Search results

  1. 9

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    These prices are definitely not as bad as I had thought. I am still raising 4 younguns' and don't have the disposable income (yes, I drive used cars, don't have debt, own a modest home, follow all the admonishments offered up here, etc.), but depending on life, investments, health, helping my...
  2. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

  3. 9

    Want to buy book..."Duikers of Africa - Masters of the African Forest Floor"

    Backwardskcurve just found out that one random book offered on Amazon does not make a market.
  4. 9

    Want To Sell Beautiful Interarms Mannlicher stocked 30-06

    These are nice rifles. I have one with the double set triggers. Good shooter. I shoot 200gr cast loads out of mine. Fun! Good luck with the sale.
  5. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

  6. 9

    Purchases On AH References

    Payment received from @30.06king for some components. A pleasure to deal with! No reservations on dealing with him in future.
  7. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    Remington brass and Barnes bullets are sold. Still have for sale: (50) EA NEW Norma 375 Holland cases (25) EA 2X fired Norma 375 Holland cases (8 previously fired cases are loaded with 300gr SGKs, would advise pulling them down as what was safe in my rifle may not be safe in yours; these cases...
  8. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    @Bandera @30.06king I apologize, I missed a message from 30.06king yesterday. He decided to take the Remington brass and Barnes bullets. They are sold, pending funds.
  9. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    @Bandera , I am currently waiting to hear from @30.06king if he wants the Remington brass and Barnes bullets. He had expressed interest and asked to send shipping cost, which I did. If he declines, I will message you. Thank you.
  10. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    Thank you
  11. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    I'm from US. US sales only.
  12. 9

    For Sale 375 Holland Components

    Hello, I have the following for sale: (50) EA NEW Norma 375 Holland cases (25) EA 2X fired Norma 375 Holland cases (8 previously fired cases are loaded with 300gr SGKs, would advise pulling them down as what was safe in my rifle may not be safe in yours; these cases come with a remaining 14ea...
  13. 9

    Purchases On AH References

    Just completed a rifle transaction with @The35Whelen No issues at all with him. He was patient with the USPS taking a few days longer than expected and with me getting it to the post office in the first place. Would do business again in a heartbeat. Good hunting with the rifle!
  14. 9

    Purchases On AH References

    @Boardwalk72 Was a pleasure to deal with on sale of a rifle receiver. Responsive and a pleasure to speak with. I shipped same day, he paid immediately, no reservations to deal with him again in the future. He will leave feedback here once item is received as advertised at his dealer. Thanks to...
  15. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    @Boardwalk72 Was a pleasure to deal with. I shipped same day, he paid immediately, no reservations to deal with him again in the future He will leave feedback once item is received as advertised at his dealer. Thanks to BW72 for a good sale! Good luck with your build!
  16. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland-$850

    Rifle is sold. Thank you.
  17. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    If the case head of 404Jeff is bigger than 532 it would still need that, doesn't have 3 pos safety and I'm sure it's never had any work done on the rails. I said it had never been barreled, but it was proofed, so something was screwed on it, ha! So, not an $1100 to $400 comparison, but I feel...
  18. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    SPF and shipping arrangements to @Boardwalk72
  19. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    Another member has privately messaged me inquiring and I notified him I have a firm commitment if he can't decide. Will let you know very shortly...
  20. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    Not sure what needs clarification?
  21. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    For sale is a magnum-faced Whitworth Interarms commercial Mauser action. This is brand new from what I can tell, never been barreled to anything. Reason for sale: thought I would build a 358STA, but my interests turned to cast bullet loads for sporters and milsurps, black powder and smokeless...
  22. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland-$850

    Daylight pics. Have a PM from an established AH member interested in a shipment sale. He is not in a hurry and is interested if a face to face transaction can't be arranged. Will let this hang out for a while since my preference is to deal in-person. Again, I am in North central Indiana. Can be...
  23. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland-$850

    They are great rifles, just have too many other med bore rifles and I don't need the case capacity for what I enjoy tinkering with now. I have another full-stocked in 30-06 that I've hunted with as well (can be seen in my post history). The 375H, with the Norma cases pictured has been at book...
  24. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland-$850

    A few more pics to make sure rifle isn't misrepresented to a buyer...again, I'd rather scare someone off and it sit in my gun safe unused than be in a difficult situation with an unhappy buyer.
  25. 9

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland-$850

    For sale is an Interarms Whitworth 375 Holland. First, this rifle is not a safe queen. It has dings/missing finish on the stock and missing finish in a few spots on the metal. That being said, the rifle wasn't abused, is sound and a good shooter. I don't want someone disappointed if they are...
  26. 9

    Brass Swap?

    Just discovered you guys, will be looking you up when I need some supplies!
  27. 9

    35 Whelen load data

    I have killed several whitetails and pronghorn with the 250 hotcor at ~2,450 (cfe223). I like that bullet and it has worked well for others on larger species. I now use a Lyman 358009 clone at 2,350. It works well too.
  28. 9

    For Sale Rigby Big Game SSB In 416 Rigby

    I just hope I make it to Africa by the time I'm 70!
  29. 9

    Sako 85 Stainless Fluted Varmint Laminate For Sale

    Make a great prairie dog rifle. My 9 twist savage 223rem shoots lights out with the 53gr VMAX.
  30. 9

    Reloading Books For Sale

    I'll take Lyman's 45th if it's still available.
  31. 9

    Wanted 9.3 Prvi 285 Bullets

    Hello, Hunting partner is out of PPU 9.3 bullets for his Sauer. He'd like them for upcoming hunts. He rolls his own, so just looking for component bullets. They're out of stock everywhere, so if anyone has any they won't be using for a while and is willing to part, it would be appreciated...
  32. 9

    For Sale CZ 550 .416 Rigby Fancy Grade/NIB Unfired

    There was a fella looking for a fancy grade cz550 safari on here not long ago, though I don't remember if he wanted 416 or 458.
  33. 9

    10.75x57 Mauser Bolt Action Rifle

    I was thinking same thing, how in the world would head space be controlled?
  34. 9

    In memoriam - John Linebaugh 1955-2023

    Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I just found out that John Linebaugh passed at his home in Cody in March. I know some here have a six gun customized by him or shoot guns chambered in cartridges he developed. I had the pleasure of meeting him in Cody last June at the annual big...
  35. 9

    Kimber 338win mag for sale

    Drool! Nice rifle! Already have a 338 Winchester or I'd be all over it.
  36. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Nice, I also have a 375 Holland Mark x. It is a good shooter!
  37. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    As a follow up, I did an initial trial with the Lyman 311299. I sized them 0.310". They weigh 203gr PC'd and gas checked in Lyman #2 alloy. I used 5744 and got 1820f/s and 1.2-1.5" groups at 60 yards. I want to run this one up in velocity and see if I can get those kind of groups at 100 yards...
  38. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Not a hijack, helpful info. It's a very handy little rifle. I was shooting a 30-30 class load last evening and got a small flash out of the 20" barrel. I'll keep you posted when I have time to cast some up and test. I use various die sets (RCBS, Lee, Hornady), but for bottle-necked rifles, I...
  39. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Yup, I powder coat and check, omit the lube. That's why I can omit the check as well and get nearly same results, the paint on the base of the bullet acts to protect hot gases from getting by base and gas cutting bullet/leading the barrel. Powder coated with the check still gives slightly better...
  40. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    @Bob Nelson 35Whelen Thanks! I ended up ordering a 2-cavity Lyman 311299. I think I'll be able to shoot it around 2,000 w/o a check, which is my goal. My Lyman 358009 clone shoots almost as well naked as with a check in my Whelen...within a 0.100" or two at 100yds. Shot the interarms tonight...
  41. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Thanks! I bought it to hunt with cast bullets with the open sights. I bought some 150 grain round nose 30-30 jacketed bullets to shoot at modest velocity until I decide what mold I want to buy. Been doing cast bullets for revolvers for a while but been playing more with cast rifle bullets...
  42. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Oops, guess I left that out, its 30-06.
  43. 9

    Interarms Mark X

    Just picked up this nice Interarms Mark X from my dealer. Can't wait to try it out!
  44. 9

    The Gun That Got Away

    Not too many regrets here, I don't peruse the stores much but a couple dealers who know what I like rarely call me if something comes in. There was a really nice unfired Miroku Winchester 52 I wish I had picked up for $800 a couple years back. I really like and shoot 22s quite a bit. I regret...
  45. 9

    Speer 235 grain bullet and the .375 H&H.....

    A follow up...chrono'd the 235 speer load with h4350 finally...2790 f/s (book max) at speer's start charge. I think the volume of Norma cases must be smaller because the load for 300gr Game Kings is right around start charge but also book max velocity. 5 shot right at 4" with my express sights...
  46. 9

    Rifle rich and pistol poor...

    As another person said, drop by a well stocked gun store and try out some sub-compacts and micro compacts. If you're a bigger framed guy, you may be comfortable carrying a larger pistol. Also check out for comparisons. If small is where you want to be, I can tell you the major...
  47. 9

    .500 Caliber pistols

    Exactly what I was thinking. These aren't S&W Xframes. John Linebaugh is building these on Ruger Super Blackhawk Frames. A tremendous amount of firepower in a very portable package. John's stated intent was to make something that would be comfortable to wear on the hip all day long.
  48. 9

    .500 Caliber pistols

    My 460gr load at 1200f/s out of the linebaugh. About 3" group at 50yds resting my elbows.
  49. 9

    Wanted 500 Linebaugh Dies

    Found them.
  50. 9

    .500 Caliber pistols

    Very nice revolvers! My son and I loaded some 500Line tonight. Working up a load with a mold I got from Tom at accurate. Mine shoots the Cast Performance 525s very accurately. I met John this summer in Cody and he was pretty imressed with the accuracy I was getting. Hoping to hunt it this fall...