I don't know that outfitter, but as others have said, what you are saying is a bit confusing re concessions.
Hunting in the Caprivi is generally done on communal conservancies (often called concessions) and it's prime area for buffalo, elephant, lechwe, reedbuck, sable, zebra, waterbuck, impala, leopard, hippo, and croc. Lion maybe.
There are other communal conservancies in Namibia outside of the Caprivi, especially to the North and West of Etosha. Some have dangerous game. Some only plains game. To make it more confusing, sometimes PHs and outfitters will refer to private land as a "hunting concession", which is not exactly what most of us mean. Most of us would call that a farm or ranch, many (not all) of which are high-fence operations. In Namibia, most of these properties are huge.
Daily rates in the Caprivi are probably in the $1-1.25k range per day, and then add trophy fees, etc. on top of that. Daily rates on farm/ranch operations are usually a fraction of that.
Some farm operations are pretty pampered and lazy (driving around shooting stuff) and others are boots-on-the ground hunting. No matter what you imagine Africa to be, the reality is usually pretty different. In some ways amazingly great. In some ways surprising, and in some ways disappointing.
The key is to communicate, communicate, communicate with your outfitter/PH. If they can't offer what you're looking for, there are plenty of others to chose from.
Have a blast!