Search results

  1. JG26Irish_2

    Colt 1911, market scouting

    I voted for the Rock Island 1911 Colt which is a good pistol for a newer production unit. It is plain but well done and shoots good. With that said I own four 1911's. The two that I use are a Series 70, 5" gun with limited, practical mods like a hand fitted match bushing, beveled mag well...
  2. JG26Irish_2

    Bullets that well advertised but were not that great

    I have found the trade show info-babes to not be good for much other than to lure potential buyers into the booth. Most lack the technical background to discuss bullet structural failures. Whoever has been heading up engineering at Winchester has been well off the mark for many years. I shoot...
  3. JG26Irish_2

    Bullets that well advertised but were not that great

    I used Winchester Silvertips in 165g 308 offering exactly one time on deer. I had been hunting WV deer for several years with a 308 and had taken about five up to that point all with the 165g Nosler BT's using my own handloads which were about 1grain below max with WW748 powder. They had...
  4. JG26Irish_2

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    I get your point brother. I think we are mostly of the same mind on this issue. You sound like a very experienced hunter. I too have killed many critters using a variety of lead core bullets. For many years, my go to was either the 308 or the 270 loaded with Nosler BT's in 165g or 130g...
  5. JG26Irish_2

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    You have never used the TSX or other copper monolithic bullet on animals, and that qualifies you to claim they are not good hunting bullets? How so? My advice is that you try them and then build an opinion based on actual experience. You are correct that they were developed and required in...
  6. JG26Irish_2

    Any love for the federal terminal ascent?

    I have had some great results with other Federal Premium ammo products and had heard good things about Terminal Accent. I tried it at the range with both my 308 and my 30-06 and it simply did not shoot to my accuracy stds. The 308 is ammo picky and shoots Federal Fusion the best and I used it...
  7. JG26Irish_2

    Big bore Shooting range

    Just use strong supports for your plates. Those big, heavy bullets hit really hard. It is easy to break hooks or chains if they are not heavy duty. BTW, I shot our AR500, full sized IPSC plate at our range at 400y with my 375HH. Three rounds in a tight cluster. I was aiming at the upper...
  8. JG26Irish_2

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    "What he said!" - What Mr. Fox here said, says it all for me. For hunting rifles, it is all about availability for me. I am never going to shoot that many rounds thru a good hunting rifle. My main choices are all main stream for the most part, 22lr, 223, 243, 7mm/08, 270, 7mm Mag, 30-06...
  9. JG26Irish_2

    Browning Love?

    I own a few Belgian Brownings. A pre war A5 12ga shotgun was my first. It is a nice piece. A bit clunky and the fixed choke and really long bbl was an issue for me. If found that they will rust if you look at them too long, let alone sweat in a dove field with them all day. Keep them clean...
  10. JG26Irish_2

    New member researching their first safari

    Good luck with your Safari planning. Be sure to enjoy the process of learning, planning, practicing with your selected weapons, etc. I am not familiar with Limcroma but I know Limpopo and it is a little slice of Paradise. It is a great place for a first Safari. I did my 1st safari there and...
  11. JG26Irish_2

    Where to move to?

    To the OP, contrary to what the news might imply, the US is very friendly to new immigrants who are willing to enter our country legally and who want to stay and become Americans. Some of the states are more rural (most of them) and tax rates vary but even those with the highest taxes will...
  12. JG26Irish_2

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    Great comment. My only addition is with regards to magnification requirements for shooting well at long distance (for hunting) is this. In my experience, the ability to shoot well at long distance has little to do with the magnification power of the scope an depends far more on the shooters...
  13. JG26Irish_2

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    No worries. My response was not directed at you or other comments. Only attempting to reply to the OP's "original" post about LPVO's for DG applications and what was out there. Just wanted him to know that while the traditional euro sourced options are great, there were other LPVO's out there...
  14. JG26Irish_2

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    The OP asked about a LPVO and not a universal do it all solution. It just depends on what your are going to do with it. a 1-6x or 1-8x LPVO still makes sense if close range DG hunting will be on the menu. An that still leaves enough magnification to shoot accurately out to the max ethical...
  15. JG26Irish_2

    Hello from Russia!

    Privet Volodia ! Dobro Pozhalovat' - to a fellow hunter. Greetings from Kentucky USA. It sounds like you have some great hunting in your part of Russia. Bear, Moose, Boar, and small varmints as well. The 458 Lott will make a great big game rifle in Russia and Africa. I just shot one for...
  16. JG26Irish_2

    Safari Vehicles in America

    I agree with you. I fell in love with the PH's bad ass Land Cruiser but knew I could not get one in the USA. I loved the old Toyota FJ40's but they are not great daily drivers and are pretty crude at best and rust if you look at them. I have been driving old Isuzu Troopers for decades...
  17. JG26Irish_2

    Help me join the 21st century regarding scopes

    The illuminated reticle is a game changer and as long as you have an option, I would strongly suggest choosing an illuminated reticle. I know they are more complex and batteries go flat and need changing but they work just fine turned off as well. I have a Swarovski Z5 in 3.5-18x on a 7mm Mag...
  18. JG26Irish_2

    Acceptable accuracy in a rifle! What’s that mean??

    A lot of the older rifles may have struggled to shoot sub MOA mostly due to the relatively poor level of factory ammo and the bullets they used. Cup n Core were the norm and none were that great. Today, the quality of best in grade ammo for hunting is much much better, Even if only comparing...
  19. JG26Irish_2

    Help me join the 21st century regarding scopes

    If you plan to hunt buffalo with the same rifle, then a true 1 power on the low end with a illuminated dot or ghost ring reticle can allow you to shoot with both eyes open like a true dot sight while still allowing 6 or 8x zoom on the upper end for longer shots. You did not say where you plan...
  20. JG26Irish_2


    After many years of hunting, I have become convinced that "Enough Gun" has much less to do with the size of the caliber than it does with the shooters ability to place a single, well aimed first shot into the vital zone of the prey, all while using a bullet of sufficient structure and momentum...
  21. JG26Irish_2

    ARGENTINA: Epic Argentina Hunt

    I am so glad that you had a great trip. I too like to learn some of the languages of the countries I travel in and hunt. I speak enough Spanish to get by but would struggle in a hunting situation with a guide that was lacking at least some English speaking skills. But, I am too much of a...
  22. JG26Irish_2

    ARGENTINA: Epic Argentina Hunt

    GC - Congratulations on your outstanding hunt and thank you for writing this excellent hunt report. I was particularly impressed that you had the presence of mind to use the 300 for the followup shots saving the two last 375 rds for use if necessary. That buffalo bull was a stud. I know the...
  23. JG26Irish_2

    ARGENTINA: Epic Argentina Hunt

    Great hunt report so far, GC. Looking forward to hearing more about Mui Grande.
  24. JG26Irish_2


    My first Safari was a PG practice run for a later Safari for more challenging game. On the first trip, I took a 308 loaded with 180g Fed Fusion ammo and a 375HH loaded with Barnes TSX. I had planned on using the 375 for most of the game on my list but ended up doing just the opposite. The 308...
  25. JG26Irish_2

    CZ550 MAGNUM, 458WM Situation

    Goos chance it is just the long freebore of the 458WM chamber. But, the CZ can readily be re-chambered to 458 Lott also. If so, it should have had the new chamber stamped on it but... Maybe not.
  26. JG26Irish_2

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    I do not mind tipping and tipping well if my hunt is enjoyable. It is hard to not have an enjoyable hunt in Africa unless you are bit by a snake or trampled by a Bull, lol. But, there is the issue that RSA for example limits the amount of cash you can bring into the country to $1300 US if I...
  27. JG26Irish_2

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Every hunter has his/her own personal recoil limit. I always wanted a 416 Rigby but having no experience with one, also wondered if it might be too much? I have been hunting with the 375HH and find it to be very easy to handle. Recently got to test fire a CZ550 in 458WM and found it to be...
  28. JG26Irish_2

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    I think a lot of younger PH's will opt for a CZ550 or Bruno ZKK602 in 458WM/458Lott simply because it is a solid performer at a minimal cost outlay. Ghost ring sight or possibly red dot. Even for a short, slight female, this is a choice worth consideration if used for DG backup. The...
  29. JG26Irish_2

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    I too read some of the works of O'Conner and Keith and enjoyed both. I do believe that the evolution of newer premium bullets like the various bonded core options and the more recent monolithic TSX type have blurred the lines significantly between the points where fast and light's advantages...
  30. JG26Irish_2

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Big and slow is perhaps a relative term. My original question excluded DG hunting and was focused on mainly North American big game and non-DG, African Plains game. It should have implied also that it was not focused on North American DG such as Brown bears and Grizzly bears. I am not sure...
  31. JG26Irish_2

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Two of my favorite Eastern Woods deer hunting rifles was a Winchester model 94 trapper in 44mag and a Mauser M98 custom in 270 Winchester. For about six straight years, I used the 44mag with 240g HP ammo and had nothing but "Bang-Flop", results. I never had a deer take a single step with it...
  32. JG26Irish_2

    Sako 85 Safari Deluxe .375 H&H- Brand New- For Sale!

    I have a question Sir. Does this rifle use a fixed blade ejector? or a spring loaded plunger ejector? If you are not sure, please post a pic of the bolt face. I ask only because I own three Sako type rifles. One is an S20 that uses a plunger ejector and the other two were Sako 85 clone...
  33. JG26Irish_2

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Jack O'Conner was famous for advocating small fast bullets for hunting like the 270 Winchester as was Roy Weatherby. For these men hydrostatic shock was thought to kill by knocking the animal out allowing time for it to expire. Elmer Keith on the other hand was known for advocating very large...
  34. JG26Irish_2

    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    Good one. My Blue WB was an Alpha herd bull that had turned to face us as the remainder of the herd withdrew. The PH directed me to take the frontal shot. I am not a fan of that shot angle but also knew that it was all I was going to get. I even whispered, "Are you sure you want me to take...
  35. JG26Irish_2

    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    There has been more game taken in Africa with the 30-06 over the last 120yrs than perhaps any other cartridge. In more recent years the 308 might be more popular but not more effective. On my last Safari, I brought a 308 with 180g bonded bullets and a 375HH with Barnes TSX bullets. I ended up...
  36. JG26Irish_2

    Buffalo trophy lost in Africa-would you do this..........

    Think I would be very tempted to mount that cat on the wall, lol.
  37. JG26Irish_2

    Upgrade Trigger or leave as is?

    I might piss of a few guys with my comments but here goes. I do not like a super light trigger on any hunting rifle. I am a former national champion benchrest rifle shooter. Most of my fellow competitors use triggers on their match rifles that break at about 2oz. If you breath on them, they...
  38. JG26Irish_2

    Best calibre for Giraffe

    I will have to preface my comments on the fact that I have never hunted Giraffe and do not plan to do so. But, I do have some friends who did and while on Safari, I had the chance to observe many Giraffe up close and see how they react to human contact, how close I could expect to get to a...
  39. JG26Irish_2

    How old to hunt Dangerous Game

    Teach your kids to be resilient, to challenge themselves and to not be afraid to step out of their comfort zone. You have already taken them to Africa. The pinnacle of sport hunting on this Earth. If they liked it they will return and you will not be able to stop them. Take care of yourself...
  40. JG26Irish_2

    How old to hunt Dangerous Game

    I understand your question. I would love nothing more than to hunt DG with my kids. But, I think there is the physical and emotional maturity that is needed as the first criteria, and that would be in the same ballpark as when a kid can drive a car, fly an aircraft or race a car. All would be...
  41. JG26Irish_2

    Big Bore DG Rifle - Recoil Energy - How Much is Too Much?

    Some of the example numbers did come from the CH tables. But, there is a formula for figuring the recoil energy of any specific rifle. As you state, the weight of the rifle is a very important variable as is the weight of the bullet. Just adding the weight of a scope to a rifle will improve...
  42. JG26Irish_2

    Big Bore DG Rifle - Recoil Energy - How Much is Too Much?

    Good input. The weight is a big factor and the tables are all based on an assumed weight. Muzzle blast, while not directly related to recoil energy, does impact the overall experience. Example was the first time I fired a 50BMG bolt rifle. We were under a covered bench and the very heavy...
  43. JG26Irish_2

    Big Bore DG Rifle - Recoil Energy - How Much is Too Much?

    I know this topic has likely been hashed, re-hashed and then re-re-hashed in the past, but I missed the party. Some recent experiences have opened my eyes and I wanted to share them and ask your impressions. Below are a few of the rifles I either own or have shot: Caliber----------Recoil...
  44. JG26Irish_2

    Texas Nilgai price. OUCH

    Myself and a few other KY deer hunting buddies have been looking at Tejas Nilgai hunt for Q1 2026. Since I was already considering a 2026 Bison meat hunt in the Dakotas, this was interesting to me. But the bulls were quoted at about $5k for a 2-day hunt. I like the idea of getting to keep the...
  45. JG26Irish_2

    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    Lol, perhaps that was a tad harsh. The 3-9x Leupold was a VXII and is really not that great. At one time it was their best. Most of the newer Leupold top tier products are significantly better. The one I started with on the 375 was their bottom tier scope. VX-Freedom. Retails for about...
  46. JG26Irish_2

    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    Until, I developed an interest in hunting in Africa, my prep for North American deer hunting consisted of pulling the old Mauser custom 270 back out of the safe, wiping it down and going to the range to fire three shots of my chosen ammo to verify that it still shot to POA at 100y. We rarely...
  47. JG26Irish_2

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    Several commented on the Buffalo video being with comments about the hunter, the PH and their respective skills both hunting DG and shooting. Unless the commentors know the hunter and the PH and have 1st hand experience with their skill at arms, I think your negative speculation is unfair. I...
  48. JG26Irish_2

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    This is the link to the video of the buffalo hunt. Hopefully, it works for you as I am not all that tech savvy. It was posted on FB. I think there is also a Youtube version but I cannot find it at the moment.
  49. JG26Irish_2

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    Has anyone tried the Rudolph PH sticks? Are they the same as the PHYard sticks? I have been using tripod sticks with OK results but I am tall and my sticks lack the adjustment to fit me properly. This forces me to hunch forward which is not the most stable position.
  50. JG26Irish_2

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    Thx - I too am a former National Champion precision rifle competitor. Most of those skills do not translate all that well to hunting but learning to break down the variables that affect your precision and accuracy (not the same things) and then control/eliminate what you can and minimize those...