.416 Rem Mag: Information For Building A Budget Big-Game Rifle ( 416 Remington Magnum )

I have been following this thread with interest since I am a great fan of the 416 Remington.

I think that the 110 action is not the best choice and that you will likely be disappointed with the end result.

110 actions tend to be clumsy at feeding rounds from the magazine with cartridges that they are designed for. Trying to shoehorn a 416 into one is asking for a headache.

A better choice for a low cost 416 would be a Model 700 magnum long action. At least it would feed the cartridges smoothly which is critical in a dangerous game rifle.

The same thing can be said about a Howa Long Action Magnum that was designed to handle a 300 weatherby or 375 H and H.

If you figure out how to make your Savage 110 dependably feed, eject and handle the 416, my hats off to you. But from my experience with Savage 110s, you are doing things the hard way.

Good luck in your endeavor to make a big bore dangerous game rifle out of the least expensive components. But there is a reason why you do not see Savage 110s in service as dangerous game rifles in Africa by PHs who hunt dangerous game for a living.

Many of them do assemble relatively low cost Dangerous game rifles from available components. They almost always use some variant of a Mauser action.

Based upon your responses so far, I suspect you probably won’t take my advice. But that’s your call. Again good luck in your quest to get a functioning 416 with the components you have selected.
I have been following this thread with interest since I am a great fan of the 416 Remington.

I think that the 110 action is not the best choice and that you will likely be disappointed with the end result.

110 actions tend to be clumsy at feeding rounds from the magazine with cartridges that they are designed for. Trying to shoehorn a 416 into one is asking for a headache.

A better choice for a low cost 416 would be a Model 700 magnum long action. At least it would feed the cartridges smoothly which is critical in a dangerous game rifle.

The same thing can be said about a Howa Long Action Magnum that was designed to handle a 300 weatherby or 375 H and H.

If you figure out how to make your Savage 110 dependably feed, eject and handle the 416, my hats off to you. But from my experience with Savage 110s, you are doing things the hard way.

Good luck in your endeavor to make a big bore dangerous game rifle out of the least expensive components. But there is a reason why you do not see Savage 110s in service as dangerous game rifles in Africa by PHs who hunt dangerous game for a living.

Many of them do assemble relatively low cost Dangerous game rifles from available components. They almost always use some variant of a Mauser action.

Based upon your responses so far, I suspect you probably won’t take my advice. But that’s your call. Again good luck in your quest to get a functioning 416 with the components you have selected.
So why are you here saying the same things that other people have already said here when you admitted that you already seen previous answers of me not needing your same advice of whats already been said.

Common sense dictates that what you're doing is redundantly non-beneficial.
Instead of you trying to help the situation, you just want to blabber the same stuff that's already been said.
That makes no sense, and that's regardless of what you will likely try to justify your actions with

Bottom line is, I'm a nice, patient, easy going person until people become systematically annoying due to them not listening but wanting to divulge their own thoughts regardless of themselves knowing that the other person is certainly not interested in hearing their same broken record again.

So its already obvious that youre blabbering the same things and doing so based on what you never even tried before or personally witnessed.
You use lame instances of others gossip in effort to back up your claims, and I have yet to hear/see ANY of you provide ANY direct instances that back up the claims you keep making.
You just repeat the things that previously got said and then others started passing it around as being factual, and therefore is A LOT of the reason why people dont build larger caliber Savage rifle than the .338 Lapua

and the added ridiculousness in this situation is after I have to make things clear to you even after I already made myself clear in previous posts here, there's the clueless people who will try to claim that I'm the one who has the problem, I'm disgruntle, I'm out of line, calm down, and "geesh theyre just trying to help, ya know"

Lastly, please listen up all you people who need to stop huffing that fart gas which is preventing you from adhering to whats been CLEARLY said more than once concerning the needs to progress this project by using the Savage 110:
When my 2 local gunsmiths and yes I also talked with a manager at the Savage company who confirmed that the Savage 110 Long Action Magnum will certainly handle the pressures of the 416 Rem Mag,
The bolt is not "janky" like people manipulate the actuality of it,
When I have the bolt and action right here in my hand and its guite good enough for what I need,
When I already made it clear that I dont care if the bolt action aint perfect,
When I ALREADY made it clear that I am NOT trying to build a perfect big bore rifle based on your or anyone esle's expectations of what you think a gun should be,
Then I dont need anyone throwing out the same lame jargon and wasting my and other people's time here and yes that's ragardless of anyone trying to sound like a good symaritan by adding things to your redundant points such as "my hats off to you" and "good luck in your indeavor"

Me and other people would like to get rid of the repeticious stuff that you and others keep filling into my thread, instead of you going somewhere else if you cant provide the things ( that I ALREADY and CLEARLY said EVEN MORE THAN ONCE ) whereby I'm looking for them in order to further the progress in the making of this project.
If you dont like it, just SIMPLY leave and go somewhere you can divulge your thoughts on something that actually benefits that person's thread instead of repeating any of the same stuff that you know has already been said enough times whereby that person who started the thread has OBVIOUSLY seen it and made clear that he is not interested in it :)
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You need to learn there's a difference between advice/suggestions and criticism. We are willing to give advice and suggestions that you sometimes may not want to hear, but that's no reason to react with hostility.

When I was in the planning stage of building my 404, I was told by two gunsmiths it was not possible on a standard Mauser action. I needed to purchase a magnum action ( = mega $$$). But I knew it could be done because standard Mauser actions were all that was avaliable to Jeffery when he developed the cartridge. Another very well known custom gun maker absolutely refused to get involved with modifying the feeding rails. And he also advised against pursuing the project because I didn't have the experience. All this advice was well intended. They knew I hunted Africa. They knew this was a gun intended for dangerous business. Could they live with themselves if I got killed because my "homemade" rifle failed and they didn't say anything?

So you are also undertaking your first build project "for the fun of it." Okay. Frankly, I don't know if anyone else has built a 416 Remington on that action. Hopefully you do know. You can almost certainly expect feeding problems after you put the gun together. Whether it will be physically possible to make the modifications needed to make the gun cycle correctly, I do not know. I DID know going in that standard Mauser feeding rails CAN be modified to cycle 404J because Jeffery and countless others have done it. I also knew if I screwed up the rails modification, the action would be scrap metal. The custom gunsmith who initially told me not to attempt the project ultimately gave me the critical how-to advice needed for modifying the rails and follower. Had I blown up at the guy when he first attempted to dissuade me, he would not have been around to give that critical piece advice at the right moment to save the project. Then that action would probably now be rusting away in a local scrap yard.
I suspect that most of the people who are negative haven’t actually read what you wrote and think that their opinion is the only one that matters. This could be due to several reasons, none of which are nice.
I look forward to seeing what you do and hope it all goes well. Bit of a bugger about the stock though
Just an aside, it is often mentioned that if you mess up the feed rails the action is toast, this is not so. I’ve seen two actions built by different gunsmiths, that have been turned into detachable magazine fed rifles, one a CZ the other a Mauser , and I was tempted to build one myself but couldn’t bring myself to take the rails out of a functioning receiver
1. Hate to see guys on such a unique forum get "dickish" with each other. I think a lot of the guys on here are just offering advice as they have probably been there and done that. Lots of good guys on here with a lot of experience, like lots of time on the ground in Africa experience. I think most of us have had to operate off a pretty tight budget at one time or another.

2. I get a good project, it's fun and it does keep a guy busy.

3. I do believe it's possible to create a lower cost rifle that will get the job done, quite frankly there is some beauty in that, but I'm skeptical about using the absolutely lowest price of everything.

4. Lastly, I have to ask, if you are building a budget, "get'r" done rifle, are you going to find the cheapest "get'r" done PH that will go afield with you after Cape Buffalo or Lion? Valid question, because PH's aren't all the same, neither are gunsmiths, sub-par on both can probably get you there, but you may not get out alive........Or, are you just building up a budget rifle to see what it takes and if it can be done and work right?

Hang in there man, you gotta start somewhere regardless your age. My first true DG rifle was a Rem 700 KS Safari in 416Rem, paid a whopping $1500 total for the damn thing in the 90's. Pretty sure I could have been using that thing since then and stacked up a lot of carcasses. May not have been pretty, and it was quite rough if we're being honest, but it shot accurately,.....had a hiccup every now and then with feeding, but the 1st round always went bang and hit where I was aiming LOL.
You need to learn there's a difference between advice/suggestions and criticism. We are willing to give advice and suggestions that you sometimes may not want to hear, but that's no reason to react with hostility.

When I was in the planning stage of building my 404, I was told by two gunsmiths it was not possible on a standard Mauser action. I needed to purchase a magnum action ( = mega $$$). But I knew it could be done because standard Mauser actions were all that was avaliable to Jeffery when he developed the cartridge. Another very well known custom gun maker absolutely refused to get involved with modifying the feeding rails. And he also advised against pursuing the project because I didn't have the experience. All this advice was well intended. They knew I hunted Africa. They knew this was a gun intended for dangerous business. Could they live with themselves if I got killed because my "homemade" rifle failed and they didn't say anything?

So you are also undertaking your first build project "for the fun of it." Okay. Frankly, I don't know if anyone else has built a 416 Remington on that action. Hopefully you do know. You can almost certainly expect feeding problems after you put the gun together. Whether it will be physically possible to make the modifications needed to make the gun cycle correctly, I do not know. I DID know going in that standard Mauser feeding rails CAN be modified to cycle 404J because Jeffery and countless others have done it. I also knew if I screwed up the rails modification, the action would be scrap metal. The custom gunsmith who initially told me not to attempt the project ultimately gave me the critical how-to advice needed for modifying the rails and follower. Had I blown up at the guy when he first attempted to dissuade me, he would not have been around to give that critical piece advice at the right moment to save the project. Then that action would probably now be rusting away in a local scrap yard.
You have a distorted perception for what hostility is.
I never reacted with any hostility but responded with yet another prompt explanation in hopes to get the point across since people are repeating the same stuff which they even admitted knowing has been said and also admitted how I have already made it clear that I am not interested in continuously hearing it.

People like that are disrespectful but people like you claim I'm being hostile by having to repeatedly ask people to not keep repeating the same things thats already been said and I am not interested in hearing those things again

If you or anyone else dont want to stick to the point of providing information that actually benefits the progression of what's already clear to be a Savage 110 for a 416 Rem Mag, then you or anyone else should leave to where you can provide a benefit for the cause of what the person needs help with.

I dont go into anyone else's thread and repeat the same things that already been said and has been acknowledged by the person of the thread and especially not after me knowing that person made it clear that's its been well reasoned for redundantly-repeated non-beneficial information to not be welcomed there
Just an aside, it is often mentioned that if you mess up the feed rails the action is toast, this is not so. I’ve seen two actions built by different gunsmiths, that have been turned into detachable magazine fed rifles, one a CZ the other a Mauser , and I was tempted to build one myself but couldn’t bring myself to take the rails out of a functioning receiver
True. But changing a Mauser into detachable magazine would not be for the faint of heart. I'm thinking it would not be for budget conscious either. Probably cheaper to toss it and start over?
If everyone who derailed a thread was given a blindfold and cigarette, most of us on this forum would have been pushing up daisies a long time ago. :D Maybe lighten up a bit. Please. :D
I'm truly intrigued as to the outcome of this build. I'm thinking that if it were me, I would try and build it as a center feed and eliminate the feeding issue completely. I had a weird project going some years ago and came across some companies that made the parts for center feed conversions. I distinctly remember that they did it for Remington rifle models, but why wouldn't those parts work in something else that was being built up. It sounds like you and your dad have some fabrication skills, that's probably going to come in handy. I'll look back in my notes and see if I can find some names.
Do you have a magazine box yet ? Maybe I missed it if you said you did. I did a quick search on Gunbroker, there are several 375 H&H Savage 116, which is essentially the same action as the 110.
The 375 H&H also has the 3.6 inch OAL. So magazine boxes should be out there. As a side note, the 375 H&H 116s had a CRF bolt head and a standing ejector, not sure if that would be any interest to you, but shouldn't be too hard to swap in the CRF parts if you could find them.

https://www.gunbroker.com/all/search?keywords=savage 375 h&h&sort=13
I suspect that most of the people who are negative haven’t actually read what you wrote and think that their opinion is the only one that matters. This could be due to several reasons, none of which are nice.
I look forward to seeing what you do and hope it all goes well. Bit of a bugger about the stock though
Thanks for the cool words ... I appreciate it.
Genuinely means a lot to me when people will support the thread's well-established goals

Yep absolutely a bummer about the stock I had ordered and was been shipped out.
So for now I have been messaging with sellers on gBroker, ebay, a couple of other popular sites, and even trying to get through to Hogue, Savage, and a couple other manufactures of the rifle stocks
Thanks for the heads up :)

I've seen those, what I will call, a drop-in magazine box for a blind magazine compartment ... however I REALLY like the one you showed since its quite a bit less expensive than the others ones I had come across and passed up cause of them gouging the customers

I zoomed in on your picture that was GREAT cause you also captured the web address and so I was able to easily find that site and same item ... thumbs up to ya man!
Do you have a magazine box yet ? Maybe I missed it if you said you did. I did a quick search on Gunbroker, there are several 375 H&H Savage 116, which is essentially the same action as the 110.
The 375 H&H also has the 3.6 inch OAL. So magazine boxes should be out there. As a side note, the 375 H&H 116s had a CRF bolt head and a standing ejector, not sure if that would be any interest to you, but shouldn't be too hard to swap in the CRF parts if you could find them.

https://www.gunbroker.com/all/search?keywords=savage 375 h&h&sort=13
Nope, dont have the magazine situation figured out yet but soon after starting to researching this project, I quickly realized the situation of it being more-likely problems will be encountered if trying to install a bottom plate with magazine feed versus me staying on the simpler side by going with what I believe is called a blind magazine where the ammo compartment is housed within the cavity of the stock and is only able to be fed through the top.

In my initial perspective, the method of going with a blind magazine will benefit a few things:
1) much less costs than having to buy the bottom metal/plate and magazine
2) much less hassle trying to configure the exactly-needed bottom metal and magazine for the specific project.
3) much less work and tediousness of trying to get those components installed to allow the bolt to properly interact with them.
4) and not having to worry about problems which my bottom bolt release may have on the standard bottom metals ... from what I seen, the manufactures often hikes up the costs by an average of 40.00 when you have a bottom bolt release on the trigger guard
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Do you have a magazine box yet ? Maybe I missed it if you said you did. I did a quick search on Gunbroker, there are several 375 H&H Savage 116, which is essentially the same action as the 110.
The 375 H&H also has the 3.6 inch OAL. So magazine boxes should be out there. As a side note, the 375 H&H 116s had a CRF bolt head and a standing ejector, not sure if that would be any interest to you, but shouldn't be too hard to swap in the CRF parts if you could find them.

https://www.gunbroker.com/all/search?keywords=savage 375 h&h&sort=13
Oh and hey, thanks for the links to the Savage .375 HH Mag rifles :)

VERY interesting to see the type of stocks that were being used to handle the large caliber rounds

The sellers of those listings on gBroker might even be able to tell me the model of stock that was used for their Savage 375 HH Mag

Oh and aside form the .375 HH Mag having that 3.6 (approx 3 5/8" ) overall length which is the same as the 416 Rem Mag's overall length, the 375 HH also has the same base diameter of its brass case as the 416 Rem Mag
Although they have the same base diameter, I did see bit of a difference in how the 375 HH tappers up more accutely to the bottle neck versus the 416 Rem Mag ... maybe has a negative effect on a 375 HH magazine follower if using it with a 416 Rem Mag catridge, and then again maybe is doesnt ?
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Thanks Flewis for the private message concerning you looking for your 375 HH magazine that doesnt have the matching bottom metal with it, but as I have already said VERY recently I'm trying stay away from those since I am aiming myself in the direction of doing this build with a blind magazine compartment
I know the following video that I found on youtube isn't a Savage .416 Rem Mag rifle, but its a very close cousin... a factory Savage 116 in .375 H&H Mag .... as mentioned previously, both cartridges have the same length of 3.6" and the same base diameter of their brass case.

Savage told me that they never made their rifle any bigger than a .338 Lapua. That is NOT true.
Thanks to roklok, a member who provided me a link to gBroker site, I was able to confirm that Savage did in fact make a rifle with a bigger caliber than .338 Lapua.

Here's the link to the youtube video showing a factory made Savage 375 HH Mag:

and in case the link would happen to be blocked/removed, here is the title and channel name of that video:

Savage Model 116 Alaskan Guide 375 H&H Rifle
by Homegrown Country Homeplace
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The Following Pictures Are Of The Factory-Made Savage 375 HH Mag on gBroker site:

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.