Search results

  1. N

    Help with German Proofs/Engraver

    I assumed the German gentleman was talking about the W/F mark in his email since the name included two W's and an F (Fritz Wendel, Weissenhorn) but I suppose he could have been talking about the triangle/4 mark. Frankonia appears to have imported firearms and marked them with a mark extremely...
  2. N

    Help with German Proofs/Engraver

    Thanks for reminding me about this thread! I got in touch with a German gunmaker and he was able to identify the engravers mark, this was his reply; "The stamp it's from Fritz Wendel, Weissenhorn. Fritz Wendel was a gunmaker and coming from suhl. After the war he was gunmaker in the krieghoff...
  3. N

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

  4. N

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

    $1775 plus shipping! This is the last price drop before it heads to gunbroker.
  5. N

    Help with German Proofs/Engraver

    I won an auction on a cool little Ruger Bearcat that I'd like some help with figuring out. The serial number puts it at 1972 production, and I enhanced some pictures of the proof/possible engraver marks. The eagle with the N underneath is of course the "nitro" proof, while the cross hatched...
  6. N

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

    Price dropped to $1900 plus shipping. Don't miss out on a fantastic thumper!
  7. N

    Purchases On AH References

    @Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy provides a prompt, no hassle experience as well. Be sure to post pics of what you harvest!
  8. N

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

    It's funny you mention that. I was comparing it to my 550 in 375 H&H from 2014 and everything just seemed a  little better.
  9. N

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

    '99 manufacture CZ 550 Magnum in 416 Rigby. Not 100% condition but darned close.Trigger is well tuned and it feeds/ejects smoothly oriented in any direction, including upside down. Comes with what I believe are Warne 1" low QD rings and 15 rounds of HSM 350gr Barnes ammo. Will ship in a new...
  10. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Sold to @Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy !
  11. N

    Real world opinions on 454 Ruger SRH?

    This one might go cheap. Obviously the barrel length is marked incorrectly, I messaged the seller to confirm.
  12. N

    Real world opinions on 454 Ruger SRH?

    The brass problem isn't so big of a deal with 475 Linebaugh being so readily available, lots of people just trim. I like my brass to match my gun, so I picked up 500 pieces of 480 from the run Starline did back in March or April.
  13. N

    Real world opinions on 454 Ruger SRH?

    I don't have any experience with one for you, I went the 480 Ruger route but there is a couple on Gunbroker right now in the 9.5".
  14. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Here is the video I referenced in case anyone else wants to see it.
  15. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Sorry, I didn't see the barrel length question. It's 16.5".
  16. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    It is indeed.
  17. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Yeah I posted a thread in the .375 and up forum that has a video of a guy shooting one suppressed. It sounds unreal!
  18. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    It does indeed!
  19. N

    info needed - ZKK 602 .375 H&H

    Is that a "safe action" trigger?!
  20. N

    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Lots of fun, but would be even more fun if it were left handed like me! This looks to have been a professional or at lease semi-professionally done conversion. Phenomenal Timeny trigger, Timney safety, and Japanese Nikon scope sighted in for 25 yards with 230gr FMJ. Finish looks like...
  21. N

    If you like big bore custom Mausers, you have to see this!

    Haha yes, .45 ACP and I'll have to check what the twist is. Of course the safety and trigger are Timney, not Talley, but thats what I get typing right before bed. Unfortunately my silencer collection tops out at .357 currently, but this thing has me tempted to get another.
  22. N

    If you like big bore custom Mausers, you have to see this!

    It's even a BRNO! Not exactly what you had in mind, is it? In all seriousness it's pretty neat. It looks like the Rhinelander Arms mag well, ejector, etc. but with a "professional" barrel job versus the Savage style lock nut barrel the conversion kits came with. Obviously a VZ-24 action and...
  23. N

    .458 Win Reloading Package

  24. N

    .458 Win Reloading Package

    The 405 grain are apparently hard to find Remington bullets. Dies no longer available. Price dropped to $100 shipped.
  25. N

    .458 Win Reloading Package

    Correction--the jacketed flat points are 405 grain, not 400.
  26. N

    .458 Win Reloading Package

    RCBS 3 Die Set .458 WM (20) 500 gr FMJ (8) 450 gr TSX (95) 400 gr JFP $125 Shipped
  27. N

    300 H&H Bundle

    Sold on Gunbroker.
  28. N

    Wanted 7mm STW & 300 H&H Brass

    You probably saw it, but I have a 300 H&H reloading bundle for sale here in the classifieds.
  29. N

    300 H&H Bundle

  30. N

    Wanted 7 STW Brass

    I have 50 plus pieces. Let me know if you want them.
  31. N

    Wanted 7 STW Brass

    @sfal I think I have some. I can check when I get home here in a few hours.
  32. N

    300 H&H Bundle

    Sounds reasonable. $200 plus shipping.
  33. N

    300 H&H Bundle

    Unfortunately I have no idea. I got this with the rifle and it was all unused in my ownership.
  34. N

    300 H&H Bundle

    The buyer of my 721 only wanted the rifle, so the ammo and reloading bundle is up for sale. It includes the following: -42 pieces of brass -5 reloads with what I believe are Gamekings -6 factory Federal Premium 180gr TBBC -62 reloads with 178gr A-max -10 relaods with 178gr ELD-x -RCBS Dies...
  35. N

    458 Win Mag Brass & 375HH Brass

    What's the going rate for new .375 H&H RP brass? I have 250 pieces I was about to go through and sort, etc but am wondering if I have more than I need...
  36. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    They were made by Williams. I'd start with a call to them.
  37. N

    Consensus on Length of Pull

    Not a bad idea. Eye relief is easily adjusted, irons not so much.
  38. N

    Consensus on Length of Pull

    NECG has that neat QD pad setup, which seems like it would be a good solution to the LOP/weather interplay situation but I don't know that I want to invest in it for all 3 rifles, plus I'm a little leary of the QD durability aspect. Does anyone know how thier pads compare to Pachmayr in recoil...
  39. N

    Consensus on Length of Pull

    Well I just acquired the missing link in my battery of left hand CZ's, so I've been trying to figure out what I want to do to really make them a "set". The first and most obvious thing that came to mind while handling each rifle back to back was making the LOP consistent across the 3, and thus...
  40. N

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the reply. The pores don't really bother me, but I would of course want the surface finish to be consistent, so would I be sanding with pretty fine stuff? How do you know you've sanded enough?
  41. N

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    So I've seen this done with just stripping the finish rather than sanding. What are the advantages of sanding vs just stripping? Filling pores? I think I'm going to try this with 3 of my CZ's.
  42. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    Not to rub anything in, but my dream .375 came in yesterday!
  43. N

    RJ Renner vs Complete Restock on CZ Safari?

    The 550 came in today. The wood isn't half bad! Action is slick as snot and overall the rifle is really beautifully finished. The stock definitely feels large, but isn't uncomfortable. I'm leaning toward having a synthetic stock made for it if anything.
  44. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    What are your thoughts on the H&H Improved? I can't decide if it's more of a good thing or a waste of time and money.
  45. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    I'm interested to know! Is it an A-Bolt II?
  46. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    I believe that one has just had the sights removed. If you look closely at the picture of the end of the barrel you can see the two front sight filler screws peeking out. If I'm not mistaken they all had sights, even the 24" ones with BOSS.
  47. N

    A mystery pre-war 30-06 JP Sauer came home today

    Fascinating. @Themauserkid has your conclusion varied from your earlier assessment?
  48. N

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    That's odd, I don't think I've seen one in .375 H&H  without sights. Here is a pic of mine I sold last week to a great member of the forum. Edit: I didn't see the great member of the forum commented right above me.
  49. N

    A mystery pre-war 30-06 JP Sauer came home today

    Did we ever figure out if the first rifle was a reblue?
  50. N

    Left Hand A-Bolt .375 H&H
