  28. Rick HOlbert

    New Weatherby Rifle

    LOL, sounds good Bob. Good news for here in the states. Got an email and seems Raven Rock may be picking up Woodleigh bullets to sell here! Fingers crossed.
  29. Rick HOlbert

    New Weatherby Rifle

    Good day sir. As Bob said, I'm getting great results with the North Fork bullets. Sad to say though, in my rifle the Hawk 35 caliber 225grn pills have been not so stirling. Having been a bandleader for 60+ years I've tried a lot of variations to get these bullets to shoot. Finally hit on a load...
  30. Rick HOlbert

    Custom 338/06...Shoots As Good As It Looks!

    True words there my friend. You're so very correct in that they have no idea of what they are about to experience. The looks on their faces as things unfold before them will be a Kodak moment! I took my youngest daughter with me in 2019. She was incredulist at the sights she witnessed. She took...
  31. Rick HOlbert

    Custom 338/06...Shoots As Good As It Looks!

    I'll keep a look out for you. As for the trip, LOL not my family. I set this hunt up for my friends to share with their boys. what better way for them to come of age by sharing this hunt with a grandfather and a father. I'm going along to watch them make memories. I've already taken most game...
  32. Rick HOlbert

    Custom 338/06...Shoots As Good As It Looks!

    Glad to hear back from you. I too have used a 375 H&H (pre-64) and as much as I love that rifle my nod goes to my left hand Mauser in 9.3X62. As for felt recoil, stock geometry has a lot to do with felt recoil. with factory 286's at 2340fps, that load has been doing the job on buffalo for a long...
  33. Rick HOlbert

    Custom 338/06...Shoots As Good As It Looks!

    A beautiful rifle sir. I recently aquired a 338-06 myself built on a FN commercial Mauser action. Being an old student of Elmer Keith I've always been interested in his 333 OKH. The 338-06 is a natural follow on to that. I leave for Namibia in 3 weeks and I'm using that 338 loaded with Norma...
  34. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Good news!! Just found a good supply of North Fork .358 cal. bullets in 225grn weight. Working up loads now. Very good results so far with groups well under 1 MOA. Also have some 200grn pills to work with. The North Forks are very good. Hope to try them on feral pigs when I get back from Namibia...
  35. Rick HOlbert

    Why no love for the .358 Win?

    Welcome to the 358 club. A vey underrated cartridge that preforms well above the paper ballistics. One of my favorite medium bore rounds. Do enjoy it.
  36. Rick HOlbert

    9.3 X62 brass and bullet powder recommendation

    Almost forgot. I use Lapua and Norma brass with excellent results.
  37. Rick HOlbert

    9.3 X62 brass and bullet powder recommendation

    Good day. My recommendations are first either 250 or 286grn A-Frames (if you get a chance at a Eland) or the Norma Oryx in the same weights. Barnes are great if you can't find the others. I use W760 for the 286's and Varget for the 250's. All shoot very tight groups. Enjoy.
  38. Rick HOlbert

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    Hawkeye you are so correct! As a handloader OF 59+ years I fully agree. I own and shoot both calibers and with modern powders the 9.3X62 comes damn close to matching the 375 H&H. Sectional density is better also. I would not hesitate to drop the hammer on a buff if armed with a 9.3
  39. Rick HOlbert


    Hello Zim. The only thing a person need do is run 30-06 brass into the 338-06 sizing die. neck length and shoulder is the same. I use either virgin brass or anneal once fired brass. Super easy. I'll be back in Namibia in late May and that's the caliber I'm taking. Handloaded 230grn Norma Oryx...
  40. Rick HOlbert

    Anyone else like red dots on long guns..?

    Thanks much. Yes sir, it works a treat.
  41. Rick HOlbert

    Anyone else like red dots on long guns..?

    Interesting subject. A while back I built a "Retro Scout rifle" on a Remington 660 carbine. I installed a Ruger quarter rib on the barrel and used Ruger rings to mount the Scout scope. Problem was eye relief was less than ideal and the scope over hung the ejection port. After some careful...
  42. Rick HOlbert

    Hello from Bwana Moja. Africa is NOT "The Dark Continent"

    Shakka, Great reply. I guess I'm one of those who replied to his post (but NOT ass kissing) with an initial positive note. I had read a couple of his articles in the SCI magazine and they were interesting but had an air of "you can't do this as well as I can" which had me scratching my head. So...
  43. Rick HOlbert

    Wanted Woodleigh .410 Diameter 400 Grain Soft Nose

    Cajun if there's anything I can help you with just let me know. Bob's a good friend of mine.
  44. Rick HOlbert

    Peter Capstick...who knows the truth?

    So many people called Capstick a fraud. I never had the pleasure of meeting him personally but I know several who have. Capstick was the real deal. Yes indeed he could tell a story and make you feel like you were there with him on the hunt. Short of Rauck he was probably responsible for...
  45. Rick HOlbert

    Trijicon Acog Dangerous Game scope

    Good day sir. Interesting idea but not practicle with a ACOG. Personally for a DGR i would want no magnification to maybe 2X at most. My solution was to go with an Aimpoint 9000s. Can be mounted in standard 30mm rings, unlimited eye relief and parallax free. super fast target acquisition and...
  46. Rick HOlbert

    Got the 9.3 ready to hunt

    Very nice indeed sir! does me very well to see another LH 9.3 shooter. That caliber has become my favorite medium bore. Enjoy that rifle.
  47. Rick HOlbert

    Medium Bore Dilemma

    MR Black, good day to you sir. Ah, medium bore rifles near and dear to my heart. I offer the following choices with the understanding it's what works for you. First I offer the .358 Winchester. Light handy rifle in a short action that hits way above its paper ballistics. I get my best results...
  48. Rick HOlbert

    35 Whelen with 250 gr Norma Oryx

    I believe you'll like the Oryx bullet. My first choice is A-Frames but hard to come by right now. I'm going back to Namibia in 9 months and I'll be shooting a 338-06 with 230grn Oryx's. It's very good bullet.
  49. Rick HOlbert

    Which Ghost Ring for Winchester Model 70?

    For the front sight I'd recommend going with the post front sight rather than the fiber optic. and like the other gent has already said, NECG has a great ghost ring rear and post front sight.
  50. Rick HOlbert

    John Alexander Hunter "White Hunter"

    His book "Hunter" is in my hunting library. great reading!