375 and 300 gr bullets have been getting it done since 1911 - 107 years!! I hope when I'm 107 I'm still running and improved, such as this cartridge is!!!
Bullets and powders have improved, thus so has the cartridge. The 375 is to Africa what the 30.06 is to North America - been doing it forever, without the hype, just gets the job done. Everything else is marketing.
I run a 2.5 X 8 on mine because my eyes are getting older,
If you know the velocity (Chronographed) and the BC, the rest is all math (And PRACTICE).
Looking to return, hopefully next summer (2019); this time to Namibia and taking my 375, and mine loves 300 gr Noslers.
BTW - Former CAV trooper too, E/1st Air Cav, 4-9 Cav, 3-6 Air Cav !!!