MS 9x56
AH elite
Seems to be same model you have with the long barrel.View attachment 597454
Who... me?
Seems to be same model you have with the long barrel.View attachment 597454
Who... me?
Seems to be same model you have with the long barrel.
Good news!! Just found a good supply of North Fork .358 cal. bullets in 225grn weight. Working up loads now. Very good results so far with groups well under 1 MOA. Also have some 200grn pills to work with. The North Forks are very good. Hope to try them on feral pigs when I get back from Namibia next month..I will be using my .358 BLR on Black Bear this fall in Michigan and in May in Saskatchewan
It drops whitetail in their tracks when I shoulder shoot them (which I do with bucks so they don't run off the property and die)
The .358 is very under appreciated
The .35 Remington was extremely popular in Remington model 8/81s and Marlin lever guns. My dad was a huge fan of the .358 Win though it never really caught on.Just not much to love about that caliber, 35 has never been very popular in the USA, 358 is slow and brush calibers per say are a joke, the 35 Whelen being an exception I suggest...the 30-06 reigns in the East, west north and South and resale effects 358s..all that and its a decent caliber or shoud I say orphan..
Sorry to disagree with you sir. The .358 Winchester is a sadly overlooked round. The pressures were held down on purpose as some gun writing hacks back in the day said it had horrible recoil. Really? while in the same breath saying the 300 Win Mag was a comfortable round to shoot. It doesn't have any more recoil than a 30-06 with the same weight bullet. Comparing against FACTORY loads in the 35 Whelen, with careful hand loading, you can come within 100fps with the 358. I've used it on game in Africa up to Eland. It preforms all out of convention and what the paper ballistics says it should. I know of one guide in Alaska who carries one for brown bear and has used it to good effect. Short range/brush round? With 180grn bullets you can near match 30=06 velocities. Anyone want to call the 30-06 a brush round? I'll keep shooting my 358 and never feel under gunned. It's one of my favorite medium bore rounds.Just not much to love about that caliber, 35 has never been very popular in the USA, 358 is slow and brush calibers per say are a joke, the 35 Whelen being an exception I suggest...the 30-06 reigns in the East, west north and South and resale effects 358s..all that and its a decent caliber or shoud I say orphan..
Amen brother Rosch. I've always been of the opinion that the 358 would be an outstanding driven boar hunt rifle. Quick cycling short action that hits like Thor's hammer!! Couldn't have said it better. All the best to you and many great hunts to come.I ordered a custom 358 Win about 20 years ago because I wanted a handy with short barrel gun for everydays business. I really wondered why so many were talking bad about that actually good looking compact cartridge shooting a 200 grain bullet on 2600 fps with 358 dia. What the hell could be wrong with those parameters?
My experience is, there is nothing wrong with that cartridge, on the contrary it is my favorite rifle on hog and deer. Heres more to look at: It fits standard action, uses standard brass, loads „easy to get“ and afordable premium bullets, takes medium gun powders with good results, doesnt waste much meat because of mint hämatomes, is easy on recoil and kills fast and successfull anything around here You shoot at. Anybody‚s having trouble with that wonderfull mini big bore (which is not too far away from 9,3 and .375) should overthink his doing! If one looks for an allday universal rifle for „normal“ hunting here in Europe You will do fine with this cartridge!
Waidmanns Heil
Yes….that seems the real trouble….once bad mouthing started, all others follow the bloodtrail unproven! Woodcartridge? Yes, You can use the 358 Win in woods or brush with great success…….but not only!You will find with enough questioning, that most who bad mouth it have never owned and hunted with one. Once prejudice sets in (started by gun rag writers who never owned or hunted with one) it is awfully hard to change.
Yeah, I‘m sort of crumpy old man, who buys his underwear in the same old fashioned shop for many years now! New things first must do good for me before I even consider them as excisting!lso, Lapua makes a 185 grain hollow point for the 9.3 x 62 that works great on deer and hogs if you want a lighter bullet option.
@RayAtkinsonJust not much to love about that caliber, 35 has never been very popular in the USA, 358 is slow and brush calibers per say are a joke, the 35 Whelen being an exception I suggest...the 30-06 reigns in the East, west north and South and resale effects 358s..all that and its a decent caliber or shoud I say orphan..
@Rick HOlbertSorry to disagree with you sir. The .358 Winchester is a sadly overlooked round. The pressures were held down on purpose as some gun writing hacks back in the day said it had horrible recoil. Really? while in the same breath saying the 300 Win Mag was a comfortable round to shoot. It doesn't have any more recoil than a 30-06 with the same weight bullet. Comparing against FACTORY loads in the 35 Whelen, with careful hand loading, you can come within 100fps with the 358. I've used it on game in Africa up to Eland. It preforms all out of convention and what the paper ballistics says it should. I know of one guide in Alaska who carries one for brown bear and has used it to good effect. Short range/brush round? With 180grn bullets you can near match 30=06 velocities. Anyone want to call the 30-06 a brush round? I'll keep shooting my 358 and never feel under gunned. It's one of my favorite medium bore rounds.
@RuraldocI had a Browning BLR in 358, ammo and brass were hard to find so traded for something else.
I fill that niche now with a 9.3x62, but there is nothing wrong with a 358 if that’s what you want.
I never hunted with the 358 but have successfully hunted with the 35 Remington and 350 Remington magnum so I have a pretty good feel for what they can do.
I prefer the 308 in short action bolt actions because ammo, bullets,and cases are everywhere.
That’s why I took a 308 to Africa last year, I knew I could get ammo for it just about anywhere.
When I go back, I’m taking a 9.3x62 for eland, but could certainly make a 358, 350 mag, or 35 Whelen work as well.
Luke, you make a good point. For 90% of my hunting I use a 308 myself. But when after heavier game I do like a medium bore round that cuts a bigger wound channel. I do admit to being in the Elmer Keith camp liking bigger diameter and heavy for caliber bullets. Just me.I loved my .358 it's not "bad." The issue is whether it's better than a 308. I think for most people a 308 is plenty adequate and the ease of finding 308 ammo makes it an easy choice. I think that explains why the 358 gets less love.
I did just shoot a grizzly with my 308. No complaints at all. With modern bullets I don't think a .358 makes as much sense as it once did.
@RoschYeah, I‘m sort of crumpy old man, who buys his underwear in the same old fashioned shop for many years now! New things first must do good for me before I even consider them as excisting!
Same with my gunnery! Sure, I could load lighter bullets into the 9,3, but why should I?
My 9,3 gets only 286 grain premium bullets and done I am!
Thats what she‘s made for!
The 358 Win does get only 200 grain Sierras and done I am!
When I grab one of my guns there is only one load in it! No interchange, no problem, no experimenting, no playing around at the range, no shelfs full of different opened bullet and powder cans, staying around and staring @ me!
Beside this, I use only one gun powder (H4895) for for all my 12 different guns! Every gun has its load and just one bullet, thats it.
My storage has about 500 bullets per dia and type, about 5 cans of powder and when any of those are finished I go buy another bulk same type same Production Number!
You should know I like it easy!!
@Alaska LukeI loved my .358 it's not "bad." The issue is whether it's better than a 308. I think for most people a 308 is plenty adequate and the ease of finding 308 ammo makes it an easy choice. I think that explains why the 358 gets less love.
I did just shoot a grizzly with my 308. No complaints at all. With modern bullets I don't think a .358 makes as much sense as it once did.