AH enthusiast
Can I ask if the CEB solid shot to the same POI as the 300g TSX? Also what velocity were they doing. Reason for asking is with my 375 the 270g solids shot 4 inches away from the 300g TSX so I’m looking to find a solid that matches POI betterI never followed up on this thread last year. I did indeed bring both my 375 and 416. Ended up using my 375 for everything. The elephant went down with a single brain shot. The 300gr CEB solid went through her head and out her neck. She melted to the ground and never moved another muscle. The cape buffalo was also shot through the brain, due to that being the only shot I had in thick cover. That was done with a 300gr TSX. So yes, the 375 will do it all. Not that very many people doubt that by now....
I have another trip to Zimbabwe planned for 2023. Tuskless Elephant and Cape Buffalo are back on the menu. This time I'll be bringing my R8 with both 458 and 375 barrels. I'll use the 458 on the elephant and buffalo. But, that's more because I want to, rather than feeling I need to. Just want to shoot something big with a 458. But if I'm caught with the 375 barrel bolted on, and opportunity comes along, I'll still be covered very nicely.